Chapter 138 Winter Red Sun Curry
"My face is paralyzed, you actually succeeded. What about your strange strength? According to the plot, shouldn't you crush it directly?" Unconvinced, she gave Chu Miaomiao a glance, and Wen Hui carefully looked at Chu Miaomiao's works, wanting to find There is a flaw.

"Idiot, where is the plot? How could I not be able to control my own strength?" Chu Miaomiao said two words coldly, and Chu Miaomiao made the second dumpling, looking at Wen Hui as if she was watching Like extraterrestrial creatures, of course he ignored the smile in his eyes.

"Woo, it was just an accident just now, this one is sure to be a success." Dissatisfied, Wen Hui began to bury her head and continue making dumplings.So a small thin dumpling was completed: "Successful." Looking at her dumpling, Wen Hui showed a happy expression on her face, but noticed that Chu Miaomiao had already started making the fourth one, and said what she wanted to shout out again Swallowed it back.

So, in the contest between Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, dumplings were made one by one.As the number of dumplings increased, Wen Hui's movements became more and more proficient, but looking at the dumplings completed by Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui, there were still obvious differences.

One side is uneven in size and size, while the other side is regular and similar in size.Well, there are still people in the world who are particularly unsuited to do certain things.But thinking about all kinds of burning kitchens, killing people, and knife-cutting stoves in previous animations, Wen Hui is already considered the safest.

"Ah, I'm exhausted, Xiaoyuan, can I eat yet?" The densely packed dumplings were spread out in the basket prepared in advance, and Wen Hui lay on the table looking hopeless.

It's no wonder she is like this. After the initial interesting stage, the long-time dumpling-making has turned into a boring job. This is not a private party cooking, but a dormitory kitchen for thousands of people. After many hours of making dumplings, it is inevitable to complain.The most important thing is that Wen Hui hasn't eaten Zhuang Xiaoyuan's food yet.Obviously the most anticipated thing.

"Okay, you have worked hard. All the work is almost done. You can taste it first." After taking the two dinner plates filled with white rice from the young woman and putting them beside her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan opened them before Curry drums that have been simmering.The golden light burst out in an instant, and at the same time, there was a strong aroma of curry.Everyone seemed to see the warm sunshine in winter in an instant.

The golden light dissipated, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took a spoon and poured a large spoonful of curry on the two servings of white rice, dark brown curry soup, mixed with red, yellow, white, dark brown vegetables and beef.It whets the appetite just by looking at it.

The freshly baked curry rice was placed in front of Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, still emitting heat.The white rice and curry are distinct, giving people a strong sense of presence. Take a breath, and the mixed spice flavor of curry mixed with sweet and sour tomato flavor and rich meat aroma is introduced into the nose.The stomach that was not yet hungry began to urge myself to eat.

"Come on, try my special cold winter red sun curry." After taking two soup spoons and handing them to Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao respectively, Zhuang Xiaoyuan indicated with a confident smile on his face that they could start eating.

"Then, I'll eat first." Nodding to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Chu Miaomiao stretched out the spoon in his right hand towards the curry in front of him. At this moment, Wen Hui couldn't wait to stuff the curry into it, no matter whether it was hot or not. In the mouth.

As a spoonful of rice mixed with curry was put into his mouth, Chu Miaomiao lost his mind for a moment.The sweet and sour taste hit the tongue immediately. Under the stimulation of the sour taste, Chu Miaomiao seemed to be in the coldest North Pole in the cold winter. There were icebergs all around him, and he was the only one standing in the cold wind. The biting chill began to eat away at his body.

Just when the surrounding cold was unbearable, a ray of light bloomed in the sky, and the bright red sun rose from the east. The fiery sunlight shone on his body and began to dispel the surrounding chill.Under the red sun, the condensed glaciers around him began to melt, exposing the brown land inside.The surrounding icebergs also reveal the true face inside, red firm carrots, bright red oval tomatoes, oblate onions, and large steaming steaks?
The surrounding area is getting hotter and hotter. Under the red sun, the glaciers have long since disappeared, but the red sun has not ended, but intensified.Under the light of the red sun, the ground began to soften. Chu Miaomiao staggered and tried to escape from the range of the red sun, but before walking a few steps, the ground seemed to turn into a swamp, and the soft ground began to sag. People fell in.The rich aroma explodes.This is not land, but curry soup. Following a wave, Chu Miaomiao was submerged by the ocean of curry.

"Ha~" He let out a long breath, and a faint white mist spit out from his mouth steaming hotly.After waking up from the illusion-like aftertaste of cooking, he opened his eyes, and the curry in front of Chu Miaomiao was only left on a clean porcelain plate.The whole plate of curry was eaten by her before she knew it.

"How about it, it's delicious, isn't it the best in the world." Still reminiscing about the taste before, Wen Hui's face magnified in front of her.A proud expression.

"It's delicious, but you didn't make it." Pushing away Wen Hui's approaching Lian, Chu Miaomiao nodded, affirming the cooking.

"Hey, although I didn't cook it, I ate it before you, Xiao Yuan's food." Being pushed away, Wen Hui didn't care, instead she started to show off to Chu Miaomiao with a proud face.

"Woo." Unconvinced, Chu Miaomiao frowned slightly and then let go, picked up the empty plate and handed it to Zhuang Xiaoyuan in front of him: "One more bowl."

"Well, Xiao Miao, there will be dumplings made by you later. It's better not to eat too much now." Taking the empty plate that Chu Miaomiao handed over, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't add more food to her, but stopped her.

"It's okay, no matter how much you eat, you can eat it." He said calmly, but looked at Wen Hui with a hint of complacency in his eyes.

"Woo. I want it too." Clearly receiving the glint in Chu Miaomiao's eyes, Wen Hui pursed her lips unconvinced, and handed over the empty plate as well.So, the two began to compete with appetite.

A few minutes later, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan came over with boiled tomato and egg dumplings, Wen Hui was already lying on the table again, with an empty plate in front of her.And Chu Miaomiao continued to enjoy the curry rice slowly.

"Three-color and three-flavor dumplings are ready, do you want more?" Gently placed the three plates of steamed dumplings, fried dumplings, and boiled dumplings between the two of them, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Wen Hui who seemed to be killed in battle, and looked at Wen Hui Chu Miaomiao asked.

"Yes, you can eat as much as you want." Chu Miaomiao speeded up the movement of his hands, finished the fourth plate of curry rice, put the empty plate aside, and looked at the plate of dumplings brought by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"I want it too." Struggling to raise her head, Wen Hui, who ate three plates of curry rice, stretched out her right hand towards the fried dumplings.

The tenderness of the dumplings, the greenness of the fried dumplings, and the fragrance of the steamed dumplings.Three kinds of dumplings with three different flavors.But each kind of dumpling contains four tastes of sour, sweet, crisp and salty fillings inside, this is dumpling.

(End of this chapter)

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