Chapter 140 Wen Hui wants to learn medicine

Speaking of which, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui have never really seen Chu Miaomiao make a move so far. The only time was in the fairy tale world where Zhuang Xiaoyuan practiced, but because of the suppression of the world rules, the divine power could not be used there. Forced to separate and fight on their own.The biggest impression of Chu Miaomiao's strength is the one shot that offsets each other with the king-level evil god.

"No, it's currently ranked eleventh." Chu Miaomiao denied Wen Hui's guess.In the college, not only the top ten students can live in the villa area, but the top-ranked students outside the special class and special ability class also live in the villa area, that is, Chu Miaomiao is ranked eleventh at this time .

Of course, if the college where they live here invites them to live together, just like Chu Miaomiao invited Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui to live together, this kind of application can also be approved. The college does not restrict the students' independent behavior.

"Eleventh, it's only one step away from the top ten. Has Xiao Miao challenged the top ten people? How is his strength?" Hearing Chu Miaomiao's ranking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was also a little surprised. The playmates of the same year have already surpassed me.

"I challenged the ninth one." After a moment of silence, Chu Miaomiao answered.

"How do you feel?" Wen Hui was also curious about the strength of the member of the special class.

"Same as you, I hate it." Looking up at Wen Hui, Chu Miaomiao turned her head and continued walking towards the villa, leaving a soft sentence.

"Ah, facial paralysis meow, are you looking for a beating again?" What Chu Miaomiao said suddenly made Wen Hui stunned for a moment before she realized, chasing Chu Miaomiao while shouting, it seemed that she was walking all the way, she The full stomach is almost digested.

"Same as Wen Hui, isn't the ninth one also of the speed type?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was left at the end again, walked forward while thinking about Chu Miaomiao's words.The speed is so fast that Chu Miaomiao hates it. It should have surpassed Wen Hui's speed. I don't know what kind of patron saint this ninth senior has. I am really looking forward to it. The row will start at the end of a week. Race.

In this way, in the discussion among several people, it was mainly Chu Miaomiao's science popularization of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the two of them.They officially joined Shenzhuang Academy and started their own campus life.There are indeed many empty rooms in the villa. Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui chose the room near Chu Miaomiao's bedroom by coincidence. After choosing the bedroom, they went to the convenience store to buy the necessary daily necessities under the leadership of Chu Miaomiao. The three spent their first night together at Shenzhuang Academy.

In the morning, the three of them who rested overnight began to do simple physical exercises in the villa's underground training ground.As expected of the dormitory where the top eleven of the college lived, the villa has everything you can use.The underground training ground alone has a lot of complete fitness equipment.

"Xiao Miao, don't you go to class today?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked while doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar. As for school learning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is still stuck in the exam-oriented education in the previous life and the institutional education in this life, and still doesn't know God. What about the teaching mode of the School of Decoration?

"Well, today there are only literature classes such as Chinese and mathematics. Except for some people who have special hobbies or want to study research, they generally don't take it." Chu Miaomiao moved the overweight dumbbell deftly in his hand. He answered calmly.To be honest, the general literature courses are all taught in the institutional education, and the content level is almost at the level of the high school in the previous life.From what she said, I'm afraid Shenzhuang Academy's literature courses are very in-depth.

"How do the colleges usually have classes? What do you usually do, just exercise?" Running on the treadmill at the fastest speed, this speed seems to be not the limit for Wen Hui, while walking easily asked distractedly.

"There is a timetable over there. Classes are completely voluntary by students. Teachers will teach in fixed classrooms at a fixed time. Anyone who wants to listen to the class can go to listen. Usually, many people are busy with secondary subjects, after all, they can make money. In addition, special class and special class There are dedicated teachers in the capable classes, and they won’t be in class with us.” Boom, the dumbbells were placed on the ground and made a heavy sound.Chu Miaomiao stood up and pointed to the schedule on the wall and replied.

"Minor subject? Make money? Can the college still make money?" Following Chu Miaomiao's line of sight, Zhuang Xiaoyuan discovered the schedule on the wall, let go of his hands, jumped off the horizontal bar, and directly began to check the fixed courses for a week. It was clearly written on it. What class is the day of the week, the teacher, and the location of the lecture.But after hearing Chu Miaomiao's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan put aside the schedule and turned to ask.

"Well, many students will work part-time in various places and rely on their own ability to get paid. The academy does not prohibit it, but encourages it. I am a weapon performance tester in the scientific research institute." Nodding, Chu Miaomiao replied On the one hand, he mentioned his sub-subject.

"Weapon performance tester? It really matches your abilities. Scientific research institute, maybe I should go and have a look." The schedule shows that today's courses are indeed cultural courses such as Chinese, mathematics, and history.So Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly lost interest.

This is not because Zhuang Xiaoyuan doesn't pay much attention to culture, but because the knowledge from the two-dimensional girls has allowed her to completely skip the current course.Probably only the researchers of the Academy of Sciences can compare with her.Especially after getting three sets of cards.

"Xiaohui, are you going to take the minor course?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had already started to arrange her future study plan in her heart, asked Wen Hui who was standing beside her and looking at another form.

"Well, I'm going to take a look here." Wen Hui, who was looking at the sub-subject classification form next to him when he heard the class schedule, stretched out his index finger and clicked on an item in the form, showing a hint of interest on his face.

"Pharmaceuticals? Apprentice in dispensing pharmacy? Xiaohui, have you ever learned this knowledge?" She tilted her head in doubt, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't remember Wen Hui's foundation in this area at all.

"I haven't learned it before, but I can learn it from scratch. If I can make potions myself, I don't need to spend money to buy cultivation potions. I can just use my own. Oh, why didn't I think of it earlier, it has been wasted I spent a lot of money to buy potions. Now that I think about it, I suddenly feel very distressed." Thinking of the cultivation potions bought for her previous practice, Wen Hui showed a heartache expression on her face.

"Idiot, the medicinal materials also cost money." Chu Miaomiao, who couldn't stand it anymore, complained coldly.

"That's right, ah, that's not right. The material is not much less than the finished product. Sure enough, I still need to learn the cultivation potion." Wen Hui's face showed a little persistence, probably not just because of saving money or interest.

(End of this chapter)

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