Chapter 121 The crystal close at hand

"It's almost time to call it a day." The expression on his face remained the same as before, there was no sweat from exhaustion or panting from physical exertion. He still stared coldly at the panting Zhuang Xiaoyuan. Except for a small damage, it is basically intact, and its physical strength seems to be unlimited, not as exhausted as Zhuang Xiaoyuan's at all.

"That's the end of what I said, I'm still..." Without admitting defeat, Hei Xiaoyuan's attack interrupted the words before he could leave his mouth. At some point, a shadow hovered under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's feet, and the black mud The tentacles quietly shot out and entangled Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands and feet, and quickly circled towards the body along the hands and feet.

"You can't do it. You didn't see what I wanted at all. This blow will let you finish. I'll wait for the next opportunity." Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was bound by the tentacles, Hei Xiaoyuan raised his hand high. Picking up the black-red magic sword in his hand, huge energy began to gather towards the magic sword, and the next blow was undoubtedly a must-kill among must-kills. Zhuang Xiaoyuan also knew this gesture, the city-breaking blow of the King of Knights! .

"I can't? What do you want to see? You said we can't kill each other, right? Then what's the point of doing this?" Struggling with hands and feet, but unable to break free at all for a moment, the touch went smoothly With hands and feet coming towards him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan tightly held the magic gun in his right hand.Is this the last blow?

"It's true that it can't be killed, but it's still possible to let you rest for a while. This time is enough for me to get the option to reverse time. Ex~calibur" the voice fell, and the hand fell, and Hei Xiaoyuan swung On the black-red magic sword, the huge energy gathered seemed to have an outlet, and turned into a torrent of black energy rushing straight forward, swallowing Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was bound by the tentacles in an instant.

Putting down the magic sword that was held high, the expression on Hei Xiaoyuan's face seemed to relax a little. Although the "main body" would not die, it would inevitably fall into a deep sleep after being severely injured, and what Hei Xiaoyuan needed was only a short time to obtain a new blank space. Card, generate that one, let everything start again.

"That's it, it's over, the next thing is... what..." However, the moment Hei Xiaoyuan relaxed slightly, a faint red light flowed upstream in the blackness.When she noticed the abnormality in the black torrent, the red light had penetrated her chest.This is the sharpshooter Gungnir.

"Ha, hahaha, hahahaha. As expected of you, even if you are not awakened, even if you don't know anything, you will make such a choice instinctively. I have a little expectation for you. Be stronger, become Be stronger. If you still can't change back to 'her' in the end, you have no meaning in existence. Next time we meet, I hope you can let me see what I want...'me'." Although being shot by the gun It was severely injured, but Hei Xiaoyuan's face showed a hearty smile instead. Amid this inexplicable laughter, Hei Xiaoyuan gradually disappeared, leaving only the dilapidated palace in the end.

"Xiaoyuan." "Where are you?" With the disappearance of Hei Xiaoyuan, Hei Wenhui and Hei Miaomiao also disappeared. Both Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao were full of worry and anxiety in their eyes, panicking Looking for Zhuang Xiaoyuan who disappeared in the torrent of energy that directly hit the roof of the entire palace.

"I, I'm here." A weak voice came, although the voice was very low, it was clearly audible to Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao.Surprise flashed across the faces of the two, and they quickly locked on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's position.

"Xiao, Xiaoyuan?!" Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's appearance at this time, Wen Hui's eyes widened in surprise.

"It's so cute." At the moment Wen Hui paused because of surprise, Chu Miaomiao, with twinkling eyes, had already 'grabbed' Zhuang Xiaoyuan in his hands.At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan seemed to have eaten a shrunken mushroom, becoming only the size of a palm.

"Hey, let me go, Xiao Miao, don't touch it. Ah, it doesn't work there. Don't touch it. Ahhh." Being held by Chu Miaomiao and groping back and forth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's whole body turned red, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. He stopped and bit Chu Miaomiao's finger.As the faint sweet smell of blood flowed into his mouth, thick life energy erupted in his body, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had been shrunk down a lot, grew rapidly.

The shrunken Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body is not very big, and the mouth of his teeth is of course not too big. The blood that came out of Chu Miaomiao's bite was only a drop or two.But these few times the blood is a big bowl for the small Zhuang Xiaoyuan.And because of Chu Miaomiao's God of War ability, the improved ability has not faded just after leaving the battle.At this time, the blood energy contained in Chu Miaomiao's body was also very large.It just replenished Zhuang Xiaoyuan's lack of vitality.

"Hey, I've recovered." Although the expression on his face didn't change obviously, there was obvious disappointment in Chu Miaomiao's tone.Even Wen Hui who was on the side showed a disappointed expression. He wanted to snatch it from Chu Miaomiao just now, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan recovered before he made a move.

"Eh, what, really. If I had known, I wouldn't have called you." With his face still flushed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan glared at the two of them angrily.

"Obviously so cute, why did Xiaoyuan become so small." Wei Wei muttered regretfully, and Wen Hui stretched out her hand to pull Zhuang Xiaoyuan up from the ground while asking.

"Because I was killed, my whole body was directly destroyed in the energy impact. Fortunately, there were still survivors in the vampire raid that was released before, otherwise we would have died together." Although they did not completely die together, it was almost the same, If he hadn't absorbed Chu Miaomiao's energy-filled blood immediately to restore his original state, otherwise the magic power retained by the little bat itself would not be enough to support Zhuang Xiaoyuan for too long.

"That blow just now was really terrifying." Thinking of the black energy torrent before, even Chu Miaomiao's face missed a little bit of shock.A blow that seemed to wipe out anything that stood in the way of that light.

"Then are we... over now?" Chu Miaomiao and Chu Miaomiao looked at each other, and Chu Miaomiao ignored him. Wen Hui looked at the dilapidated environment around him and asked.

"Probably." He replied vaguely, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked to the magic mirror before, and after the fierce battle just now, the magic mirror was still intact.After Hei Xiaoyuan disappeared, the black energy that was originally used by the evil god to corrode the magic mirror also disappeared, and the magic mirror returned to its original posture, but at this time the magic mirror did not look like it could speak and answer at all .

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood in front of the magic mirror again, faint ripples appeared on the mirror reflecting her, and a colorful crystal appeared in the magic realm.A faint colored light radiated out, surrounding the three people present.This colorful crystal should be the world crystal that the evil god is looking for. She probably never imagined that this world crystal was so close just now.

In the colorful light, a ray of colorful light merged into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, after which Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others disappeared into this world...

(End of this chapter)

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