Chapter 117 Magic Mirror, Magic Mirror

"Tsk." Having dealt with the witch on one side, Chu Miaomiao also came to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side, and directly reached out to catch the two gray wolves that were rushing towards her. With clasped hands, blood spattered everywhere.

"Ah, you curled your lips just now, I heard it all." Facing Chu Miaomiao's nonchalant expression, Wen Hui's expression was much richer, including anger, complaints, provocation, etc., all kinds of complex.

"It's coming again." The door suddenly opened, and a large group of gray wolves and witches rushed in.Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced at the surrounding environment, and pointed to the stairs where the king came down just now: "Let's go up."

"Hey hey hey." The gloomy laughter echoed in the hall. The witch who was crushed by the stone thrown by Chu Miaomiao just now didn't die?They crawled out from under the stone, and their flat bodies rushed over again.

With a "snap" gunshot, the witch who took the lead was blown up. With a series of gunshots, Gray Wolf and Witch were quickly swept away, and a group of black and white cats in police uniforms rushed in.

"Black cat sheriff?" Looking at the black cat sheriff who appeared in front of him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan always thought that he would be the villain before, but he didn't expect that he would be on his side now.

"I've heard from the people who ran away. Go ahead and leave this place to us." After killing a gray wolf with a single shot, the Black Cat Sergeant coolly blew on his pistol and said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, Momotaro~" Nodding to Sheriff Black Cat, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his group rushed towards the stairs.At the same time, he also called out the fiery Momotaro who was fighting with the red ghost and blue ghost.

"You guys go first. My target is these ghosts. After I finish them, I will catch up." Busy fighting with the ghosts, Momotaro responded and continued to cut out the samurai sword in his hand.

Nodding to Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao beside him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took the lead and rushed up the stairs, with Chu Miaomiao in the middle, and after Wen Hui broke, they rushed towards the upper floors.There were also many witches and ghosts blocking the way, but compared to the number in the hall, there were not many on the stairs, and they couldn't stop Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others from advancing.On the way to the top floor, they also picked up a few weapons as preparations for future battles.

Although it is the highest floor of the imperial palace, in fact the palace is only five floors high. Soon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others have reached the uppermost floor. There is only a white luxurious door here. If it is correct, the inside should be The chief culprit of the fusion of the fairy tale world, the location of the evil witch.

"Magic mirror, magic mirror, tell me where the world crystal is hidden." Close to the door, one can vaguely hear a disgusting voice coming from inside. heard there.

"Wow, the magic mirror can't lie. I don't know what world crystal is. There is no such thing." As if suppressing the pain, a weak female voice came, answering the previous question.

Hearing the voice behind the door, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew he was looking for the right place. Behind the door must be the witch that the lamp god said, because Zhuang Xiaoyuan had seen the world crystal before, it was the center of the world, the hub and cornerstone of the world.

"Crackling." The door that was gently pushed open by Zhuang Xiaoyuan made a shrill sound as if it had been in disrepair for a long time, which directly exposed their existence to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others who had originally planned to take a peek inside.

"Who is it? Didn't I tell you not to disturb me?" Hearing the noise from the door, the back of the mature woman standing in front of a tall full-length mirror turned her head, and the black magic pattern engraved on her forehead reflected Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others In his eyes: "King level evil god?!"

"Huh?! You are..." Hearing the titles spoken by the three, the mature-looking king-level evil god's eyes widened. This title shouldn't appear in this remote world.

"Do it." The moment Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw the mark on the forehead of the king-level evil god, Zhuang Xiaoyuan made the decisive decision to strike first, and rushed directly to the king-level evil god.

"Take the move." Wen Hui, who was the fastest, overtook Zhuang Xiaoyuan in a few steps, and was the first to attack the king-level evil god. The rapier that was collected on the way earlier pierced her chest.

"You can't do what you can." The king-level evil god didn't even move, and suddenly, dark tentacles pierced through the shadows under his feet and shot at Wen Hui.

"Kill." Zhuang Xiaoyuan yelled loudly, jumped up high, and used the one-handed sword he picked up in his hand as an axe, slashing straight at the top of the king-level demon's head.

"Hmph." With a cold snort, the king-level demon attacked Wen Hui's shadow tentacles and stabbed Zhuang Xiaoyuan in mid-air.

When Wen Hui and Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to attract the attention of the king-level demon, Chu Miaomiao had already leaned over, dragging a mace bigger than her body upside down, and under the influence of natural strange force, she swung a fierce wind pressure Sweep towards the king-level evil god.

Facing Chu Miaomiao's attack, the king-level evil god who was distracted by Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui had no time to dodge, so he could only put away all the shadows and gather them into a shield in front of him.

Although in this world.King-level evil gods can also use their unique shadow abilities, and they continue to corrode the magic mirror, but compared with the power of the original world, the strength exerted here is less than one-tenth, and it is also suppressed by the will of the world. After the world crystal, this suppression will be lifted.At that time, it was also the time when the demon army completely occupied the world.

Compared with this kind of world with wonderful rules, the main world does not have such a serious world coercion, and the strength of evil spirits and evil gods will be stronger and more powerful than in other worlds.This is also the reason why Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that the demons in that world were relatively weak during the first trial.Compared with the world crystals in other worlds, the world crystals in the main world are more hidden.So far, the evil gods and demons have not found any clues about the main world crystal.

The shadow gathered by "Boom" blocked Chu Miaomiao's attack, but the strong impact still knocked the king-level evil god far away.

"Good job, meow." Without the attack of the shadow tentacles, Zhuang Xiaoyuan landed on the ground steadily, right in front of the magic mirror.At this time, 90.00% of the silver frame of the magic mirror has been eroded into a sludge-like black.

"It's rare to come in handy, cat with paralyzed face." Walking to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side, Wen Hui pouted at the king-level evil god who got up warily.

"Hmph." Glancing at Wen Hui slightly, Chu Miaomiao nodded at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and looked at the king-level evil god who was knocked into the air by him.

The three people who turned their eyes away and turned their backs to the magic mirror didn't see it. The eroded darkness around the magic mirror seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction, and was gradually sucked into the mirror. Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back reflected in the mirror suddenly appeared. Turning his head strangely, he looked out of the mirror with cold eyes, and the bright red magic pattern on his forehead showed a strong sense of presence.

(End of this chapter)

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