Chapter 136 Homemade Seasoned Curry Powder
"What's wrong with the vegetable washing machine? I saw your hands. The thick calluses on your hands are definitely formed by holding a kitchen knife for a long time. If you are not a kitchen knife master, I am afraid you should practice it in private. I will give it to you today. The stage where you show your results, if you do it well, it will catch Aunt Cui's eyes. Now I will ask you, whether to do it or not."

With a natural arrogance in his eyes, he has absolute confidence in the cooking skills of Nagiri Erina, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's explosive personality also allows Zhuang Xiaoyuan to perfectly express this confidence. Just by his eyesight, he can tell whether his hands are using knives. That's right, the person who left before didn't have the thick calluses left by this long-term practice at all.

"Do it." This time, the young woman no longer had fear and timidity in her heart, only her deep gratitude to Zhuang Xiaoyuan who gave her the opportunity to perform, and her firm determination to seize the opportunity.

"Okay, you, you and you, you three, go and divide the tomatoes into two piles, put the intact ones aside, and put the crushed ones in one pile, but still clean and usable." After arranging the potato work, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said Point out a person arranging to divide tomatoes.

"What about the unclean ones?" Probably because the young woman's opportunity just now dissipated the fear in everyone's hearts. The surrounding employees no longer looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan evasively, and they could continue to ask their own questions.

"Do you still have to ask me about it? If it's dirty, feed it to the pigs." With a wave of his hand, the three of them were sent to divide the tomatoes, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to distribute other tasks.

After assigning the work that others could do, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also started his own work preparations, put the pot on fire, and as the iron pot heated up, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to rummage through the pile of spices to find the spices he needed.

Turmeric, coriander seeds, chilli, cumin, cumin, white pepper, peppercorns, cloves, star anise, cinnamon, etc., all the necessary spices were searched out, and then relying on the culinary experience of Nakiri Erina with eyesight and touch Measure the right amount of spices and pour them into a hot pan without oil according to a certain ratio.

Follow Zhuang Xiaoyuan's quick stir-fry.The rich and strange aroma began to waft in the kitchen. Whether it was the kitchen helpers who were processing the ingredients or Aunt Cui who was standing by and watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan's seasoning records, they all showed intoxicated expressions on their faces, and even sat on the sidelines watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan's performance Chu Miaomiao's face was moved, which shows how strong the fragrance is.The rich aroma is accompanied by hot white smoke floating in the kitchen, circling above the head, like a flexible white dragon.

After a few seconds of simple stir-frying, the aroma of the spices was stimulated, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out all the mixed spices and put them into the pulverizer that he found earlier.As the button of the machine is pressed, the ultra-fast centrifugal force operates inside, and all the spices are rolled into pieces.

Three to four minutes later, all the spices in the pulverizer were crushed, and they were not taken out directly. Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to operate the machine, using the machine's built-in sieving function.Although the cooking skills in this world have regressed and the recipes are seriously lacking, all kinds of convenient machines can be seen everywhere.After sieving, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out the coarse particles that could not get through and poured them out, and crushed the sifted spice powder for the second time.

Repeated this back and forth two or three times, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan poured out the powdered spices, the powder was already very fine and smooth.At this point, homemade curry powder is complete.In fact, the production of curry powder is very simple, and the difficulty is only about the recipe of spices.

"I bought something. Wow, it smells so good, what is this, what is this?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan had just prepared the curry powder, and Wen Hui rushed in with a gust of wind, holding two big bags in her hand, to see how she used it. Qingfeng dragged the bag over, I'm afraid the weight is not light.As soon as she rushed in, the first thing Wen Hui saw was the smoky white dragon above her head that hadn't dissipated.The rich aroma rushes straight into the mouth.

"Curry. Give them the carrots, and me the flour. Cut the carrots into small pieces like potatoes." Seeing Wen Hui coming back, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pointed to the two helpers who were cutting beef and potatoes with kitchen knives, and took Wen Hui's hands Come the flour.

Wow, it really is not light.The moment Zhuang Xiaoyuan took the flour, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands sank.Putting the flour aside casually, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took a huge wooden basin, opened the bag and poured all the flour into it.I asked Aunt Cui before. There are many people living in the dormitory, and many people come to have lunch.So such a large amount of flour can definitely be eaten.

Pour the flour into the wooden basin, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to add water and noodles into it. While adding water, he reached into the wooden tray and stirred clockwise. With the movement of his right hand, the flour wetted by water began to form a ball and stick to the powder below. The dough is getting bigger and bigger, and the flour underneath is getting less and less. When the water is added to a certain amount, a huge flour dough has appeared in the wooden tray.

The water was almost added, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped adding water, and started kneading the dough. With the movement of her hands, the dough on the wooden tray stretched and then flattened. Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands seemed to have a certain rhythm, although she didn't know the reason, But the few people watching around felt that this movement was very natural and pleasing to the eye.In their eyes, this ball of flour seemed to be dancing a wonderful dance under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands.

Kneading the dough lasted for more than ten minutes. Even Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body strengthened by divine power, coupled with Nakiri Erina's own cooking skills, still made her feel a little soreness from her hands, but it was not serious. After that, she rested for a while It will be back in minutes.

After kneading the dough, Zhuang Xiaoyuan found a matching lid, put it on the wooden tray, and put the wooden tray in the corner.After kneading the dough, you need to wait for it to rise.Generally speaking, it takes about 10 minutes to wake up the noodles, but because the amount is relatively large this time, it may take longer.

Mian Pi had to wait, Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to do other work.Letting go of the ignition, while heating the pan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out all the eggs in the ingredients, directly took a small pot and began to beat the eggs, put the eggs into the pot one by one, and after putting the eggs in, picked up the hand mixer and put them in Into a small basin, with the hum of the machine, the eggs are quickly broken and mixed.

Pour the oil, put the eggs, and stir fry quickly in the pan.Crack all the eggs, fry them, and pour them into the prepared clean basin.When the eggs were finished, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out the black fungus soaked in the kitchen before, washed them clean, and put them on the cutting board. With the rapid flashing of the knife light, the whole black fungus was turned into small pieces in a short period of time.

Then chop the shallots by the way.As soon as the knife skills with melodious rhythm were displayed, the surrounding employees were completely stunned. This kind of knife skills has been completely integrated into nature, and there is no sense of disobedience at all. On the contrary, it makes people feel natural and smooth as it should be .

"Have you picked the tomato? Bring me the good part." After finishing the work in hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan yelled at the corner of the opponent's tomato.

"Here we come." Three baskets of intact tomatoes were brought over. Looking at the intact pile that was separated in the corner, there were still about three or four baskets. Well, it seems that we can prepare the third one later. A simple dish.

(End of this chapter)

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