Chapter 116 Appreciation of Clothing in the Palace

"Stop, we're here." The pumpkin carriage stopped, and Momotaro's voice came from the front.

"Wow, there are so many people, and there are guards at the door, how do we get in?" Wen Hui didn't go in after pushing the door open, but instead noticed the abnormal grand occasion at the entrance of the palace, and turned her head to ask inside the car.The rabbit in the tracksuit, the little girl in patched and thin clothes, even Chu Miaomiao, who is in the best condition among the three, doesn't look like a nobleman who can enter the palace with the Little Red Riding Hood.

"Hey, I've already prepared this." Zhuang Xiaoyuan pulled out a white candle from under the seat of the pumpkin carriage with a confident look on his face.

"Candle? How can this help us in?" Seeing what Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out, Wen Hui had a puzzled expression on her face, and even Chu Miaomiao tilted her head to express her confusion.

"The important thing is not the candle, it's the flame." While talking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out the small box of matches that was secretly hidden during the interrogation by the white cat police officer, and lit the candle with the small flame ignited by the friction of the matches. on the leads.Sure enough, as Zhuang Xiaoyuan expected, as long as the flame ignited by a match has an illusion effect, under the light of the candle, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Wen Hui, and Chu Miaomiao all put on gorgeous dresses.

As several people got out of the car, Momotaro entered the range of the fire, and the original samurai uniform was replaced by a neat tuxedo under the control of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's self-fantasy: "Okay, let's go in. Get ready, maybe it will start anytime, anywhere." Oh, Witch Crusade."

"Oh..." The gesture of raising hands and roaring was not ladylike at all, and a group of four walked towards the gate of the palace.

"Excuse me..." Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others approached the palace, and a guard came out, intending to stop them to ask for the invitation letter.Another guard glanced at the direction Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others came from, stretched out his hand and grabbed the previous one, nodded to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others who came over, and let them in directly.

The few people who successfully entered the palace could still hear the guards behind them admonishing their colleagues: "Give me a little wink, they came in the princess's pumpkin carriage, and they are dressed so gorgeously, do you need to ask, don't offend people casually , or no one can save you."

"I said, do we count as bullying?" Hearing the voices of the guards behind him, Wen Hui glanced at the people around her and said with a sneer.

"Indeed, a puppy surnamed Wen has mixed in with our group." Chu Miaomiao glanced at Wen Hui sideways, and said a word coolly.

"Cat with a paralyzed face, who are you calling a dog?" After understanding Chu Miaomiao's words, Wen Hui frowned, stared angrily, and made a sound that didn't match the dress on her body.

"Ah, didn't you say it yourself?" Chu Miaomiao covered her lips with a small hand, with a trace of feigned surprise in her tone, although there was no expression change on her face.Although Chu Miaomiao is very petite, like a child who can't grow up, but for the dresses worn by the group, she 'dresses' the best.

"Woo, you bastard..."

"Okay, don't be too eye-catching, let's talk about finding the target first." Holding a fan transformed into a candle in his left hand, he stretched out his right hand and patted Wen Hui's shoulder. Zhuang Xiaoyuan noticed the concentrated eyes around him and comforted her.

Under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's comfort, Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao finally stopped arguing with each other, and they followed the flow of people into a huge banquet hall. At this time, many celebrities had already gathered in this hall.

"The time has come. Welcome to the grand banquet held by His Majesty the King to showcase the newly obtained magical clothes. Now, we invite our most beloved His Majesty the King to appear~" With the bell ringing on the hour, the voice of the master of ceremonies spread throughout the whole room. In the hall, the voice fell, and on the stairs covered with red carpets on one side of the hall, a strong man with a naked body walked down step by step.For a moment, the hall fell silent for some reason.

"Xiaoyuan, he came out with no clothes on? Naked running wild?" In the hall, the quiet atmosphere caused by the king's appearance was broken in an instant. Wen Hui's voice was very loud in the original silence. Everyone present They all heard Wen Hui's voice clearly, and all eyes were on them for a moment.

"Stupid Hui, you've gotten into trouble again." Chu Miaomiao's face remained calm with a resignation in her tone.

"Oh, this time, it's not good." Noticing that the eyes focused on the surroundings began to flicker red as if they were not human, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at the streaking king on the top.

"How dare, you are an idiot who dares to insult this king. None of you will leave, you will all die." The naked king's eyes glowed red, and he roared angrily. For the short horns, the figure swelled in an instant, completely turning into the appearance of a burly red ghost in Japanese fairy tales.

"Dare to be disrespectful to our king, catch them." At some point, the former master of ceremonies also turned into a tall and thin blue ghost, pointing at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others and shouting.


"Quack quack~"

"For His Majesty the King~"

All of a sudden, the celebrities who attended the banquet all tore off their dresses and turned into big bad wolves, witches and evil spirits.Everyone rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"Evil ghosts, I finally found you. This is where I will thoroughly attack you." With the sharp samurai sword out of its sheath, Momotaro wiped out several evil spirits surrounding him in a flash, and rushed directly towards the king, the red ghost.

"Although you can't use divine power here, don't underestimate me. I have specially trained it." The right fist went seven points and left three points, and directly knocked out a gray wolf that was rushing up. Kick out the gray wolf who took the opportunity to fill his position: After all, he is also the most outstanding graduate of the military department, plus his physical fitness strengthened by divine power beyond ordinary people, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is not a weak person who will not resist.

"Hey, you can't even catch up with me." Wen Hui relied on her best speed to circle the witches. The speed that was strengthened when she was the patron saint of the wind attribute, after using the agility crystal, made these riding even faster. The broom flying witch can't catch up.

"Boom." The earth trembled, and as the marble-covered ground shattered, Chu Miaomiao directly lifted a boulder that was more than ten times the size of her whole body from the ground that was smashed by her force, and threw it at Wen Hui. past.

With a bang, a group of witches chasing after Wen Hui were all crushed under the rock.

"Bah bah bah, face paralyzed meow, you bastard, you wanted to crush me to death just now." Spitting out the dust that she accidentally ate in her mouth, Wen Hui ran back quickly, and kicked one of them towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan. Gray wolf jumping over.

(End of this chapter)

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