Chapter 143 Are You So Optimistic About Her?
"Fill it out, Mr. Mu." After completing all the contents according to the prompts on the application form, Zhuang Xiaoyuan handed the form back to Mu Gengnian.

Reaching out to take the information filled out by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Mu Gengnian looked down at the projects in the first row: "Research on heavy weapons? Manufacturing of new mechs? Brain domain development? Strengthening of human cells? Xiaoyuan, are you sure you want to choose so many research projects?" ? And this cross-border is not a bit big."

Seeing the research project that Zhuang Xiaoyuan filled out, even Mu Gengnian, who was mentally prepared, was very surprised.In fact, these projects are no longer cross-border issues, and they are completely irrelevant, okay?

Even though weapon research and mecha manufacturing seem to be related to machinery, in fact weapons and mecha are two completely different concepts, just like hands and feet. Although they are both limbs, their functions are completely different.Not to mention the development of the brain domain and the strengthening of the human body. Not only do they have nothing to do with machinery, but there is also a big difference between these two items, and the human brain is the most mysterious area.

"I'm sure that I just acquired the abilities and knowledge related to these aspects some time ago. If I want to study, I hope I can do my best to do everything I can." Thinking of the cards I got before , Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked very serious, maybe my personal strength is very small, and I can't make much change for this cruel end of the world, but I also want to do what I should do within my ability.

"Really, have new abilities appeared again? So, when do you plan to start to form your own research team. I will make all projects cooperate with you." In fact, human science and technology research has come to a standstill a few years ago Among them, most of the weapons used by the army are old models. It's not that they don't want to replace them with new ones, but that they can't develop new weapons at all.

Because the demonic invasion was so sudden, and a lot of scientific research materials were lost, the original technological level has only been restored in recent years, and it is not so easy to innovate on this basis.The appearance of Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave Mu Gengnian new hope.

"After this qualifying match, I'm curious, how many students can I rank in?" Taking a sip of some cold tea, Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied with a satisfied face.

"I don't know where you rank in the qualifying competition, but if the research you listed can be successfully applied, it will definitely be the first in the contribution list." Putting away Zhuang Xiaoyuan's application form, Mu Mengnian said with an expectant smile on his face.

"Then I will lend you a good word, Mr. Mu." Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his glass as a gesture, and a confident smile appeared on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face.

Unlike others who inherited the knowledge from the patron saint, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't just acquire knowledge.In the state of using God's Fall Transformation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan herself is equivalent to the girl herself after transformation.Therefore, the creative ability possessed in the girl's world also has the same or even stronger creative ability in this world.

"Waiting for a long time, Xiao Miao, Xiao Hui." Coming out of Mu Gengnian's office and walking to the lobby on the first floor of the Mechanical Department, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao.At this time, several books that looked very heavy were placed in front of the two of them, and they were each holding one of them and flipping through them.

"It didn't take long, just let me despair about the dark days in the future." Looking up from the book, Wen Hui sighed in a joking tone.The sky is indeed dark. Judging by the thickness of these books, it may take several days to simply read through them.What's more, most of the information on pharmacy is something that must be absolutely memorized.

"It's still too late to give up now. We won't despise you." Chu Miaomiao on the side showed teasing eyes.However, there was no doubt in her tone of Wen Hui's determination.On the contrary, there may be some faint support.

"Hehe, I've already seen your future." Seeing the densely packed text and small drawings in the pages Wen Hui opened, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can foresee that Wen Hui will be buried in the pile of books for a long time in the future : "Let's go back, we will rarely have such leisure time in the future."

"Yeah, this week is the last period of leisure time. I have consulted with the teacher. After qualifying, I will officially start studying." Wen Hui said as she got up and picked up the stack of information books in front of her.

"We thought about going together, and I plan to officially start the research work after the qualifying match. I'm afraid Xiaomiao will come to help too." Smiling with Wen Hui, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled at Chu Miaomiao, who was helping with the book on the other side road.

"No problem. Just make curry for me every day." Nodding, Chu Miaomiao agreed without hesitation, but also made a small request by the way.

"Deal, but Xiao Miao really likes to eat curry." Although I also ate the three-color three-flavored dumplings made by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and I also ate other different dishes last night and this morning, but the curry dish is Chu Miaomiao's favorite. .Most of the curry chicken nuggets made last night were also destroyed by Chu Miaomiao.

The three of them walked towards the parking place while chatting. The purpose of coming to the scientific research institute today was beyond the specifications.Wen Hui successfully joined the Department of Pharmacy and began to study medicinal materials. Zhuang Xiaoyuan also joined the Research Institute and was qualified to establish an independent research group.Is it time to have a good meal at night? The curry that Xiao Miao likes is a must. Let’s add some good dishes.

After Zhuang Xiaoyuan left, Mu Gennian also quickly left his office and came to another office.At this time, an old man who looked a little older than Mu Geng was sitting in this office.

"To be honest, I have always been very unconvinced with you. I think your ability surpasses me all the time because of your patron saint. But this time I am really convinced, because your vision and courage will do so Crazy choice. I hope you are right." Putting the application form filled out by Zhuang Xiaoyuan in front of the old man, Mu Gennian looked at his old friend with mixed emotions in his eyes and said with emotion.

"Hehe, old Mu, you are so old, you still like to fight with me so much. You are right, if you don't rely on the power of the patron saint, you must be better than me. But fortunately, I have a patron saint It is also because of his presence that I can come here, I can sit in this position, and I can overcome all difficulties for the future of mankind." The index finger pointed at the research project filled in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's application form.The old man's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Are you really so optimistic about her?" Although he also believed in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ability, Mu Gengnian felt very uneasy about the old man's unreasonable trust.

"I am really optimistic about her, and I am even more optimistic about her who is favored by Xiaoqing and Xiaohua." With a smile on his face, the old man answered the questions of old friends and old opponents.

(End of this chapter)

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