Chapter 152

Boom, the encounter between the sharp gun and the fist ended with the sharp gun collapse.Huo Wenwu's fist directly blew up Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shotgun. Although he was not injured, Huo Wenwu couldn't help but staggered from the impact of the shotgun.The sense of crisis behind him struck again, this time it was the attack of the second sharp gun.

Unable to force it, Huo Wenwu made a decision in his heart, and moved lightly under his feet, trying to get out of the straight line of the sharp gun.Wait for it to turn back and defend again.As his footsteps rose and fell, Huo Wenwu suddenly felt empty under his feet, and his body instantly lost his balance and bent to one side.

"Not good." After stepping on the ground, Huo Wenwu realized that the arena had been transformed by Zhuang Xiaoyuan unconsciously.Many areas of the arena were scattered with black liquid. These were the drops of bats after they were defeated, and Huo Wenwu stepped on the area covered by the black liquid before stepping on them. These black liquids actually corroded the arena into pieces. An imperceptible pit.

In fact, Huo Wenwu's own speed is not fast, his patron saint is the most complete and comprehensive martial god among the martial arts gods.Having the most comprehensive abilities also means having no outstanding attributes.Huo Wenwu is not good enough in terms of strength or speed. His speed is not as good as the ninth place, his strength is not as good as the seventh place, and his defense is even worse than the second place.But he can become the number one relying on the strongest ability bestowed on him by the God of War, martial arts.

Relying on martial arts skills, he displayed a speed close to the ninth place, a strength exceeding the seventh place, and an attack that broke the defense of the second place.The increase in various martial arts skills made him a well-deserved number one.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan found out.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't think of a solution to Huo Wenwu's power skills, and his energy attack couldn't be completely defended, but his speed could be limited, that is, the potholes on the ground that were corroded by the black liquid, because the black liquid With the presence of liquid, the potholes in the ground cannot be seen at all, and the black liquid covers nearly 80.00% of the area.

Relying on unique footwork, using the ability to shrink the ground to an inch, and gaining a speed far beyond ordinary people, this is the origin of Huo Wenwu's speed, but in this arena that has been transformed into traps everywhere, this kind of footwork There is no doubt that it is restricted, and it is still at the most critical time of dodging.

"Auspicious Talisman: Miserable Fate." A second true sharpshooter was projected.Zhuang Xiaoyuan once again directly consumed the remaining divine power to use the last spell card.The spell card flickered for a moment before dissolving into the air.

With nothing under his feet, Huo Wenwu knew it was not good, so he jumped out with all his strength on conditioned reflex, with a pop.fell into a bigger pothole.The black liquid in this pothole directly flowed over Huo Wenwu's calf.The sharpshooter came, and he had already lost his last chance to dodge the blow.

"This kind of attack, how can it hurt me." Losing the opportunity to dodge, Huo Wenwu will not just sit still, and directly mobilize as much divine power as possible to rush to his right hand, breaking through lightning.The right fist wrapped in golden lightning met the sharp spear Gungnir.

Boom, sharpshooter and fist meet again.Compared with the first projected sharpshooter, He had some precautions, and his body could use normal force to break through lightning.This time, the state of the two sides was completely opposite. The real sharpshooter, which was much more powerful than the projection, faced the hasty counterattack, and the body was trapped and unable to fully exert its power.

With a roar, Huo Wenwu flew out of the pothole, turned over in the air, adjusted his posture and landed safely.The sharp gun was also knocked into the air, making several 360-degree circles in the air, and with a bang, it was inserted not far behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Raising his head, his eyes were firmly fixed on Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and Huo Wenwu's eyes quietly ignited a gleam of fire.He said, "I lost."

A drop or two of blood flowed from his right hand and dripped onto the ground.Touching his injured right hand, Huo Wenwu readily admitted his failure. Although the wound was so small that it only bleed a few drops of blood and began to recover, it was still injured after all.

"Today is my failure, but tactics, luck, nirvana, these things can only help you for a while, maybe they will fail at any time. The most fundamental thing is to rely on your own strength. Hurry up and grow up. When the time comes, I will come to you again." The original contempt has disappeared, and Huo Wenwu has already recognized Zhuang Xiaoyuan's potential for being able to hurt himself.But the strength is still weak.

"Thank you for your advice." Although he was the one who won this time, what Huo Wenwu said was correct.Indeed, luck and tactics are also a kind of strength, but if you are not strong enough, any tactics are useless in the face of strong strength, and luck does not always favor you.Even Remilia, who can manipulate fate to a certain extent, cannot guarantee the direction of fate. Today is indeed a good luck, and if it happens again, this result cannot be guaranteed.

"I hope to see you again soon." Waving his hand, Huo Wenwu turned and left as if no one was there, completely ignoring the surrounding spectators who fell into silence because of his failure.

Watching Huo Wenwu leave, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also went directly off the ring, fanning the wings that had finally recovered behind her back, and flew towards Luo Zhongtian's position before: "Xiao Miao, where is Mr. Luo." But when she flew to the place where Luo Zhongtian set up the bet After the position, Luo Zhongtian's shadow was not seen at all.

"He's gone, but he has lost money. Let me give you this." Thinking that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was looking for Luo Zhongtian because of the previous gambling, Chu Miaomiao replied by shaking the card in his hand.After answering, he handed a small storage disk to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"That liar. He actually ran away. Don't let me catch you. If I catch you, you must count the capital and the interest." The right fist hit the palm of the left hand heavily, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan had an unhappy expression on his face.Don't even think about it, the storage disk must be the teaching of Ding Hun Zhen that was agreed before.But the other condition is that you want to get rid of the skin, so that you won't run away. Remember this time, next time it won't be a matter of punching, and you will have to add interest.

"I lost, Boss Huo actually lost." The Huo fans who watched the battle were still immersed in the blow just now.

"This transfer student is so good, he actually made Huo Wenwu admit defeat." As the first person woke up, the people around who were still in shock began to recover one by one.

"Let's go back, little meow." Noticing the commotion around him and the glances that came over him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took Chu Miaomiao's hand and walked away quickly.She didn't want to deal with these people around her.Since the boxing class was abandoned halfway, let's go back and continue to practice hard or organize research plans.The qualifying match is about to start, and this competition will probably let many people know themselves.It is necessary to further improve the strength.

(End of this chapter)

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