Chapter 120 Facing the Desperate Situation of 'Myself'
"Naive." With a cold shout, Hei Xiaoyuan completely ignored Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack, and when he turned around, the black-red magic sword in his hand swept across in a desperate attack.In the next second, Zhuang Xiaoyuan disappeared in place, and reappeared beside Hei Xiaoyuan, the sharp spear in his hand pierced Hei Xiaoyuan's throat obliquely at a strange angle.Eye pupils loosened slightly, a faint interest flashed by, Hei Xiaoyuan exerted force under his feet, and suddenly reversed with the old force, forcefully twisted the magic sword in his hand to meet Zhuang Xiaoyuan's magic spear.

Amidst the violent roar of 'Boom', the sharp guns and magic swords intersected again at the touch of a touch. In the sonata of the clash of weapons, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who maintained super speed, and Hei Xiaoyuan, who possessed great strength, came and fell into each other. In a continuous offensive and defensive battle.Relying on the vampire's super high speed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan barely has the fighting power to temporarily resist Hei Xiaoyuan.

In a corner of the room, the black wind and the emerald green wind interweave back and forth, weaving a two-color picture scroll.Wen Hui is also caught in a hard fight, the fake Wen Hui created by Hei Xiaoyuan has the same ability as Wen Hui, but the fake Wen Hui is higher in terms of divine power.

If the wind can't bring you victory, then change to something else. Thinking this way, the emerald green wind around Wen Hui was quietly replaced by purple, and the purple thunder replaced the original emerald green wind. Under Wen Hui's control Beginning to erode the domain of the Black Wind.

"Alas." Sighed faintly, showing a completely different expression of desolation from the optimistic and smiling Wen Hui, the black wind around the fake Wen Hui also began to change, and the black began to be mixed with fine dust.In a short time, the black wind around has turned into black dust and surrounded Wen Hui's purple thunder. At the same time, the marble floor began to vibrate, and the rock gun made of hard marble shot at Wen Hui.Sure enough, it has the same ability as Wen Hui. After Wen Hui converted to the Thunder Element, the fake Wen Hui relatively used the Earth Element to restrain the Thunder Element.

"Hehehe, go to hell, go to hell, go to hell." The heavy-duty Gatling in his hand turned into a metal storm and shot straight out. It had completely collapsed in the other corner of the room, and fell between the two of Chu Miaomiao on the lower floor. In the meantime, a fiery exchange was going on.The black Chu Miaomiao approached Chu Miaomiao step by step.

"Complete charging, launch." The Gatling in his hand has been replaced by a huge bulletproof shield. Chu Miaomiao watched the counterfeit who came step by step, smiling to make her uncomfortable, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and on her right shoulder The charged cannon blasted out and shot directly at Hei Miaomiao who was approaching.

"Hey hey, it's useless, no one knows you better than me. Obediently let me open a few holes, this is all for my most important friend. The friend fee must be handed in on time, hey." The drive under his feet suddenly exploded, he turned around and turned left, dodging Chu Miaomiao's shaped cannon.The white laser passed through Hei Miaomiao's side and went straight forward, directly breaking the fourth-floor wall of the palace. The whole palace trembled slightly, as if it couldn't support the battle that broke out between a few people and was about to collapse at any time.

"It really makes people angry." Hearing Hei Miaomiao's words, Chu Miaomiao became more and more upset.What friend fees, what useless to die, what to know me and other nonsense.He really wanted to blow her up, thinking about it, Chu Miaomiao also started to plan to do the same.

The black and white heavy armor on Chu Miaomiao's body suddenly cracked, and the original one-piece armor split into small pieces and scattered all over the ground. When the heaviest shaped cannon on his shoulders crashed to the ground, Chu Miaomiao had already fallen out of the heavy armor. He escaped, holding a huge silver sword upside down in his hand, and slashed at Hei Miaomiao in front of him.

Chu Miaomiao's patron saint was not some messy god like the god of sniper.Chu Miaomiao's patron saint is the god of rules with the strangest abilities, and he is also one of the most powerful patron saints among the known gods of rules, the god of war.As long as the weapons that exist for war, fighting, and killing can be used proficiently by her, Chu Miaomiao, who is born with supernatural power, is better at melee combat than long-range attack.It's just that when she really starts close combat, the passion in her heart will make it difficult for her to control herself. This is the reason why she likes heavy equipment and long-distance attack.

"I said, no one knows you better than me." Boom, a strong and piercing metal chime.The black giant sword and the white giant sword collided with each other with great force, and the mutual force made both sides bounce back, but they collided again under the action of the huge power contained in the two petite figures. together.When Chu Miaomiao was out of the equipment, Hei Miaomiao also switched attack mode.

"Troubleshooting, hit fast if you want to hit, you need faster, heavier and stronger attacks. Come on, kill." The silver pupils seemed to be ignited, flashing a faint red light, as the giant swords collided again and again , Chu Miaomiao's own strength is rapidly increasing at an astonishing speed. This is what makes the God of War feel powerful. As long as the battle continues, her ability will increase without limit, especially if she is already strong. the power of.

If she was facing ordinary demons and evil gods, Chu Miaomiao's rapidly growing attack power might have a miraculous effect, but at this time she was facing "herself", Hei Miaomiao who had the same ability.With the infinite strengthening of Chu Miaomiao's power, Hei Miaomiao on the opposite side is also strengthening rapidly, attack after attack, collision after collision, the power is getting stronger and stronger, and the sound is getting louder. The vibration of the sound has already cracked the walls around the fourth floor.

boom.The giant sword and the giant sword were separated at the touch of a touch, and they were taken back a few steps by the powerful force.I'm afraid it won't work if this continues. I feel that the strength of the body's increase has begun to reach the limit of the physical body. If the increase continues without limit, the body will not be able to withstand the collapse.Chu Miaomiao's eyes flashed red, and the blood in her heart was churning violently, but her mind was still calmly paying attention to the state of both parties.Although the increase of the God of War is unlimited, its own ability is still limited.Strategy must be changed.Gently clenching the huge sword with both hands, the original huge sword suddenly split into two, turning into two straight knives. Chu Miaomiao skillfully danced the knife and moved forward again.

Almost at the same time as Chu Miaomiao, Hei Miaomiao, who took a few steps back, shook his hands, and the two-handed giant sword in his hand quickly deformed, turning into a black spear in her hand and rushing towards Chu Miaomiao.Guns and double knives started a new round of fighting again.

Pat, lightly landed on the ground, Zhuang Xiaoyuan held guns in both hands to guard himself in front of him, panting violently.Maintaining the highest speed for a long time, he searched for Hei Xiaoyuan's flaws and attacked again and again. Although he attacked her several times, they did not cause too much damage. There were also many small wounds.More importantly, the divine power was being consumed rapidly, but at this time Zhuang Xiaoyuan still hadn't figured out where Hei Xiaoyuan's limit was.

(End of this chapter)

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