Chapter 141 Acquaintances from Fengcheng (celebrating the birth of the first rudder owner in this book)
Wen Hui also knew that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was invited by the research team before, and now that Chu Miaomiao is working as a tester in the scientific research institute, they are all starting to develop their expertise in their own fields, and Wen Hui can't do anything except element control at this time, In order not to be left behind by them, Wen Hui could only chase after her.

Coincidentally, if you learn how to make potions, all three of them can benefit, at least you can save money by practicing potions, and pharmacy is not just about cultivating potions, there are also higher-level divine power recovery potions, all kinds of poisons against evil spirits and evil gods. Amplifiers to improve combat effectiveness, hemostatic agents to restore injuries, etc.The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and Wen Hui became more determined to study. After all, she is also an excellent graduate of the institution, so she should be able to do it, medicine preparation.

"Well, if you want to learn medicine, I support you. I believe you will succeed, after all, you are Wen Hui." Nodding, Zhuang Xiaoyuan affirmed Wen Hui's choice, with a trusting smile on her face, Send your own support.

"Hey, just leave it to me. Wait to enjoy the free medicine." Although everything is still unknown, Wen Hui, who is optimistic by nature, deeply believes that she will succeed.Even if you don't succeed, as long as you work harder, you will succeed.

"Then let's go to the research institute today. Pharmacy belongs to the research institute." While talking, Chu Miaomiao went to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and pulled her sleeve: "Xiaoyuan, I'm hungry."

"Then let's have breakfast first, let's go and have a look together after eating." Zhuang Xiaoyuan said with a smile as he stroked Chu Miaomiao's head and saw that Chu Miaomiao's slightly narrowed eyes really missed a kitten.

After breakfast, an ordinary-looking car drove out of the garage of the villa and headed towards the scientific research institute.Shenzhuang Academy occupies half of the entire central city, and its scope is very large. Yesterday, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others walked for a long time from the assessment site to the dormitory area.Now that there is a ready-made means of transportation, of course it will not continue to walk past.

Although the Research Institute is connected to the Shenzhuang Academy and has a special passage, it is not built inside the Shenzhuang Academy campus, but occupies a large area in the northwest corner of the central city. Except for the area connected to the Shenzhuang Academy, the two sides They were all surrounded by military camps.

'Drip' With the swipe of the student card in Chu Miaomiao's hand, the door in front of him slowly opened, and behind it was the area of ​​the scientific research institute.As the weapon performance tester of the Academy of Sciences, he is also the most professional and authoritative.Chu Miaomiao's status in the scientific research institute is not low.Basically most areas can be accessed through her student card.

As the car slowly drove in, the scientific research institute came into the eyes of several people.Although talking about places like scientific research institutes will give people a mysterious feeling.But in fact, the appearance here is no different from ordinary places, just a few ordinary high-rise buildings.Up to a little more underground buildings.However, the underground building can not be seen from the outside.

"Xiao Miao, where should we go first?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked Chu Miaomiao when the car pulled into the parking space.Although pharmacy is a project of the scientific research institute, it should be separated from the mechanical department.I don't know what time the people in the scientific research institute go to work, and if I sign up now, will anyone welcome me.

"Come with me, go to the pharmacy department to sign up first. You don't have any foundation, and you start from scratch. Few people can persevere." Chu Miaomiao took the lead towards one of the buildings, and said to Wen Hui while walking.At this time, the tone is said to be persuasion, but it may be more like encouragement.

"Xiaoyuan?!" The three of them were talking while walking, but they didn't notice the group of people coming out of it, until they passed each other, and someone in the group suddenly called out Zhuang Xiaoyuan's name.

"Hey, Mr. Mu. Long time no see." Is there anyone I know here?With questions popping up in my mind.Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up suspiciously, and what caught his eye was Mu Gengnian, who once invited him in Fengcheng. Judging by his appearance, he should also be working in the scientific research institute now.
"Sure enough, it's Xiaoyuan. I thought it was you. I heard from the Chu family kid yesterday that you arrived safely." Mu Gengnian walked out of the crowd with a happy face and walked up to Zhuang Xiaoyuan. Seeing Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui next to Zhuang Xiaoyuan: "The girl from the Chu family is here too, are you here to visit? Or are you here to apply for a deputy department?"

Mu Gengnian is also familiar with the teaching mode and student courses of the Shenzhuang Academy. At present, there are many students from the Shenzhuang Academy participating in the work in the scientific research institute, who have the special ability of the guardian god. Soldiers do have an advantage.

"Old Mu, hello." After greeting Mu Gengnian with a nod, Chu Miaomiao looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Meeting someone you know, do you want to change your original plan?There seemed to be such a message in her eyes.

"We are here to sign up. Xiaohui wants to learn medicine preparation." Although I only met Mu Gengnian once, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was very happy to meet someone who used to be in Fengcheng here.As he spoke, he pointed at Wen Hui.

"Pharmaceutical preparation? I'm afraid it's not easy. Has the little girl had a background in pharmacy?" Mu Gengnian frowned slightly when he heard what Zhuang Xiaoyuan said. I understand that the pharmacy department has been short of people for a long time, and the shortage is still talents who can really make medicine, but they don't have the time to train people from scratch.Unless there are special talents worth cultivating.

"Not at all." Shaking her head, Wen Hui's expression was very natural, and she was not depressed by Mu Gengnian's words.

"If you don't have the foundation, then it's troublesome. Those stubborn guys don't have the time to teach people from the beginning, unless they have the patron saint of fire or wood attribute." Originally, he wanted to sell favors to help , but with the old and stubborn character of the pharmacy department, even if Mu Gengnian recommends it, they probably won't give face.

"Guardian of the Flame? Old Mu, Xiaohui can control the flame." Originally, because Mu Gengnian said that the difficulty was not small, he was worried that Wen Hui's application would fail, and finally he was frustrated.But when he heard the flame guardian god Zhuang Xiaoyuan, he knew that Wen Hui had a good chance.Although he is not the guardian god of flames, Wen Hui is not inferior to the flame god in controlling the flames.

However, what does the preparation of potions have to do with flames?The wood attribute is easy to understand. After all, many herbs are botanical. Could it be... Involuntarily, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind came up with the method of refining medicine in the fairy tale novels he had read.No, no, this world is not so mysterious.However, there are super-abnormal ones like Patronus, so maybe this one is really uncertain.

 Celebrate the birth of the first rudder owner in this book, and thank the rudder owner [Forgotten Memories] for his continuous support.When it was put on the shelves, it was said that a new chapter will be added to the rudder master, but after all, it is the first rudder master.The author is very excited, so in addition to this chapter, I will add another one. Chapter 2 will be uploaded on time at eight o'clock.Thanks again for the support of [Forgotten Memories].Thank you also to all the book friends who are still insisting on watching, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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