Chapter 144 The Curriculum of Shenzhuang Academy

"Xiaohui, are you up? Breakfast is ready." Knocking on Wen Hui's door, Zhuang Xiaoyuan called inside.

"Oh, here we come." There was a sleepy voice from inside the door, and with the sound of the tables and chairs moving inside, Wen Hui's door was pulled open, revealing Wen Hui's sleepy and exhausted face.But although there was a deep tiredness on his face, his eyes were full of spiritual light.

"You've been reading all night again. Is that kind of dense text so beautiful?" Seeing Wen Hui's state at this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that she had read all night again. After reading the book, Wen Hui often reads all night long. If Zhuang Xiaoyuan hadn't come to ask her to eat, I'm afraid she would have forgotten that there is such a thing as eating.

"Hehe, it's very interesting. Let me tell you, it turns out that many things that we usually see can be used as medicine materials. Even the food we eat has medicinal value. In fact, we have been in the I've taken medicine. Even breast milk is a natural nutrient. Even the peels of some fruits have good medicinal effects." Mentioning the book Wen Hui is reading now, her eyes brightened again. Come to think of it, this has been a common situation these days. It seems that Wen Hui has inexplicably started to like the profession of pharmacist.

Sometimes people are like this, they don’t know what their interests are at all, and they usually live in a muddle-headed way, but when they are lucky enough to come into contact with something or a certain industry, they will suddenly burst out with strange interests. This kind of interest will make people involuntarily immersed in it, and eventually go further and further in this industry.Wen Hui is in this state at this time.

"Okay, let's have breakfast first. Let's talk after eating." Pressing Wen Hui on the seat, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sat back in his seat and began to enjoy breakfast. Today's breakfast is Xiaolongbao, omelet eggs, and self-ground soy milk.A combination of Chinese and Western breakfast.

"Well, after eating Xiaoyuan's handicrafts, I feel refreshed." I put a small steamed bun in my mouth, and as the skin was bitten, the rich taste burst out in my mouth, conquering Wen immediately. Wisdom tongue.As if taking a sauna in a sauna room, the whole person feels a sense of transparency from the inside to the outside.

"Xiaohui, eat slowly, sleep well after eating, don't stay up reading books, it's not good for your health. I'm going to class." After eating a few steamed buns and omelet eggs, Zhuang Xiaoyuan simply tidied up I was going to go to class.

"Hey, what class is it today? You don't call me anymore." Wen Hui asked suspiciously after taking a bite of the steamed bun on the chopsticks.

"Today is not the elemental class that you are interested in, nor is it a spear class. In the morning, it is Mr. Luo's boxing class, in the afternoon, it is field survival theory. In the evening, it is night sniper class. Do you want to come together?" Put it in the sink, soak it in some water, and wash it when you come back from class.Zhuang Xiaoyuan wiped her wet hands and planned to go out.

"By the way, meow with a paralyzed face, where did she go?" Wen Hui, who was sleepy and dizzy, noticed at this time that her good partner who had been fighting with her was not eating together in the kitchen. Miaomiao is the most active one.

"Xiaomiao has a weapon performance test project of the scientific research institute today. According to her, there probably won't be any novel equipment, but I still have to go to see and collect information, so I went there early. Xiaohui went to sleep obediently after eating, and I Let's go first." Waving to Wen Hui who was still nibbling on the steamed buns, Zhuang Xiaoyuan put on her shoes and went out.I believe that Wen Hui, who can't even open his eyes, will not continue to read in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked towards the classroom where he had class today.I don't know how many people will go to class today.Three days have passed since the day of visiting the scientific research team, the day of the qualifying competition is getting closer, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan has honestly attended the class for three days.

The three-day course is really all-encompassing and completely non-repetitive.First aid on the battlefield, sniper entry to proficiency, weakness analysis of evil spirits and evil gods, simple map drawing, music appreciation, simple sketches, element manipulation and resistance, difference between race gods and species, strange rules of rule gods, etc.

Some courses are very interesting, some courses are very helpful to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and of course some courses make people laugh and cry.For example, the strange rules of the rule god, originally Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought it would be a course to improve the ability of the rule god or master their own unique rules.But I never expected that in the end it would be the possibility of people complaining about various rules in reality and becoming a patron saint.

For example, it is forbidden to throw garbage anywhere. Although this is not an express law, it is also a kind of moral rule. Therefore, some people speculate that this kind of rule will prevent people nearby from littering, and it can even be extended to prohibit others from littering skills. , For example, a fireball technique, if you pass such a rule, the fireball technique will not be thrown out, how powerful it is, it is equivalent to the effect of banning magic.If there is, maybe it can really ban the laser cannons of the turret-level demons.

In addition, there is a rule of prohibiting left turns. This is a kind of traffic law. It seems useless to say it, but if there is such a rule, as long as you keep hiding to the left of your opponent, does it mean that you will never be caught? Hit it, he couldn't turn left after all.All kinds of messy guesses, that class was completely like a joke chat.

Thinking of that ridiculous class, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help laughing again.However, except for this class that was full of jokes, there were relatively few people in other classes. Among all the classes in the past three days, there were only twenty or thirty students at the time of the largest number of people, and the least number was even Two or three people.You must know that the number of students in the Shenzhuang Academy is several thousand, and I don't know what these people are doing.Are they all practicing in closed-door training in the dormitory?
I don't know how many people will attend this morning's boxing class. According to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's guess, there probably won't be too many people.After all, boxing is relatively unpopular, and the most used ones should be martial arts gods and race gods, but martial arts gods will acquire powerful boxing skills by themselves, and race gods use their own racial talents more, many of them are better at claw skills or kicking technology and the like.

Making all kinds of guesses in her mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked into the classroom of today's boxing class.Stepping into the classroom, the first feeling is the emptiness, and the second feeling is the strong imposing pressure.

Who is this guy?The moment he swept across the empty classroom, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes were firmly attracted, not because this person was beautiful or strange, but because this person exuded a strong sense of threat.This feeling is not the kind of physical warning of danger, but the kind of alertness that comes from the body's instinct, as if encountering the existence at the top of the biological chain.

(End of this chapter)

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