Chapter 149 Multiple Superpower Applications

"Seriously? Are you trying to say that what happened before was just a joke? I hate people who can only talk big." Huo Wenwu, who originally had a slight crush on Zhuang Xiaoyuan because of his desire to see him, now After hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, his face darkened, and he completely regarded what she said as a bravado.

"Big talk? Then try to see if I'm talking big. Just enjoy the little tricks you say. God's Armament, God's Transformation." Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out a new card.

The first choice of Huang Xiaoyan's transformation was just to use the full state of the sky eye.At this time, Huo Wenwu's body data, strength skills, and movement habits displayed by the untransformed state have all been taken into the eyes of Tianyan, and Tianyan has completed its work.

And through previous contact, Zhuang Xiaoyuan already knew that close combat with Huo Wenwu would be very bad for him.Now is the time to try his long-range anti-strike ability.From the very beginning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had determined his tactics, and now he is officially entering the implementation stage.

The golden light bloomed again, and the new form covered Huang Xiaoyan's form, and what emerged from the golden light was a completely different form from Huang Xiaoyan.And it is also different from all the two-dimensional girls that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has used before, this one is not a girl at all, but a middle-aged woman.

Long brown wavy hair draped over his shoulders, and he was wearing a neat OL suit, and a white lab coat for research in addition to the formal suit.Her whole body exudes a decadent temperament, and the most impressive thing is her eyes, which are a pair of gloomy eyes. The originally beautiful appearance with such a pair of eyes makes people feel a little scary.The lower eyelashes of the eyes are very thick, and the overall look is completely as if he has not slept for a long time and will fall asleep at any time.

"Huh?! Just now, I felt that your ability to descend is a bit strange. There is actually a second form. Seriously, is this what you are talking about? Could it be that the second form is stronger than the previous one?" A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. , everyone who sees Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transformation will be amazed at her unique ability.Huo Wenwu is no exception.

He didn't mind giving Zhuang Xiaoyuan a little more time to perform, after all, the victory or defeat had been determined from the very beginning.Although Huo Wenwu's eyes showed a trace of caution, but since he didn't perform the transformation, he knew that he still underestimated Zhuang Xiaoyuan as his opponent in his heart.

"Is it stronger or weaker? I don't know how to answer you. It's up to you to experience it yourself." A bright red color appeared in the left eye. He looked a little more energetic.Facing Huo Wenwu who was six or seven meters away, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his right hand.Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movements, the surrounding air began to stir, and a small whirlwind formed in her palm towards Huo Wenwu.

"The ability of the wind element? This kind of thing is useless to me." Huo Wenwu lowered his face in boredom, and rushed directly to Zhuang Xiaoyuan with his feet. Facing the hurricane released by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, he smashed it with a punch.It seemed that he didn't want to continue this competition anymore. The speed and strength at this time were obviously much stronger than before, so he must have become a little more serious.

"My attack is not that simple. The whip of iron sand." The left eye became brighter red, and as Zhuang Xiaoyuan lowered his right hand, blue and white lightning flashed, and strands of black iron sand emerged from the ground, forming a black whip , and threw it at Huo Wenwu.The iron sand in this black whip is in a state of intense friction, and it already has a cutting power comparable to that of a chainsaw.

"I've already said it, it's useless to me." Strong divine power surged into the skin, and under the addition of divine power, the body that was originally stronger than ordinary warriors in divine costume had already reached the point of inhumanity. Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan Iron sand rubbing violently.Huo Wenwu directly greeted him with his own body.A punch hit the middle of the whip, breaking up the iron sand condensed inside.

"Move the coordinates." Sweeping his eyes around, Zhuang Xiaoyuan activated his ability directly, and metal cans suddenly appeared beside Huo Wenwu: "Explode in the void."

The pop-up cans that just flashed out seemed to fall into a black hole, shrinking rapidly. When they shrank to the limit, there was a series of roars. These pop-top cans exploded around Huo Wenwu like small bombs.

"Water." Stretching out his hand and twisting it towards the outside of the ring, the red fire hydrant twisted and burst as if affected by an invisible force. Water splashed out of the fire hydrant, and under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's control, it rushed straight over the heads of the spectators. Huo Wenwu.

"Condensation." The ability switched quickly, and the spray that had rushed to Huo Wenwu's head split into slender icicles in an instant, shooting towards Huo Wenwu as if forming an ice rain.

"Hundred steps punch." Huo Wenwu's voice sounded in the smoke of the explosion.Almost at the same time, an invisible force directly scattered the smoke in front of him, passed through the distance between the two, hit Zhuang Xiaoyuan's abdomen, and passed through her again.

"Hmph, there are really long-range strikes. Fortunately, I was prepared." The attack pierced through Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, but she acted as if nothing had happened.The ability to polarize light distorts the light, causing other people's sight to shift. It looks like Zhuang Xiaoyuan is standing there, but in fact Zhuang Xiaoyuan is in another place. What is here is just a phantom formed by the reflection of light.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan used this ability the moment her transformation was completed.Haruno Kiyama, who was born as a researcher, is actually not suitable for fighting. Her only combat power is multi-talented ability, but multi-talented ability can only use the strong ability of level three at most, and the higher ability cannot be used at all.

However, in this case, the multi-talented ability is the most suitable, and it may be possible to obtain more information on the opponent.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's goal is not only to win this competition, but also to know what kind of strength the so-called top ten students have and how far they are from themselves.

"There are many types of abilities, and they are indeed very effective when used properly. However, in the face of absolute power, this kind of messy abilities are useless. God's Armament, God's Transformation." From explosions and freezing rain Coming out of the attack, Huo Wenwu's face was still stable and his tone was very calm, but his clothes were damaged.

There was a tear in the cuff of the right hand.This is because he failed to hit Zhuang Xiaoyuan after using the Hundred Step Punch just now, and he was distracted by the momentary shock that surfaced, and was directly torn apart by the icy rain falling from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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