Chapter 123 The Dragon Dissolving in the Aurora
"Ah, I'm finally back." When I recovered from my own thoughts, I heard Wen Hui's voice of great relief.Accompanied by the flying leaves, Wen Hui lay down heavily in the clover grass.

"Yeah, I'm finally back. This trial was unexpectedly thrilling, and there are still many mysteries." Without lying down like Wen Hui, nor standing up from the soft grass, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out to take Picking up the backpack beside him, he found a pack of compressed jerky, opened the pack and took a bite.

In fact, I don't feel hungry in my stomach. It's only been a few hours since I abandoned the car and fled. It's just that Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to put something in his mouth simply because of the pressure and various questions in the trial mission.

"That guy, I never thought I would look like that. If it weren't for Madoka, maybe I would be like that now." Thinking of the other self that appeared in front of her before, a trace of complexity flashed in Wen Hui's eyes of light.Although I have always been very happy, but as a human being living in the world, how can there be no negative emotions in my heart.

"Oh~ are you praising me, or are you thanking me?" He tried hard to dig out the knowledge deep in his memory, searching for the memories related to her so-called awakening in Hei Xiaoyuan's mouth, but he didn't get any results at all. , Hearing Wen Hui's rare sincere words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth curled into a smile, and the irritability caused by various doubts instantly calmed down, and there was only a touch of warmth in his heart.

"Who, who is praising you, don't get it wrong. I'm praising myself. As expected of me, even a counterfeit is as good as me." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mocking expression, Wen Hui realized that she didn't know I didn't feel like I said something that shouldn't be said, and immediately blushed and vetoed it.

"Okay, okay, just treat it as you boasting, do you want to eat it?" Looking at Wen Hui's embarrassed look funny, Zhuang Xiaoyuan handed over a pack of jerky: "I'm afraid it won't be long before we reach the central city. There is no need to save on these foods. Eat a little if you want, of course, it’s best not to eat too much, save some stomach for a big meal in the central city.”

"Hmph." With a slight snort, Wen Hui turned her head and snatched the jerky from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, and took a bite as if to vent her anger: "When we get there, we must treat the guests with the paralyzed meow. Eat poor her."

"You should tell her face to face." Looking up at the black bone dragon hovering above his head and refusing to leave, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to lower his head to deal with the jerky in his hand.I don't know how long it will take Xiao Miao to find this place.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan had no doubts about Chu Miaomiao's ability, and it was only a matter of time before they found the hidden location of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.The most important thing is the black bone dragon on top of its head. As time passed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan clearly saw that the black armor on the black bone dragon became brighter and thicker.I'm afraid the previous change was not because the black bone dragon was stimulated to explode a certain special ability, but because it happened to reach an advanced level.Thinking about it this way, I was really unlucky enough.

Time passed quickly while waiting. When the divine power training was over and the two people who had laid out the tent and fell into a deep sleep were awakened by the loud cry of the black bone dragon, the dark sky had just burst into the first light. There was a strange brilliance shining on it.

The two people who had just got out of the tent saw the dazzling aurora blooming above their heads.In this aurora that lasted for a long time, the black armored bone dragon that the two could not shake was melting rapidly.The first is the outer layer of black iron armor, followed by the hard white bones wrapped inside.No matter how hard the black armored bone dragon wrapped by the aurora struggled, it couldn't break free from the shackles of the aurora.

The originally powerful black powder dragon's breath sprayed randomly, but they couldn't break through the barrier of the aurora.In the end, the mighty bone dragon let out a desperate howl and melted into a gorgeous and unforgettable aurora.With the disappearance of the bone dragon, the aurora quickly recovered, and the surroundings returned to the original darkness. In the center of the aurora, a middle-aged man stood quietly in midair. This must be the master who released the gorgeous aurora.

As if feeling Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze, the owner of Aurora looked down.Although the distance was a bit far, Zhuang Xiaoyuan could clearly see Master Aurora's somewhat familiar face, as well as the slight frown when he lowered his head.

It seems that he can't see this hidden forest either.However, he should have noticed the abnormality in this area. He glanced around and nodded at the position of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the two. The owner of Aurora fell towards the northeast of the forest.It's really keen to find the location of the two of them even though they didn't see it.

"Xiaohui, let's go out." The threatening bone dragon was eliminated, and the aurora manipulator who eliminated the bone dragon should be the helper Chu Miaomiao called for.Although he was not very sure, seeing the familiar face of Master Aurora, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already guessed in his heart that even if Chu Miaomiao hadn't found him, this person would not hurt him.

"Oh. I can finally leave with peace of mind."

The two simply packed up and brought the necessary things.Each carried a backpack, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan led Wen Hui out of the forest.The direction he walked was the northeast where Master Aurora fell. Although he didn't meet him head-on, from the actions of Master Aurora before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan probably knew that he was signaling that there was someone to respond to him in this direction.

"Xiaoyuan." Walking out of the hidden forest, a petite figure suddenly appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's arms.Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan herself is relatively small for her age, she is much bigger than the person in her arms. If this person is just in size, it might make people think he is a primary school student. In his arms is Chu Miaomiao who left during the trial before.

Although she made an intimate gesture, Chu Miaomiao, who threw herself into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's arms, still had her usual calm face.The only thing that has changed is the pair of eyes full of warm emotions.

"Ah, face paralyzed meow. You guy, you only look for Xiaoyuan, I'm here too, I'm here too." Pulling Chu Miaomiao out of Wen Hui's arms, Wen Hui looked at you with a look Looking less than human, he stood between Chu Miaomiao and Zhuang Xiaoyuan with his hands on his hips.

"Stupid Hui, a good dog doesn't get in the way, don't you even have the most basic self-awareness to be a dog? It's really not good." After finally feeling Zhuang Xiaoyuan's embrace, Chu Miaomiao, who was dragged out by Wen Hui, was very dissatisfied Yes, her petite figure showed the courage not to lose to Wen Hui at all, and stared at Wen Hui with wide eyes.

"Hey, a wild cat with no rules, what right do you have to say about me?" Wei Wei's eyes widened, staring at each other with Chu Miaomiao, Wen Hui retorted without hesitation.Compared with the joking bickering with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the real firewood between Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, is there any incompatibility?

(End of this chapter)

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