Chapter 122 The Big Trial Harvest
Slowly opened his eyes, what he saw was the clover swaying in the wind on the ground.This time the trial task was completed unexpectedly fast, it only took a day to go back and forth, and it might not even be a second in reality.Feeling the feeling of being filled again in her heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to confirm what she had gained.

In the completely golden nebula vortex, a new card appeared on the side of the white world card, blooming with seven-color halos.Sure enough, I saw the World Crystal again, and there was another World Card in my body.

Colorful fairy tale world: a fairy tale kingdom composed of countless fairy tales
World Guardian: The Omniscient Mirror
special power:

The cooldown of all transformed characters is halved.

You can temporarily use a certain character ability in a non-transformed state
How to use: Passive effect/autonomous use
The moment the information of the colorful world card entered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's brain, she paused for a moment, and a huge surprise enveloped her.All the gloom caused by Hei Xiaoyuan's words were dispelled by this huge surprise.Halving the cooldown of all characters directly improved Zhuang Xiaoyuan's battery life in a disguised form.

What's more important is the second ability of the fairy tale card. The character's transformation will continue to consume his own divine power, and compared with Wen Hui's transformation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transformation takes a little longer to cast, although so far I have never been interrupted, but who knows if such an oolong accident will happen in the future.

And with this ability, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can use special abilities even without changing her body.Although compared to using it in the transformed state, the power consumption will be slightly more.But it also gave Zhuang Xiaoyuan himself more self-protection ability, for example, when he was in an area where transformation was restricted like the trial space.Of course, there is another advantage. When a certain character card cannot be used during the cooldown period, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can directly ignore the cooldown and borrow one of her abilities.If used well, it is equivalent to no cooling time.

After being pleasantly surprised for a while, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally calmed down.Turn your attention away from the second world card and look down.When I was preparing the space to check for rewards, I saw something called three sets of cards before.

Under the world card, the number of character cards is already very impressive, and there are already ten character cards quietly hovering in the center of the Nebula Lair.In addition to the six normal character cards and one blackened card that he had before, there are now three more different character cards. These should be the three sets of cards he harvested this time.

Concentrating on the three newly added cards, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally understood why it was called three sets of cards.These three cards come from different worlds, and they are three people with completely different personalities and appearances, but they all have the same type of ability in certain aspects.Because these three cards can be classified into one category, are they called three sets of cards?

Although the time for the Patronus Trial this time was short, it yielded a lot. In addition to the surprising World Card and the unexpected three sets of cards, it also enhanced Zhuang Xiaoyuan's potential for divine power cultivation.Originally, after the last trial, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's cultivation potential was raised to the fifth level, and the Myojin Flower he obtained earlier allowed Zhuang Xiaoyuan to be promoted to the fourth level. With this improvement, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's cultivation potential is gradually recovering to the potential level that a rule god should have.

Speaking of which, Hei Xiaoyuan seemed to have said that he would give rewards or something.After all, it's me, and I won't fool myself with nonsense, so what is the so-called reward?In terms of Hei Xiaoyuan's eagerness to become stronger, the things she gave should be helpful to improve her strength.

Although he had fought with Hei Xiaoyuan before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't have the slightest bad mood towards Hei Xiaoyuan. Instead, he trusted her very much, as if he had known her a long time ago.But after all, it's me, so it's normal to know me well.Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't delve into the weird thoughts that came up to him.Shaking his head, getting rid of distracting thoughts in his mind, he began to look for the so-called reward.

Searched all over the body, found nothing special, no change in body, no increase in strength, no abnormalities inside and out, so the only thing left was the nebula whirlpool.The spiritual power returned to the nebula vortex again, and it was still the same as before, a golden nebula. With the operation of the divine power, the nebula began to converge towards the center. This is a change that occurred after the advanced god was downgraded. The divine power will always gather towards the center , When it is condensed into a ball, it is time to advance to the divine grace.

"This is... this is the reward? So it's this." The mental power swept through the nebula and found nothing special, and this place is still the same as before.Have you been fooled by yourself?
Just as the sense of weird absurdity came to mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan made a new discovery.There is a new change in a character card, because I only paid attention to the world card and the three new cards before and didn't notice it.The black card that could not be used before can now be used.

I saw that the dark Knight King character card originally belonged to Hei Madoka, now like Miku's card, it turned into black and white.The black side is still the original darkened knight king, and the white side has become a girl with a ponytail and a white backless armor. It looks like the knight king Artoria, but in this form It is the state where Zhuang Xiaoyuan can use it.

As the spiritual power approached, information from the white side came into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sight.

Artoria Pendragon-White

The knight girl, who is working hard to become a qualified king, is full of hope and dreams. When she is crowned as a king, her full abilities will be improved.

Special Ability: Intuition/Magic Release
Special skill:

Journey of Flowers: When in a moving state, the recovery power is greatly improved.

Dragon Incarnation: With the heart of a red dragon, the body's recovery and defense power are greatly improved

Romantic Knight Princess: When fighting together, Journey of Flowers affects the entire team.


The golden sword (Caliburn) that guides victory: Immune to all abnormal states, and greatly increase the recovery speed of physical strength and mana in combat state.

"This is really... a perfect meat shield." Originally, I thought the white side would be the Knight King in a normal state, but I didn't expect it to be the knight girl before becoming the Knight King, or Alto from another parallel world. Leah?No matter which one it is, the ability of this knight girl is also very good, in terms of resilience and endurance.A complete meat shield role.

At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's character cards are beginning to tend to be omnipotent.Attack, control, defense, the basic framework has emerged.I just don't know what girls with special abilities will appear in the future.Is it a range attack type or a long-range sniper type?Is it a healing support type or a covert assassination type?Only then will you know.

(End of this chapter)

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