Chapter 153 The Confused Wenhui

"Hey, Xiaohui, wake up. Don't sleep here, go back to your room to sleep. Be careful of catching a cold." A familiar voice came from her ear, and the sequelae of studying all night made Wen Hui feel a tingling pain in her brain, and her eyes seemed to be sticky Together they can't open at all.

"Well, is it already night?" Struggling hard, but still not opening her eyelids, Wen Hui stood up from her seat with her eyes closed, her body shook, and almost fell off.The warm body temperature came, and Wen Hui fell into a familiar embrace.

She didn't seem to have slept for long, and Xiaoyuan came back. She was really tired from the whole night, so she must go to bed early today.Otherwise, I am afraid that the next qualifying round will be out of shape.The brain is running in a daze, but the eyes don't want to open at all, and they are still greedy for the previous dream.

"It's not night yet, you can continue to sleep. But you can't sleep here. Xiaohui, can you go? Come with me, go back to the room and have a good rest." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice came to my ears, it was already very familiar Voice, in such a voice, Wen Hui felt very at ease, did not refuse Zhuang Xiaoyuan's guidance, closed her eyes tightly, and walked forward with a feeling of half-dream and half-awake.

Originally, she followed Zhuang Xiaoyuan into her room and lay down under the warm blanket.Continuing with his previous dream, it should be like this, but a faint smell of blood came from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.This smell is very weak, and it should not be smelled at first, but in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's breath, Wen Hui caught this trace of incongruity mixed in in an instant.

The smell of blood, why is there such a smell, it's Madoka, she smells of blood, she was hurt.A series of messages popped up in my mind, and my heart began to beat abnormally. My heart, which had been quiet in a dream, suddenly panicked. The half-dream and half-awake state was immediately dispelled. Feeling slightly confused, she looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan: "Xiaoyuan, what's going on, are you injured?"

"Hey, are you awake?" Wen Hui who was in her arms suddenly opened her eyes and woke up. Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a surprised expression on her face. This happened several times before, and she knew it was her, so Wen Hui, who was half asleep and half awake, would definitely not Those who wake up will obediently let themselves be brought into the bedroom before continuing to sleep deeply.

This time period is also one of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's favorite times, because Wen Hui in a half-dream, half-awake state is different from her usual liveliness, and her peaceful sleeping face reveals another kind of cuteness that is different from usual.Looking at her expression of being indulging in a dream and not wanting to wake up, Zhuang Xiaoyuan will also feel warm in his heart, and it will also make him start to feel sleepy, and he will have a good dream afterwards.

"I smell the blood on your body, what's going on, who hurt you." There was a hint of anger and worry in her eyes, at this time Wen Hui also saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan's appearance at this time, and there was no obvious sign on her body. However, the clothes he wore to class before had become tattered. Although it covered important parts of his body, occasionally his arms, waist, and part of his white skin would be exposed.

It actually affected Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own clothes. I'm afraid the previous injury was very serious. Knowing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's unique transformation state, under normal circumstances, the injury after transformation will not affect the main body, unless the injury exceeds the limit.Thinking of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's injury from the degree of damage to the clothes, Wen Hui was filled with anger and self-blame. It would have been nice if she had gone with her, but she actually let Zhuang Xiaoyuan get hurt by sleeping on her own.

"It's okay, it's okay, look, I'm not injured. You, it's better to go and have a good sleep now. I'll call you again at mealtime, and I will explain it to you in detail, you see You, with a tired face, don't stay up all night today." Smiling and patted Wen Hui's shoulder, Zhuang Xiaoyuan helped her into the bedroom.Side explained.

"Is it really okay?" She looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan suspiciously, she was indeed okay, but with the smell of blood and the tattered clothes on her body, she must have been injured before.

"It's really all right. If you don't believe me, you can ask Xiaomiao. She went to see me just now, and she almost knows what happened." Seeing Wen Hui's tired face but not wanting to sleep at all, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pointed to Chu Miaomiao who was standing at the door.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Wen Hui turned her head to look at Chu Miaomiao at the door. Although the two often argue and play around, they are also very understanding partners when they should be serious. After all, there is a saying, the person who knows you best Not yourself or your friend, but your opponent.Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui are not only friends but also competitors in a certain sense.

So, seeing Chu Miaomiao nodded, Wen Hui seemed to be relieved, her whole expression relaxed.Zhuang Xiaoyuan may hide her situation because she doesn't want to worry herself.But Chu Miaomiao, who cared about Zhuang Xiaoyuan as much as herself, would never hide this from herself.

"Okay, you can go to bed now, have a good sleep, we'll talk about it later." With a helpless smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pushed Wen Hui down on the bed and covered her with a quilt.At times like this, I was always distrusted, and there was no precedent for concealing my injuries because of bravado.Although it was because I was worried about myself, it was really helpless.

"Well, after that, you have to explain the matter clearly, don't forget, I must know the one who hurt you..." The voice became softer and softer, and Wen Hui was very tired after several days of staying up all night. The last words seemed to have turned into sleep talk, and with the last words, Wen Hui fell asleep.

"Little meow..." With a soft cry, Zhuang Xiaoyuan made a gesture to signal to leave, and the two walked out of Wen Hui's room lightly, and gently closed the door behind them.Only Wen Hui who had fallen asleep was left in the room.

"Xiao Miao, wait a minute, I'll go back and change my clothes first, and then we'll make lunch together." After closing the door of Wen Hui's room, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked down at her happy clothes, and turned to Chu Miao beside her Miao said.

"Well, I'll go prepare the ingredients first." His gaze stayed on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's exposed snow-white skin for a moment, his cheeks flushed slightly, Chu Miaomiao nodded, as if deliberately avoiding it, turned around and walked quickly towards the kitchen.The ingredients in the kitchen are quite sufficient, and they were replenished just yesterday.

Watching Chu Miaomiao leave at a much faster pace than usual, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked down at herself inexplicably, completely confused. So, what happened to Xiaomiao?Is it because you are hungry and want to have lunch early?Unexpectedly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan could only attribute it to her being hungry. After all, Chu Miaomiao has always had a good appetite.

 Today is the 25th, the last month of the year, the legendary Christmas. I don’t know if you have any plans for Christmas. Anyway, the author of the single dog is still alone at home and codes T_T.But regardless of whether Christmas is over, the author is here to wish everyone a fast Christmas~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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