Chapter 133 The Tragic 'Car Accident' Scene

"Xiaoyuan~ help." Wen Hui, who was covered in blood and lowered her head to be scolded, although she realized her mistake, she has been taught a lesson for a long time, and she couldn't help being restless, and occasionally raised her eyes to peek, Let her discover Zhuang Xiaoyuan walking over at the first time.When Zhuang Xiaoyuan approached, Wen Hui asked her for help with an aggrieved expression as if seeing a savior.

"Help? How did you talk, little girl? I didn't do anything to you. I didn't intend to admit that I did something wrong. Young people nowadays just don't understand the value of food. Food is wasted. Still feel wronged, you shout for help, you shout, even if your throat is broken, I will educate you well today, let you know that food is hard to come by."

Because someone came over, this stout aunt originally planned to shut up and take a break. These little girls are also good-faced, and they would probably feel embarrassed if they were seen being scolded, but unexpectedly, before the auntie had time to shut up, Wen Hui I asked for help first, this is absolutely unbearable, and I didn’t do anything to her, how could I save my life, didn’t I just say a few words, didn’t I say it for more than ten minutes without repeating, there is no need to be so wronged.

"Well, what's the situation?" He walked quickly to Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, and looked at Wen Hui's blood-red stains all over his body. Zhuang Xiaoyuan was slightly relieved that the red stains were not caused by injuries, and there was a faint trace of light in the air. The sweet and sour taste, is this a tomato?

"Oh, so you guys know each other. It just so happens that I was talking. It's not easy to play, but I was playing on the road. No, I hit my car directly. People are fine, but the tomatoes in my car are all gone." It's crushed, food is not cheap at this time." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan walking up to Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, the auntie knew that the person who came was someone she knew from the two girls opposite.He pulled Zhuang Xiaoyuan over and pointed at the cart behind him, as if he still wanted to continue his education.

"Auntie, don't worry, it's our fault for crushing your ingredients. Calculate how much you want, and we will definitely compensate you. She didn't do it on purpose, she has already realized her mistake, and she will never be on the street again Running around."

Following her aunt's fingers, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also saw a trolley behind her. At this time, the juice of crushed tomatoes was everywhere on the trolley, and even several baskets containing tomatoes were crushed.It can be seen how heroic the pressure was.Knowing the ins and outs from this sharp-tongued aunt, Zhuang Xiaoyuan apologized while winking at Wen Hui.

"I'm sorry, Auntie. I know I'm wrong, and I will definitely compensate you." After receiving Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hint, Wen Hui bowed cleanly and apologized. In fact, she also knew that she was wrong, and she only paid attention to Chu Miaomiao behind her. I didn't pay attention to the front, this is the second time I hit something, probably because I entered the central city, so I let go of my original vigilance.

"Oh, what you little girl said, Auntie doesn't want you to pay. I just feel sorry for these ingredients. At this time, many people can only rely on government subsidies to get by. No matter how talented you are, Outstanding, what a great pillar in the future, food should not be wasted casually."

Seeing that Wen Hui apologized so simply and planned to lose money, Auntie felt a little embarrassed. She seemed to have said too much just now, but there are still some things to say.Although the Shenzhuang Academy is full of all kinds of geniuses, who may make countless great contributions to mankind in the future, food cannot be wasted. This has nothing to do with status and ability, it is entirely a moral issue.

"It's really a pity, auntie, where are these ingredients going to be shipped? Although a lot of them are crushed, they are not dirty, and they are still edible after some treatment. Why don't I buy them all? Recently, I just crave tomatoes. "

Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a little pity when she saw a cart of tomatoes half crushed in the basket. She has always been very economical about food and never left a grain of rice for every meal.As soon as I turned my eyes, an idea popped into my mind. With Nakiri Erina's cooking skills, even if some parts are damaged, I can still make very delicious tomato dishes. Why don't I just buy them and try to destroy all these tomatoes in the next few days?

"That's not okay, I can't let you waste your money. Originally, these were intended to be cold salad, so that the boys and girls in the dormitory can try something new. The freshly picked ones taste good, and now I can only put them all in soup. No I know if girls like tomato soup." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, the aunt thought she was trying to lose money by changing her ways, so she shook her hand and refused.

"Is there a canteen in the dormitory?" Although I guessed it, after all, it is in the dormitory now, but I didn't expect that there is a canteen in the dormitory. Most of the school canteens are not too close to the dormitory, but near the teaching building. Bar.After all, after class is relatively close.But this place is probably different from ordinary schools.

"She is Aunt Cui, the person in charge of the canteen in the dormitory. She is very kind. Many students have been taken care of by her. She often gives us snacks, but if she sees wasting food..." Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expression, Chu Miao Miao explained in a low voice that, as an old man who entered school early, he was familiar with the environment and facilities of Shenzhuang Academy.Moreover, Chu Miaomiao was promoted from the elementary department of the institution directly under her.

"Auntie, are you going to make soup with so many tomatoes? You won't be able to eat them all in a while." After confirming the identity of the auntie and being rejected the acquisition proposal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan came up with a new idea .Just a few people can’t finish it for a while, and the crushed ones are easy to break. If you put soup, the main ingredient is soup, not the tomato itself, and if you cook soup, no matter how many people eat it, you can’t finish so many tomatoes. .So Zhuang Xiaoyuan's new idea is a new solution that combines the first two methods.

"There's no way I can't finish it. Apart from tomato soup and cold salad, there are only scrambled eggs. But the tomato scrambled eggs have been eaten with tomatoes in stock for several days. I'm afraid many people don't want to see them again." Auntie said As soon as the words fell, Chu Miaomiao nodded vigorously there. It seemed that no one would like tomato scrambled eggs anymore, even Chu Miaomiao responded so actively.

"Auntie, if you can't help it, why don't you leave today's lunch to me. I will use tomatoes to make different dishes, and I will definitely satisfy everyone. After all, these tomatoes are broken because of us. "Because of the invasion of evil spirits, many things have been lost, and the most complete thing that human beings have preserved is only the knowledge about combat and the weapon system.There is a serious lack of non-essential knowledge of recipes, how serious is it? In the most prosperous central city, the Shenzhuang Academy where geniuses are concentrated, there are only three ways to make tomatoes...

 By the way, several book friends asked if there is a group.The original answer was that no group was established, but later I found out that the book friend group I established in 13 is still there, although there are only seven people, and no one talks.Post the group number now, anyone who is interested can come in, I think not many people will come.After all, not many people have been chased by my book, but I will continue to write, as long as there is one person who is chasing after me, I will continue to write, and I can’t let down everyone’s support.Group number 2-1-3-7-0-3-4-5-1
(End of this chapter)

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