Chapter 150
The divine power on his body began to surge wildly, and white light bloomed from his body. When the white light subsided, Huo Wenwu's hair, eyebrows, and pupils all turned golden, and the clothes on his body were replaced by a set of white clothes.From time to time, a golden thunder light visible to the naked eye flashed beside him.

"You, you can't be a Super Saiyan." The 'weak' Kishan Haruki actually forced Huo Wenwu to transform into a god, completely beyond Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expectations, and what was even more surprising was Huo Wenwu's current state of mind. Appearance, why does your transformation look so similar to the first Super Saiyan? Faced with this kind of appearance that can blow up the earth, I am under a lot of pressure.

"Super Saiyan? What is that? Minority?" Huo Wenwu raised his eyebrows in doubt, and a trace of confusion appeared on Huo Wenwu's face. Could it be that the minority called Super Saiyan looks similar to himself?I don't know if that minority is strong or not, but I must try it out if I have the chance.

"Well, it counts. It's okay if you don't know." Super Saiyans are a minority. Although it seems to be the same thing, why does it sound so weird.Shaking his head, he pushed the boring thoughts out of his mind.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face turned serious.

I finally got serious, I really had to wait, let me take a good look at how strong you are after the transformation.If I just hurt you who didn't use all your strength, I would be very sorry, the number one in the special class.

In an instant, Huo Wenwu disappeared.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's pupils shrank for a while, and the speed was so much faster that under Mushan Chunsheng's perception of his mind, he didn't catch Huo Wenwu's starting movement at all.However, can you find my real body under the polarized light ability?As soon as the idea came to mind, a strong wind of punches had already hit Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"When?" The phantom of the polarized light was still on the other side, but Huo Wenwu found Zhuang Xiaoyuan's real location as if he was not affected at all.Space movement, with a thought, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly used space movement to leave the original place and appeared more than ten meters away.

The next second, Huo Wenwu appeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan again, as if he knew that Zhuang Xiaoyuan would appear in this position.No, it should be that his speed was so fast that Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who noticed the movement of the space, ran directly to this position.This inhuman speed, is this the first in the academy?

"Nitrogen armor." During the air flow, all the surrounding nitrogen concentrated on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, forming a thick nitrogen protection. Huo Wenwu's attack directly hit the nitrogen armor.Pause for a second, break through.

"Appropriate amount of manipulation." The moment the nitrogen armor broke through, the calculation formula in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind flashed quickly, and the deflection ability of the appropriate amount of manipulation was directly attached to the skin.Boom, with one punch, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was sent flying.

The whole body seemed to be crushed once, and the internal organs were as uncomfortable as if they had been stirred by someone, and a mouthful of blood spit out from the mouth.Huo Wenwu, who showed his strength, injured Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a simple punch.Although the right amount of manipulation diverted part of the attack at the last moment, it was only LV3 after all, not as powerful as Accelerator at all.

"Stop it for me." The fairy tale world card in the nebula whirlpool shone with colorful lights.The voice ability to lure Xiao Meijiu was temporarily borrowed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan gritted her teeth to suppress the discomfort in her body, and spit out a sentence from a mouth full of rust.After the words fell, Huo Wenwu, who originally planned to continue chasing, could not help but pause.

"Arm of God, Transformation of God." Grasping the moment of his pause, the card that had been prepared for a long time was finally used, and the golden light bloomed again, and the new form covered Haruki Kiyama's form. Both previous forms were younger girls.The scarlet demon of Eternal Night, Remilia Scarlet.

The wings on the back lightly flapped and flew into the sky. Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who transformed into a young lady, had a very serious injury to the human Haruno Kiyama, but it was only a minor injury to the vampire. In just a few seconds, the chest and abdomen were shaken. The internal injury has almost recovered.

After recovering from her injuries, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly increased her speed to the extreme, took the initiative to attack, and swooped down to Huo Wenwu from the sky.Let me use the strongest form to experience the so-called first in the academy.

"The third one." Huo Wenwu didn't care about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transformation again, and continued to attack.Stepping over a strange route under his feet, he faced Zhuang Xiaoyuan in just a few steps, and blasted towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan with his right fist.

"Hey." In terms of physical strength and speed, Remilia is definitely the strongest among all Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transformation cards.Therefore, Zhuang Xiaoyuan believes in Remilia's ability very much. Even if she is a god-level opponent, she may be weak, but there will never be a crushing gap.

The strong fist collided with the petite fist, and the air roared violently as if it was shaken.The fist parted in the next second, Huo Wenwu took a step back, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan was sent flying again.Ahh, it's true that it wasn't crushed, it's just that it was sent flying again.Even the pronation, which had almost recovered, was damaged again.However, the collision of this punch also made Zhuang Xiaoyuan discover a little mystery of Huo Wenwu.

"Red Talisman-Red Nightless City." After being knocked into the air, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly recovered from his injuries. Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out a red spell card, and the red mist began to float out and cover the entire arena. He stopped his momentum before the arena.Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out a black spell card again: "Night Talisman - Vampire Assault."

Missy is not a melee character, no, or should I say, not just a melee character.Black bats flew out of the spell cards, and they seemed to be active in the red mist. They flapped their black wings quickly and rushed towards Huo Wenwu densely.

"It's such a mess of tricks again." Frowning dissatisfied, Huo Wenwu was very dissatisfied that Zhuang Xiaoyuan only used useless tricks, but didn't confront him head-on.You must know that most of the top ten members of the premium class are based on hard skills, especially the top three. It is not that simple to rely on weird abilities to get to the top.

Just like the tenth Wang Wenjie, it doesn't matter if he is immortal, he is not worthy of being beaten in the face of absolute power.So he is the weakest one among the ten people, and he can only bully ordinary students.

Dancing his fists quickly, walking a strange route under his feet, Huo Wenwu quickly walked among the densely packed bats, and the bats flying in the air fell down like dumplings.It turned into balls of black liquid and fell to the ground.

Seeing the bats being knocked down one by one, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised a mysterious arc at the corner of his mouth, and took out a blood-red spell card.With the use of the spell card, an invisible force from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand acted on Huo Wenwu: "Death Talisman-Broken Heart."

(End of this chapter)

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