Chapter 118 What About the Official First Meeting?
Just when the darkness on the magic mirror was sucked into the mirror, and the figure in the mirror, which Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others didn't notice, looked over strangely, a faint halo bloomed on the chests of the three of them.Those are three crystal necklaces from four-leaf clover with different shapes and colors.

"This you feel it?" A warm feeling came from his chest. Under the light halo of the spade crystal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan actually felt the existence of divine power in his body. Could it be that this peculiar crystal has the power to allow people to use divine power in the world of trials? function?Feeling the movement of divine power in his body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao beside him.

"En." Chu Miaomiao nodded lightly. Although her face was still calm, there was a hint of relaxation in her eyes.

"Wow, I finally don't have to endure that depressing feeling anymore." The faint breeze was already hovering around Wen Hui, so there was no need to ask her how she felt.

"I don't know if this state has a time limit, let's get rid of it quickly." Feeling the divine power of recovery, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out the card with the strongest attack power that he had at this time.

"No problem." Chu Miaomiao nodded slightly in agreement with Wen Hui's eager face.

"Arm of God-God's Transformation." Golden, green, and white lights bloomed at the same time, and when the light dissipated, all three of them completed their transformation.Zhuang Xiaoyuan used the transformation of the eldest lady, and Wen Hui used the original Fengshen weapon.Compared with the lightness and simplicity of the two of them, Chu Miaomiao's state at this time is completely armed to the teeth.

The heavy black and white armor wraps Chu Miaomiao's petite body, revealing only the snow-white short hair and petite cheeks, and the original pupil color has also turned into a shining silvery white as if infected. The black and white heavy armor wraps Chu Miaomiao When he woke up, Chu Miaomiao looked like a heavy chariot.

Especially the two heavy-duty Gatlings she holds in both hands, and the focused laser cannon on her right shoulder.The leg guards under the feet are even thicker, it doesn't look like they can take a step at all, I'm afraid they rely more on the driving wheels installed under the leg guards to move.Judging from these armed forces, Chu Miaomiao seems to be specialized in medium and long-range attacks, but what is the truth?

Although it was the first time I saw Chu Miaomiao's transformation, I was amazed by this murderous armed force, but in this battle situation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the two were only surprised for a moment, and the next In seconds, accompanied by the breeze, Wen Hui had already rushed towards the king-level evil god.

"How dare you come to interrupt my important affairs. Don't think that you are the only ones who can break through the suppression of the world. I want you to die." Noticing the transformation of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, the eyes of the king-level evil god showed a trace Reluctant and determined.She took out a black heart-like thing and stuffed it into her mouth. With the entrance of the black heart, the shadow under the evil god's feet quietly expanded dozens of times, and the power on her body swelled up. This is her real power. Strength.

"Night Talisman - Vampire Assault." The black bat was released by Zhuang Xiaoyuan and rushed towards the king-level evil god. Bright red magic bullets spit out from the bat's mouth and began to spread. A dense barrage of bullets formed in a short period of time.

"Hurricane Spin Gun." A small hurricane shot out from Wen Hui's Hurricane Gun, rolled up the barrage released by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and rushed towards the king-level evil god together.

"Charging starts... countdown 10, 9, 8..." The concentrated cannon on Chu Miaomiao's right shoulder began to warm up and charge, and a faint light began to gather.

"Small tricks." Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's barrage and Wen Hui's whirlwind, the king-level evil god waved his hands, and the shadow under his feet seemed to form a giant beast. It opened a huge shadowy mouth, and rushed directly at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others. The barrage and whirlwind were directly swallowed by the shadow's huge mouth.The king-level evil god who can attack with all his strength is a big stage higher than the gods of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui.Taking a shot is a big move, wanting to get rid of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others at once.

"...2, 1. Launch." Facing the oncoming shadowy mouth, the concentrated energy cannon on Chu Miaomiao's right shoulder was finally charged. Following her order, the white laser shot out directly, and The shadows smashed together.There is no sound, only dissolution.The shadow maw and the laser cancel each other out, and the greatly weakened shadow maw becomes much thinner and continues to pounce on Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"Come on, come to my side." Facing the remaining prestige of the shadowy mouth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui were planning to continue to take action to eliminate it, when suddenly a crisp voice full of coldness came from behind, and as the voice fell, they rushed straight The coming shadowy mouth actually turned a corner, bypassed Zhuang Xiaoyuan and rushed into the magic realm. At this time, the darkness on the magic mirror frame had almost disappeared.

"What's going on?" The magic mirror behind him suddenly spoke, and directly devoured the shadow energy of the king-level evil god, which made Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others feel a little uneasy. The magic mirror of change.Because of the sudden movement of the magic mirror, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the others and the king-level evil god stopped for a while, and all looked at the magic mirror.

Ever since the magic mirror started to make sound, for some reason, Zhuang Xiaoyuan always felt that something important was missing in her heart, but in retrospect she couldn't remember what was missing.Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the magic mirror and couldn't help becoming serious.It seems that what I am missing can be answered there.

"This is the first time we meet face to face, 'I'." The energy of the shadow was completely absorbed, and a person slowly walked out of the magic mirror.Wearing a distinctive jet-black military uniform, hair black and shining like the night sky, eyes shining with dark luster, and a figure that is slightly petite but not immature compared to his peers.It was Zhuang Xiaoyuan who came out of the mirror, but the bright red magic lines on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's forehead showed her identity.

" did you come out." Seeing herself walking out of the mirror, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was slightly absent-minded.Others might think that the person in front of them is an illusion, a double, or a fake.

But Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had confirmed the reality of her 'dream', knew that the person in front of her was indeed herself, it should be said to be the other side of her heart.It had appeared before when facing the emperor-level evil god, why did it appear again this time, and it appeared in front of me face to face in another body, obviously I didn't have any bad negative emotions.

"Of course I have to thank you for this generous gift." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was dressed in black, looked at the king-level evil god with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.Under the fearful eyes of the king-level evil god, he slightly hooked his fingers at him.

His body trembled slightly. Although he had already predicted his own ending, the hierarchy among the evil gods was deeply engraved in his bones. He didn't want to get close at all in his heart, but he didn't dare to defy him. In the end, the king-level evil god was still under the watchful eyes of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others. , walked to the side of the black Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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