Chapter 151

Huo Wenwu, who was cleaning the bats around, suddenly felt the pressure from inside his body, and the blood in his body began to boil uncontrollably, rushing towards the heart, the center of blood transmission.

"Huh?! It's this kind of trick again. I'm tired of it. Feng Lei Po." A trace of impatience flashed across his face, and Huo Wenwu's aura began to rise rapidly.He no longer intends to continue this contest that doesn't make much sense to him.

Strong divine power erupted in an instant, and the golden lightning flashing around him seemed to be reinjected with energy and became clearly visible.And with the burst of divine power, the golden lightning began to spread around Huo Wenwu, and the surrounding bats were all wiped out as soon as they approached the golden lightning, turning into black water and falling to the ground.

With the explosion and spread of the golden lightning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's death talisman acting on Huo Wenwu's body actually seemed to be cut off, completely losing its effect.I am afraid that this wind and thunder break can repel all external energy.Whether it's the bats or the invisible control of the broken heart, even the sun and the breeze are repelled.

The golden lightning expanded bigger and bigger, and the red mist that originally shrouded the ring began to be repelled by the golden lightning and spread out of the ring.Judging by the way it spread, it might completely cover the entire arena.

No more refunds.As the golden lightning spread, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also retreated a little bit. Judging from the way the bats around him collapsed upon contact, the power of this golden lightning might not be small. She didn't want to touch this kind of thing if it was not a last resort, but Now there is no way to retreat, and the edge of the ring is already behind him, and if he retreats a few meters, he will be counted as out of bounds.Even if it is flying in the air, if the bottom of the feet is outside the ring, it will fail.

Gritting his teeth, he encouraged the divine power in his body to strengthen his body, and the wings on his back flapped for the last time.Zhuang Xiaoyuan shielded his face with both hands, contracted his body as much as possible, and after incitement, the bat's wings spread out to cover his whole body. With the momentum of the final incitement, Zhuang Xiaoyuan crashed into the range of the golden lightning.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Although I have made good mental preparations and tried my best to protect myself, the power of the golden lightning is still unexpectedly strong. The difference is that it is not ordinary lightning, but an energy attack with a positive power, but it looks like lightning in appearance.The eldest lady that Zhuang Xiaoyuan transformed at this time is a vampire, and the devil type is completely restrained by this bright and positive power.

In the range of the golden lightning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but let out a scream.The clothes on his body were damaged in many places, and the originally delicate skin was scorched black by the high temperature of the golden lightning.Even the wings on the back were broken with several wing bones and fell to the ground.

The golden lightning gradually receded, spread to the entire ring lightning area, and finally recovered and disappeared.Huo Wenwu didn't even look at Zhuang Xiaoyuan whose skin was mostly scorched on the ground, and stared straight at Luo Zhongtian who was watching the battle under the ring.This is the real contempt, and the result is as he expected. From the beginning, the victory belongs to him only.

Turning his head to look at Luo Zhongtian outside the ring, Huo Wenwu didn't notice that the person he thought had failed moved his fingers slightly.The body began to tremble slightly, under the scorched skin, the flesh and blood began to recover, and new skin grew under the dead skin.The viability of vampires is not comparable to that of ordinary humans. However, the recovery speed is not fast. The power of the golden lightning is still in the wounds on the body, which affects the recovery of the injuries.

Time passed by second by second, Zhuang Xiaoyuan seemed to be really defeated, lying on the ground motionless.The surrounding spectators started counting, ten, nine, eight, seven...

"Projection." The chapped lips trembled slightly, and within the body, most of the divine power had been consumed, and in the slightly dim nebula nest, the fairy tale world card emitted a colorful halo.In Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand that recovered first, a faint red electric light began to flash: "Gungnir."

When the number reached three, Zhuang Xiaoyuan trembled slightly, struggled to stand up, and supported herself with the bright red gun in his hand: "It hurts so much. It hurts me to death, bastard."

The clothes on his body were mostly damaged, exposing the scorched skin inside.With every movement, the scorched skin would pull the nearby skin, spurting out a little blood. Once the blood appeared, it was quickly absorbed by the body. Every bit of a vampire's blood was a source of strength, so it couldn't be wasted.The surrounding red mist that was originally dispersed by the golden lightning surrounded him again. In the red mist, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's recovery speed further increased.But the time is still too short, and I can't wait for my body to fully recover.

"It's really surprising to me. You can be regarded as outstanding among the gods. You can still stand up after experiencing my wind and thunder. It is rare to rely on the thin power of the gods to block the transformation of the gods. Ah. I should give you a decent defeat." Looking back from outside the arena, Huo Wenwu looked down at Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was standing up on the support of the sharp gun, and stretched out his right hand, and the golden thunder began to gather towards his hand.

"Hey, there's something even more unexpected coming up. Sharpshooter, Gungnir." Before Huo Wenwu made a move, Zhuang Xiaoyuan made the first move. He raised the bright red sharpshooter in his hand, called out the real name of the sharpshooter, and pointed directly at Huo Wenwu. Civil and military lost the past.Red energy emanated from the sharp gun, and with some unique rules, it shot straight at Huo Wenwu.

His pupils shrank slightly, and Huo Wenwu, who was originally indifferent, felt a faint sense of threat from the sharp spear thrown by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.If this blow is hit unpreparedly, it will definitely be injured, and it is not a simple minor injury.The warrior intuition from the guardian god reminded himself strongly, Huo Wenwu immediately gave up the attack and turned around to avoid Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sharp gun.

A red light flashed past, and the sharp gun passed by Huo Wenwu's side without attacking him.The golden thunder light began to gather again, this time he planned to knock Zhuang Xiaoyuan off the ring directly.This contest has dragged on long enough, it is time to end.

"Hey." Huo Wenwu's keen ear caught the weak low laughter, and at the same time caught the corner of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's slightly raised mouth, no, there was another trick.The thought just surfaced, and a stronger sense of crisis came to my mind than before. This time, the attack came from behind.

Turning around in an instant, Huo Wenwu punched without hesitation: "Thunderbolt." Boom, the sharp spear that had just flashed by just turned back and continued to attack.

"Sharp Gun Gungnir." Almost at the same time as Huo Wenwu turned to deal with the attack from behind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice came from the other side again.Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the red light reflected from behind, and there was actually a second bright red gun.

(End of this chapter)

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