Chapter 119 The Two Sides of Light and Darkness
"Come on, give me everything you have." As soon as the king-level evil god approached, the black Zhuang Xiaoyuan grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up. With the contact between the arms and the neck, black energy flowed from the king. The super evil god gushed out and was quickly absorbed by the black Zhuang Xiaoyuan.When the last trace of black energy was sucked into his hands, the king-level evil god was already wiped out.As for the black Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the dark aura became even stronger.

"Although we are the enemy,, are you really me? I can't believe it." Witnessing the action of the black Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan spoke doubtful words.Although it is a little unbelievable, but deep down there is conviction.

"Ah, of course, I am you. We are the same person, but they are two opposite people." Flicking the dust off his hands, the black Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally looked over. With a strong sense of oppression, this is a completely different level of pressure from the previous king-level evil god.

"Why did you show up? Who are you?" Although she kept saying that she was herself, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still couldn't understand. Could it be that she was born with schizophrenia?Or through the sequelae?Soul fusion is incomplete.

"No, you're not thinking. Our feelings are the same, and our memories are connected. It's just that our personalities and emotions are completely opposite. Everything in the world has light and darkness, and there are always shadows under the lights. You are the kindness, gentleness, benevolence, and responsibility in the light. And I am the desire, rage, arrogance, and jealousy in the shadows. Everyone has their own positives and negatives, but we are a little special and easier to show." With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, the black Zhuang Xiaoyuan answered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question while extending his right hand towards the magic mirror behind him.

"So, are you my negative? Then you came out to do this, to destroy me, to come to the surface by yourself." There was a hint of vigilance in his eyes, and at this time Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't feel the anger in his heart at all , angry emotion.

"Tsk tsk tsk, as I said, we are one person. I can't kill you, and you can't kill me. This time I mainly want to say hello, and I also want to make sure, are you this time Can really change back to 'her'." A group of black shadow energy was injected into the magic mirror by the black Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and with the injection of black energy, Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, who were reflected in the magic mirror, also came out of the mirror , but the reflection that came out was also different from the real person, and all the weapons on his body were changed to black.

"Wow, that looks amazing, I actually came out too." Seeing her reflection coming out of the mirror, Wen Hui was not unhappy at all, but showed an expression of enthusiasm, but the moment she saw her reflection clearly, The expression on Wen Hui's face froze slightly.The reflection of Wen Hui walking out was a lonely expression, as if she had lost everything.Is this also the negative emotion deep in Wen Hui's heart?
Chu Miaomiao looked at her reflection but frowned slightly.Because her reflection turned out to be a smiling expression, which made her very uncomfortable.This kind of humble smile that seems to please others, as if trying to blend in with other people's smile, is particularly dazzling in Chu Miaomiao's eyes.

"The two of them will be left to you. As long as they don't interfere with my affairs, it's enough. Don't do unnecessary things. Do you hear me?" Hei Xiaoyuan pointed at Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, and Hei Xiaoyuan turned to herself The black Wen Hui and black Chu Miaomiao who were made ordered.

"Hmm." The lonely expression became more and more gloomy, and Wen Hui looked at her own body along Hei Xiaoyuan's fingers, as if her eyes were lifeless.

"Leave it to me, I promise you won't let them get close." With a flattering smile on his face, the black Chu Miaomiao nodded to Hei Xiaoyuan, and the eyes that looked at the main body suddenly became as if they were forced into a desperate situation The wild beast is generally sharp.

Following the black wind and the sound of the powerful motor driving, the black Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao all rushed towards the main body, forcing them to go to the other side.Although it was just a replica created by Hei Xiaoyuan, it also absorbed Wen Hui and the others' negative emotions through the magic mirror accordingly.The two in the black state are stronger than the main body.Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao could only resist while being forced to one side.

"Xiaohui, Xiaomiao... who is 'she', why should I become 'she'." Although she noticed the state of Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help them at the moment, on the contrary, Facing Hei Xiaoyuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is the one who needs help.After all, Hei Xiaoyuan was already at the level of an emperor-level evil god, the bright red magic pattern on her forehead.

"Don't you know, you haven't awakened yet. But, it doesn't matter. If I can't succeed this time, I can wait for the next time." A black card appeared in Hei Xiaoyuan's hand, and as she put The card was pressed against her chest, and black light surrounded her.

He touched his chest, and sure enough, the unusable black card in his body was gone.This further verified the authenticity of Hei Xiaoyuan's words that she was herself.

"Sharp Gun Gungnir." Facing Hei Madoka who came out of the black light step by step and transformed into the Black Knight King, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was in the transformation state of the eldest lady, directly summoned Gungnir, showing caution expression.Although there are still many unsolved mysteries.But this battle is probably inevitable.

"Now you are really too weak, and even I have become weaker. If you let me get the result I want this time, I can give you a small reward. In order to see you sooner" She'." As soon as he finished speaking, Hei Xiaoyuan had already stepped down, holding the black-red magic sword in his hand upside down and slashed at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, this blow did not hesitate, as if he really wanted to cut Zhuang Xiaoyuan in two.

"Boom" The bright red gun and the black-red magic sword fought for the first time, and ended with the victory of the black-red magic sword. Although the power of a vampire is very powerful, but compared with his own ability, hei Xiaoyuan has become two stages higher. Zhuang Xiaoyuan is still a bit behind the knight king in his body.He was knocked back three steps with the sharp gun crossed.Her eyebrows were slightly relaxed, she had known Hei Xiaoyuan's strength for a long time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was not surprised that she would be repelled, the current strength is still within the acceptable range, and the eldest lady's strongest thing is not just strength.

Clenching the sharp gun in his hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around and rushed towards Hei Xiaoyuan, attacking proactively.As he approached quickly, the sharp spear in his hand suddenly protruded out like a spirit snake and pierced Hei Xiaoyuan's vitals.A kind and gentle front does not mean that you will be caught in the face of a crisis.

With a sneer at the corner of her mouth, Hei Xiaoyuan raised the black-red magic sword in her hand.In an instant, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's speed increased to the extreme, appearing from Hei Xiaoyuan's front to the back, and the sharp spear in his hand stabbed at the vest unabated.

(End of this chapter)

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