Chapter 137 Let's Help Together

After picking up the tomatoes, washing them and peeling them, the smooth and natural knife skills appeared again. With the operation of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's knife skills, his hands seemed to turn into phantoms, and he couldn't see the exact position, while yellow and green seeds flew out from the left side. into the trash can, and the tomato pulp cut into small pieces is piled up on the right side of the cutting board.In just 2 minutes, two baskets of tomatoes were processed.

Taking a larger basin, Zhuang Xiaoyuan poured the scrambled eggs, chopped black fungus, tomatoes, and shallots into the basin.Add an appropriate amount of salt, white pepper, chicken essence, and oil, take the chopsticks and start stirring.Stir clockwise for a few minutes, all the ingredients are mixed together, and the filling is ready.

"Chef, the potatoes and carrots are all finished." Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished mixing the fillings, and the young woman on the other side also brought over the chopped potatoes and carrots.

"The beef is ready too." Within a few minutes, another assistant chef who cut the meat also brought over the large plate of beef that had been cut.

"Okay, the preparations are almost done. By the way, I almost forgot about the rice. Is the rice cooked?" After receiving the potatoes, carrots and beef, Zhuang Xiaoyuan patted his head, remembering what he had missed before, how could cooking curry be less What about the accompanying rice?

"Let's cook." Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan doesn't seem to be a very strict person, he would give others a chance to show off, but the decisiveness to chase people away and the arrogance on his body made the helper a little afraid to approach him. Hearing that he didn't cook, He took the initiative to turn around and leave to cook.Only young women are left.

Now that the rice was found, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also started to prepare curry dishes.Turn on the stove switch, put the iron pot, fill it with water, turn on the fire to boil the water, and pour the beef directly after the water boils.

After the beef was put into the water, Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to prepare another iron pot, and put ginger slices in the pot on the stove next door to a low heat.The beef was taken out after 3 minutes in the water. It was not cooked in boiling water, but simply used to remove blood streaks.

"Quickly, come here and pour out the water for me, find a clean pot and boil another pot of water." While pouring the beef that has been fished out and dried for a while into the hot oil with ginger slices, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to direct the young people beside him Young women help.

"Oh, good." After a moment of shock, the young woman joined the help with an excited expression, and began to pour water and change the pot.

As the beef was stir-fried in the wok, the rich aroma of meat began to permeate, mixed with the aroma of curry that had not completely dissipated before, making the aroma of the meat more prominent, and Wen Hui, who was watching from the sidelines, showed a little can't wait to taste it quickly tasting expression.

"Aunt Cui, you said you made stewed beef before. Help me get some. Add some stewed beef to make it more delicious." After ordering the young woman to pour carrots and potatoes into boiling water and boil, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned to Cui who was watching the recording. Auntie said.

"Okay, no problem." Aunt Cui turned and left, and soon brought a jar of braised beef.

"Okay, it's almost done, let's take out the potatoes and carrots." Guessing that it's almost done, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked the young woman to start to take out the boiled potatoes and carrots.And she has also finished stir-frying the beef. The beef in the pot is almost half-cooked, just in time for the next step of cooking.

Turning off the fire, instead of managing the steaming beef in the pot, Zhuang Xiaoyuan dug out a large drum and put it on another special low stove, added water to light the fire.A few minutes later, the water boiled, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to add her own homemade curry powder and a little Aunt Cui's stewed broth to the water. With the stirring of a long-handled spoon, the color of the water completely changed.

Tasted the soup base.Well, it's almost done, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to direct the young women to help, pouring in the beef, carrots, and potatoes together.

"Hey, you guys, bring me all those crushed tomatoes." After ordering the young woman to help stir, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around and began to process the onions.Slice all the onions and pour them into the barrel.

The three people on the other side also brought over the crushed tomatoes.The light of the knife flickered again, even the crushed tomatoes could not stop Zhuang Xiaoyuan's smooth and natural knife skills, peeled and removed the seeds, and cut the tomatoes into chunks, not the small ones before, but big chunks similar to beef cubes and potatoes.After the dicing is completed, all the tomatoes are added to the drum. With the addition of the tomatoes, a sweet and sour aroma is mixed into the original meat and spice aroma, which makes people's mouth full of saliva and appetite.

After adding all the ingredients, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned the flame to low and started to simmer, so the curry was finished.This kind of curry tastes better the more it is cooked. As long as there are diners coming to eat, just pour the curry over the rice.Then it's time to start another dish.

"Is this edible?" Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan no longer cared about the contents of the pot, but started to take out the wooden basin that was placed in the corner before, Wen Hui asked with a hint of impatience.

"It's almost there, just a few more minutes of stewing. Don't just think about eating, let's help together now." With a bang, Zhuang Xiaoyuan placed the huge wooden basin on an empty table, and now he is going to make the first There are two dishes.Zhuang Xiaoyuan called Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao to help.

"Hey, can I help too?" I know my own business, and when it comes to cooking, Wen Hui is really good at cooking, and knows nothing about it.The only time he made something was boiled biscuits, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had tasted it, knew the taste.

"It's okay, this is very simple, Xiao Miao, you can come too." While beckoning the two to come over, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already taken out the dough and started kneading it again.After waking up, the dough is more flexible and firm.

After kneading for a while, Zhuang Xiaoyuan divided the big dough into several smaller ones, and started to make dough.The small dough is kneaded into thin round sticks, cut into smaller balls with a wooden knife, and then the small dough is processed, and the dough is made with a rolling pin.

The dough changed rapidly under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands, and in a short period of time, dozens of thin and uniform dough crusts were made: "Okay, I will teach you how to wrap it first. I will make the dough later and you can wrap the dough and the filling."

Pick up a piece of dough and put the fillings on it, dip it in water to close it, fold it, and with a few simple steps, a tomato egg dumpling is formed.

"It looks quite simple. I can do this too." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's way of making dumplings, Wen Hui's eyes lit up, as if she had discovered a new toy, she also took a piece of dough and started making dumplings.Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's example, he put a spoon full of stuffing, soaked it in water, folded it, and then... broke.

"What's the matter, Xiaoyuan, your skin is too thin." Looking at the stuffing leaking from the belly of the dumpling in her hand, Wen Hui yelled.

"Stupid Hui, you put too much stuffing." Chu Miaomiao, who had successfully made the first dumpling and put it in the bamboo basket, looked over with contempt.

(End of this chapter)

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