Chapter 132

"You know what? Stupid Hui, you're not talking bad about me to Xiaoyuan behind my back, are you?" Just as Wen Hui's voice fell, Chu Miaomiao's steady and clear voice suddenly broke into the conversation between the two.

"Xiao Miao? How did you find us?" Seeing Chu Miaomiao approaching, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up. He was still worried about not knowing Chu Miaomiao's contact information. just met.

"I'm planning to go back to the dormitory area after reporting with the head teacher. I just saw you." Chu Miaomiao walked quickly, interposed between Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui, and answered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question.

"You guy." Chu Miaomiao suddenly inserted between the two of them, separating Zhuang Xiaoyuan. Wen Hui showed a trace of annoyed expression on her face, but soon thought of something, and the previous annoyance disappeared all of a sudden. With a smile on his face, he said: "My face is paralyzed, we have gone through untold hardships to come to see you, you must treat me tonight, I want to have a big meal."

"Xiaoyuan, come to my dormitory. There are still many vacant rooms. It's more convenient if we go together." Completely ignoring Wen Hui who was at the side, Chu Miaomiao still spoke to Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a calm expression, but with anticipation in her eyes.

"A lot of empty rooms? Are there few people in the college? Or are there more dormitory buildings?" Hearing Chu Miaomiao's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan remembered the dormitory building he lived in Fengcheng. There were also many empty rooms and few people lived there. .

"Well, there are many dormitories, do you want to come?" Nodding slightly, Chu Miaomiao's tone also showed a hint of expectation.

"Hey, don't ignore me, you sneaky cat." Wen Hui was so angry that she completely ignored her words. She stretched out her hands and grabbed Chu Miaomiao's cheeks from the back of her head and pulled them to both sides, pulling Chu Miaomiao A grimace appeared on Miaomiao's calm face.

"You group of gods, Endaihui, Kaihangkai." I ignored Wenhui on purpose, but I didn't expect to be attacked from behind by her, feeling the pain in both cheeks, and Chu Miaomiao's voice was unclear blurred.

"Puff." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was originally talking to Chu Miaomiao, was face to face with her, but Chu Miaomiao's usually calm face was suddenly pulled into a grimace.Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help laughing at the completely unprepared surprise attack.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't interfere with the awkwardness between Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui. Although the two were noisy, it was similar to the quarrel between him and Wen Hui before.And because of Chu Miaomiao's existence, Zhuang Xiaoyuan herself was a little quieter, which is also true, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan was happy to see the communication between the two of them succeed.

"Ah, I'm so tired." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sudden laughter made Chu Miaomiao blush involuntarily, but because the face was pulled, the blush was not conspicuous, but Wen Hui's movements also made Chu Miaomiao blush. Miao became a little ashamed and annoyed.He stretched out his hands and grabbed Wen Hui's hand that was pulling his face.

"Hey, I can't catch it." She had already noticed Chu Miaomiao's movements, so when she just raised her hand, Wen Hui let go of her hands cleverly.Wen Hui also knows Chu Miaomiao's strength very well. If caught, Chu Miaomiao, who is careful, will not hurt Wen Hui, but the pain is absolutely inevitable.Wen Huicai didn't intend to treat the pain for no reason.In other words, are you sure this is really for no reason, not self-inflicted?
"You bastard, I must teach you a good lesson today." She grabbed an empty hand, but Wen Hui let go of her cheeks, rubbed the cheeks that still had red marks, and Chu Miaomiao's eyes showed a little body. Instinctively wet, he turned and grabbed Wen Hui.

"Haha, if you want to teach me a lesson, catch me first." Wen Hui sideways avoided Chu Miaomiao's hand, with a hint of complacency on Wen Hui's face.

"Then I'll catch it for you to see." The right foot kicked the ground, and the huge force left a crack on the ground. Under the strong reaction force, Chu Miaomiao rushed straight out and rushed towards Wen Hui.

"Wow, you're serious. You scared me." Chu Miaomiao's sudden acceleration surprised Wen Hui, but her agility still allowed Wen Hui to barely escape Chu Miaomiao's capture. This time, Wen Hui didn't dare to stay any longer. After dodging, she quickened her pace and ran towards the previously determined student dormitory area.

"Don't try to run." It seemed that this time, because of losing face in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, he was really a little annoyed. Chu Miaomiao chased after Wen Hui, and the two quickly ran towards the dormitory area one after the other.

"This... I've been abandoned." Standing in place, watching Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao quickly go away, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but feel a 'slight sadness' in his heart.Sure enough, the Shura field is not necessary.

"Huh?!" Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the backs of Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao walking away, a chill came over her heart, and the hairs on her back stood up nervously, as if The feeling of being watched by something dangerous.

"He is..." Feeling a strong sense of discomfort, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up to the right according to his own feelings, and saw a gloomy young man with a soft appearance in a teaching building not far from the exit of the forest path. Upstairs looked down at Zhuang Xiaoyuan standing at the intersection.The malicious gaze Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt came from here.

Probably because he noticed Zhuang Xiaoyuan looking up, the feminine man showed a deep smile and turned away from the window sill.With the departure of the feminine man, the chilling feeling also disappeared.

This chilling sense of crisis is not just a feeling brought about by the pressure of strength, but comes from a physiological and instinctive sense of disgust.Although I don't know why I feel such hostility towards that peeping guy.But it didn't prevent Zhuang Xiaoyuan from making the decision not to get close to that feminine man.It's just that some things can't be avoided if you want to, soon Zhuang Xiaoyuan will stand face to face with him.Of course, in a hostile way.

Shaking her head, to get rid of the irritability and depression that appeared in her heart for no reason, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked towards the dormitory area that was not far away.Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao don't know where they went, they won't really abandon themselves, I don't know where Chu Miaomiao's dormitory is.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan came to the entrance of the dormitory area and saw Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui again, they were in some kind of weird crisis.Wen Hui, who was all blood red, and Chu Miaomiao, who looked safe and sound, were standing obediently by the side, with their heads bowed and their faces depressed.

In front of them, a stout woman was holding her hands on her hips, shooting language bullets at the two girls in front of her like a machine gun.Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was approaching, couldn't hear what the woman was saying at all. He spoke too fast. Listening to the woman's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that she began to wonder if the institution's Chinese education for her had failed.

(End of this chapter)

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