Chapter 124 Welcome to Central City
"Zhuang Xiaoyuan, it's great to see you again. I believe Captain Huaze and Lieutenant General Feng will be very happy." During the quarrel between Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, Chu, who was leaning against the car, Yan walked over with a relieved expression on his face.

"Major Chu, have you also arrived safely? Are Uncle Feng and the captain safe?" Seeing Chu Yan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart rose slightly.The appearance of Chu Yan showed that they had successfully arrived in the central city, but there was only Chu Yan here, which made Zhuang Xiaoyuan start to worry about Feng Guoqing and Hua Ze.

"Don't worry, they are all safe and sound. It's just that the situation on the front line has been tense recently. They have accepted a certain mission and are not in the Central City for the time being. But they should be able to come back before the God Creation Celebration." Chu Yan showed a hint of peace of mind. The expression on his face told Zhuang Xiaoyuan the news about Feng Guoqing and Hua Ze.

"Huh, that's good." An Xin patted his chest and let out a sigh of relief. It doesn't matter whether Uncle Feng and the others are in the central city, as long as they are safe and sound.Although we can't see each other for the time being, there is not much time left for the God Creation Celebration.We should see you soon.

"Okay, if you want to catch up on the old days, there will be plenty of time later. Go back now, this is not a place to talk." During the noisy communication here, the middle-aged man who released the aurora and wiped out the black bone dragon approached, He opened his mouth to interrupt the words of several people.

"May I ask who you are?" Looking at the slightly familiar face of the middle-aged man in front of him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had a trace of tentative suspicion on his face.

"Hehe, I finally saw you in person. I often heard about you on National Day before. Hello, I am Feng Guohua. Let's go, get in the car first, and we will talk as we walk." With a kind smile on his face, Feng Guohua Zhuang Xiaoyuan patted her on the shoulder with a shocked expression, and beckoned them to get in the car and prepare to leave.

Although he expressed some curiosity about the fact that the forest, which he could not see before, suddenly appeared in front of his eyes after Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui walked out, but Feng Guohua had no intention of delving into it, and only thought that the previous illusion was Zhuang Xiaoyuan or Wen Hui and the others. A certain ability that I use.

Because Feng Guohua didn't ask questions, the other people were also in a state of anxiety about meeting again, and they didn't notice that after the forest appeared, the crystals flickered on the chests of the three of them.The previous illusion was entirely the self-protection ability of these crystals.

Under Feng Guohua's greeting, several people got into the car one after another, and then the car turned around under Chu Yan's control, and drove towards the central city.The people in the car also started to ignore Chu Yan in the driver's seat and continue the previous topic.

"Well, may I ask. The National Day you're talking about is Uncle Feng?" Although it was basically confirmed, and the faces of the two had some similarities, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked hesitantly just in case.

"Uncle Feng? Is it still Uncle Feng? Oh, so that's the case." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's address, Feng Guohua froze for a moment.I heard Feng Guoqing said earlier that he adopted a daughter, why is he still called Uncle Feng and not Dad?Thinking of Feng Guoqing's faltering tone when he talked about Zhuang Xiaoyuan, a flash of understanding flashed in Feng Guohua's eyes, and then his eyes were full of smiles.It seems that Xiaosan hasn't successfully adopted her yet, yet she dares to bring it home to show off.

"Haha, you don't need to be so polite. National Day treats you like your own daughter. You are also my family. I am your uncle Feng's eldest brother. If you don't mind, you can call me uncle." Thinking of Feng Guoqing's embarrassment, Feng Guohua He couldn't help but smiled, and reached out to pat Zhuang Xiaoyuan's head with a gentle expression.

"Well, Uncle." Although he did not accept Feng Guoqing's adoption, he called him Dad.But this does not hinder the father-daughter relationship between the two at all, and it is not Feng Guoqing's reason for not accepting it, it is entirely because of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own inferiority complex, thinking that he is far behind Feng Guoqing's daughter who died young.If one day, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can reach Feng Xiaoxuan's height, then maybe she can proudly call herself Feng Guoqing's daughter.

"Well, good boy. This uncle is not for nothing. Here, a greeting." Feng Guohua responded with a smile, took out three exquisite bottles and handed them to the three people in the back seat.

"Hey, do I have it too?" The thing was handed to him, and Wen Hui took it reflexively.It was later discovered that three people were involved in the meeting gift, and they were obviously Zhuang Xiaoyuan's family members, but they even gave her the meeting gift. Wen Hui shyly showed a hint of embarrassment.

"I don't need it." Although Chu Miaomiao's face was calm, she refused with a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

"Haha, you're welcome, you are all Xiaoyuan's friends, and I will rely on you to take care of her in the future. Don't refuse the girl of the Chu family, I'm afraid you don't like this either." He waved his hand with a smile, but Feng Guohua didn't accept it. Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao said boldly when they handed back the bottle.

"This is...Original Spring Water. Such a precious thing. Uncle." Seeing the things in his hands clearly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was a little embarrassed to accept them. These small bottles actually contained the tenth god on the list of gods. As long as it is below the fusion level, it can be used indefinitely, without the slightest side effect to increase the divine power.Although compared with the previous gods, the original force spring water is not particularly rare, but in terms of price, such a small bottle is still worth starting.

"You don't need to say polite words. If you recognize me as an uncle, you will accept it. It's not a particularly good thing. If you don't accept it, it will be a shame for your uncle." Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face, Feng Guohua knew what she was going to say, and waved directly Zhuang Xiaoyuan was interrupted.

"Then, that's fine." After pondering slightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally accepted it readily.Zhuang Xiaoyuan clearly remembered Feng Guoqing's kindness to him, and it was an emotion that would never be clear.Now this uncle who just met is also so enthusiastic. Anyway, he already owes him a debt that will never end, so he is not afraid to ask for more.Since they all regard themselves as caring juniors, correspondingly, they are also their most important elders.

"The central city is here. We are about to enter the gate soon." Time passed quickly in the communication between several people, and the distance was gradually shortened. More than an hour later, following Chu Yan's words, the car Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were riding quickly approached a towering city wall .It's finally here, Central City.In the future, Zhuang Xiaoyuan will stay here for a long time, studying and living here.

"Xiaoyuan, Xiaohui. Welcome to the most important and prosperous core city of human beings. The central city." When the car drove into the city gate, Chu Miaomiao's face was bright for a moment, and she smiled at her side. The two of them welcomed.

 Thank you for your rewards and subscriptions last week.Thank you for your support.Thus ends the third volume.This trial was written a bit short.I don’t know what you think, but the fairy tale world is inspired by reading Yuezhan novels.When Kotori became a little match girl, I fell in love with it immediately, so this kind of inspiration appeared.Haha, in fact, I personally think that what I wrote is more emotional when Little Red Riding Hood blows the head of the wolf. I don’t know if anyone feels the contrast.hey-hey.Well, finally the plot is about to enter a new stage.I'm starting to return to my daily life, I don't know if I can write well, I'm trying to learn like a witch.Come on, come on... yo yo yeah.

(End of this chapter)

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