Chapter 145 Was Completely Underestimated
As if feeling Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze, the imposing master turned his head and looked over.It was a tall and strong young man, and the first sight of him would leave a deep impression on him, that kind of masculinity, when he turned around, it seemed that nothing could stop him The momentum became stronger.And following his gaze, the aura that was originally overflowing suddenly converged and focused on Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

The sudden concentrated momentum made Zhuang Xiaoyuan involuntarily take two steps back.Slightly frowning, she actually made herself retreat just because of her aura: "Who are you, and why are you from the special class here?"

"You, don't you know me?" The imposing master showed a slightly surprised expression, as if he was surprised that Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know him.

"Sure enough, you're from the premium class. Hey, are you interested in arguing?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan was very unconvinced about being forced back by the momentum before.Moreover, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had long been looking forward to how strong the legendary top ten elite class would be.It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you just want to find out.

"Hmph, I'm not interested. I'm here to find Luo Zhongtian." Turning his head away as if he lost interest, the tall and strong man stood straight and looked at the blackboard in the classroom, looking bored waiting for someone.

"Luo Zhongtian? So the teacher of this boxing class is the one who was assessed before. I am very interested in his Dinghun Town, but now I am more interested in you. Which one are you in the special class?" ?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan shrugged, completely ignoring the other party's contempt, walked to the seat next to the tall and strong man and sat down.Sitting and standing made his aura more and more turbulent, but he was already prepared, Zhuang Xiaoyuan would not be overwhelmed by pure aura again.

Completely ignoring Zhuang Xiaoyuan's intentions, the tall and strong man turned around and walked to the other side, and sat down as well.The two are separated by the classroom aisle, as if divided into two worlds.On one side is a tall and strong man who is silent and motionless, and on the other side is Zhuang Xiaoyuan who occasionally chats up and wants to get some information.

During the waiting time, people from class occasionally came over, but they all turned around and left when they saw the tall and strong man. Before leaving, they still showed a surprised expression to Zhuang Xiaoyuan. It seems that this person is well-known in the school. It's very high, I'm afraid it's also the top few in the special class, but I don't know which one it is.

When Luo Zhongtian walked into the classroom where he was teaching today, what he saw was an empty classroom with only two people.And these two people were sitting on both sides of the classroom with a clear distinction between movement and silence.

"Teacher Luo, we meet again." Noticing the surprised look in Luo Zhongtian's eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and waved his hand in greeting.I don't know whether Luo Zhongtian is surprised that there are too few people in the classroom or he will be here, it should be the latter.After all, this tall and strong man seemed to be known to everyone.

"Luo Zhongtian, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Fight me again." Seeing Luo Zhongtian coming in, the tall and strong man came alive instantly from the state of the statue, as if the person who was motionless just now was not him.

This tall and strong man really came to find Luo Zhongtian, and he wanted to fight again.Besides, it seems that they have already fought once before, whoever loses wins, remembering what Luo Zhongtian said in the previous assessment, he must win first before he has a chance to enter the top ten.Could it be...

"Student Huo Wenwu, haven't we already tried the competition, you have won, why are you still looking for me?" Hearing Gao Zhuangnan's words, Luo Zhongtian showed a helpless expression on his face, looking like a complete loser The look of being pestered by a winner to make him lose again.But the veracity of this expression is up for debate.

"Stop acting. After I got back, I realized that you didn't use all your strength. How could the famous Tiger King be a little bit stronger than the ordinary God Blessed? It felt a little strange at the time. I have been looking for you for several days. , I will definitely not let you go this time." Huo Wenwu's face showed burning fighting spirit, and the aura on his body became more and more violent. The whole classroom seemed to be plunged into an ocean of aura, and the surrounding air was stirred up .

"Oh, it's really troublesome. It's fine if you win, why keep pestering me. I'm very busy." Scratching his head, Luo Zhongtian showed a troubled expression, as if he was really busy Same.Are you busy chasing your girlfriend?Wanting Luo Zhongtian and Mo Wenxue before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but secretly speculate in his mind.

"Student Zhuang Xiaoyuan, what are you here for? Don't you also want to fight me again?" Luo Zhongtian seemed to see the bad thoughts in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind, and stared at him, indeed. Yes, still warning eyes fiercely, don't say what you shouldn't say, his eyes told Zhuang Xiaoyuan so.

"Hey, after what you said, I really want to try another fight." Smiling slightly, he stuck out his tongue at Huo Wenwu and made a grimace in Luo Zhongtian's warning eyes. He replied jokingly, but in the middle of the conversation, he suddenly turned a corner and said the original purpose of today: "But today's goal is the trick you hit me. I'm very interested."

"That trick that hit you, do you want to learn?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer, Luo Zhongtian turned his eyes and an idea popped up, and he asked with a correspondingly fake smile on his face.

"What do you want?" Frowning slightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Luo Zhongtian with a vigilant expression, there must be some conditions, this smile is too fake.It's easy to see through at a glance, and I always feel like I'm being calculated.

"Hmph, it happens that the two things can be solved at once. Huo Wenwu, if you want to compete with me again, it's fine, but you have to beat her first." Having fully grasped the situation, Luo Zhongtian showed an expression of determination to win. Zhuang Xiaoyuan said to Huo Wenwu.

"Her? A freshman who didn't reach the level of divine favor? Do you think she can beat me?" Huo Wenwu's expression of "are you kidding me" was not because he despised Zhuang Xiaoyuan, but because he was contemptuous.

There is a big gap in her own level, not to mention that she doesn't know herself yet, which can only show that she is the recently rumored transfer student.A rookie who has no orthodox education, wants to defeat himself with the most powerful patron saint in history?What a fantasy.

"Ah, I was despised. It's really annoying. But what he said is true. I really can't beat it. What are you planning?" Although Huo Wenwu was very unhappy with Huo Wenwu's attitude, Huo Wenwu became more and more The powerful aura also made Zhuang Xiaoyuan aware of the gap between himself and him, not just the gap in strength, but also the gap in compatibility.

 There is a second rudder owner in this book, thanks to the rudder owner [Cang Yumao] for the reward of ten thousand coins.This is the first time that the author has received so many tips at once, so excited.How to express the author's excitement and gratitude can only be expressed with updates.This chapter is regarded as an addition to the rudder master.Chapter 2 will be added later, for the first reward of [-] coins.Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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