Chapter 131 Qualifying within the Academy
"This is your student card, please keep it safe. The default password is six zeros. Please modify it yourself before using it. In the city, this student card is your identity card, bank card, and the door card of your dormitory. Please keep it safe , if you accidentally lose it, please apply for a replacement as soon as possible."

Coming out of the assessment site, the girl at the front desk quickly operated the special registration machine, and two brand new cards were spit out from the machine and handed over to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui.This is the student ID card of the two of them.

In the central city where the Shenzhuang Academy occupies half of the land, this student card has various functions.Basically all public facilities can be used with a student card.

"Thank you." I took my student card from the girl at the front desk, and the cold touch spread into my brain through the palm of my hand.

This is a card of unknown material. It is not a material like a bank card or ID card. It looks a bit like glass, crystal or acrylic. I don’t know when the portrait entered is clearly engraved on the left side of the card. , and on the right side is something similar to an electronic panel. The panel looks like it should be a number. At this time, there are two horizontal lines representing undecided or unknown.

"The area on the right side of the student ID card shows the current ranking in the college. Because you have just completed the admission procedures and did not participate in the qualifying round, you have no ranking. When you complete the first qualifying match, or challenge the ranked students successfully , the ranking numbers here will be replaced automatically." Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes on the student ID card, the girl at the front desk briefly explained the information on the student ID card.

"Qualifying? There is such a thing. Since there is such a ranking, is there any reward?" Looking up from the student ID card in his hand to look at the girl at the front desk, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's tone is completely certain, not doubt.

"Indeed, the top ten will get a bottle of force spring water every month. And these ten people will be classified into a specially set up special class. It is said that the classroom of the special class is established in a certain place in the central city. On the energy node, if you practice in the premium class, your cultivation speed will be greatly increased. The top ten and the top [-] will get different lengths of time to enter the training room according to the ranking. The training room in the academy is also established on the node. Yes. And the hundred and thousand people will get high-quality cultivation potions on a regular basis.” Looking at the girl at the front desk, this kind of introduction has probably been said hundreds of times, without stopping at all, just like a jingle smooth.

"That's right, that means we have to work hard to enter the top [-] or even the top [-], otherwise the gap will be widened step by step." After listening to the explanation, and listening to the simple rules of the qualifying competition, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pondered for a while and made sure Set out goals for the future.

"Qualifying, maybe it will be very interesting." After listening to the rules of qualifying, Wen Hui's face showed an expression of eagerness.With the battle with the evil bone demon and the rapid growth of her own strength, Wen Hui also began to pursue her own way of becoming a strong man.In this crisis world, only one's own strength is the guarantee of everything.

"How is it? After a brief understanding, how do you feel about this college?" Feng Guohua didn't bother when the girl at the front desk gave Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui popular science knowledge, and he asked with a smile until the simple knowledge lecture was over.

"It's very interesting. I can't wait." After putting away her student ID card, Wen Hui made a positive comment with an expectant smile on her face.

"It's cruel. Survival of the fittest. I want to see how strong the few people in the front are." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes flashed a faint fighting spirit, and he supplemented Wen Hui's answer and made a negative comment.

"Haha, then enjoy your college life. If you have any troubles that you can't solve, you can come to the teaching office to find me. However, I don't think you will come either. Well, I will accompany you here, and then You will have to go your own way." With a gratified smile on his face, Feng Guohua looked at the two girls in front of him with deep eyes and turned to leave.

"Uncle, let's have a light meal together tonight." When Feng Guohua turned around, Zhuang Xiaoyuan called him back, took time out of his busy schedule to pick us up, and took us to take the examination to get the certificate. Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to treat us to express Own thanks.

"No need, there will be chances in the future. Let's get together tonight, you little girls." Waving with his back to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui, Feng Guohua didn't stop leaving and disappeared at the door.

Watching Feng Guohua leave, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui stood on the ground and looked at each other in silence for a while.Looking at each other for a few seconds, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a helpless expression and turned to look at the girl at the front desk: "Sister, how can I get to our dormitory?"

It was only after Feng Guohua left that Zhuang Xiaoyuan remembered that they didn't know where their dormitory was, and it was obvious that it was impossible for Wen Hui, who also came here for the first time, to know, even though she already had a student card that served as a door card.

"Pfft, here's the school girl. Here is the college map. You can go to the dormitory area to find it yourself. You can move in as long as there is no one's sign on the dormitory. Of course, there is one thing to pay attention to. The student ID card can only be swiped once. The dormitory you swipe once will be bound by default and become the dormitory you live in. If you want to change it, you need to apply to the dormitory office. So you have to be careful when choosing a dormitory." I thought what happened to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and stood still, I didn't expect it to be because I didn't know how to get to the dormitory.The girl at the front desk smiled and took out a simple map from a pile of simple maps and handed it to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Thank you, senior." After receiving the map from the girl, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pulled Wen Hui and ran out in a hurry.Seeing the smile of the girl at the front desk, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a burst of heat on his face, it was so embarrassing.

"Xiaoyuan, please contact me. I don't know if she has been there. In the dormitory area, there should be more than one dormitory building." Walking on the forest path of Shenzhuang Academy with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the two started to study together The map in the middle is moving towards the dormitory area, and to determine the location of the dormitory area, Wen Hui suddenly thought of something and asked with a hesitant expression on his face.

"Contact..." Hearing Wen Hui's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan froze for a moment, and his expression became weird. Looking at Wen Hui, the two of them looked at each other with weird expressions on their faces: "It's over, I forgot to ask for meow contact information."

"I thought you knew, after all, your relationship was closer before." Wei Wei pouted, not sure if she was complaining about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's partiality before or this time's negligence.

(End of this chapter)

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