Chapter 154 I am forever 16 years old

"Well, it's finished, just the last soup. Go and wake Xiaohui up." While chatting with Chu Miaomiao about all kinds of anecdotes about Shenzhuang Academy, while making various dishes leisurely, experienced After almost three hours of preparation and cooking, today's lunch is finally finished.Zhuang Xiaoyuan took the soup plate and began to fill the last radish and ribs soup, and said to Chu Miaomiao who was helping her.

"Yes." Nodding, Chu Miaomiao turned and walked out of the kitchen to wake Wen Hui up.

Taking out the inner pot of the electronic pressure cooker with his left hand and the long-handled soup ladle with his right, Zhuang Xiaoyuan skillfully poured the radish ribs soup into the soup plate. He hadn’t used God’s Transformation in his cooking these days, but he just borrowed Nakiri Erina's cooking skills.After a few days of familiarization and training, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's craftsmanship has also improved a lot. Just pouring the soup is very skillful, and not a drop of soup leaked out of the plate.

"Ah, face paralyzed meow, you bastard, what are you doing?" Wen Hui's angry voice came from next to his ear, and it seemed that Chu Miaomiao had successfully woken Wen Hui up.Regardless of the means, as long as Chu Miaomiao steps out, Wen Hui can be called up soon.

Is this the so-called one thing down one thing?If you call it yourself, you will have to toss at least half an hour.Thinking of the time in the abandoned city before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help showing a knowing smile.That time, Wen Hui might not have been able to be woken up if he hadn't used the last resort.

"Aren't you illiterate? I've hung a mask on the door to prohibit entry, but you still barged in. Could it be that your Chinese was taught by a physical teacher?" while facing Chu Miaomiao who was walking in front Complaining, he walked towards the kitchen.It seems that after three hours of 'charging', Wen Hui has almost recovered.As long as you resume normal sleep tonight, tomorrow will be a spiritual gentleness again.

"If you hang a kennel on the door, I won't go in. Do you hang it?" Chu Miaomiao took the lead into the kitchen and counterattacked unabashedly.The expression on Mingming's face was calm as usual, without any emotion at all, but his mouth was not forgiving at all.

"You bastard, who would treat your own room as a doghouse?" Wen Hui stared at Chu Miaomiao's back with a dissatisfied expression.

"Then there's no other way." Shrugging, Chu Miaomiao acted as if she had nothing to do with herself.

"Okay, let's eat." Smiling as the two came over while arguing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan came out of the kitchen with a soup plate, and put the soup plate in the center of the specially vacated dining table.

It always felt that after the three of them met again, the way they got along changed to a certain extent. Wen Hui began to fight against Chu Miaomiao, and instead became closer to herself.Chu Miaomiao was as close to herself as she was when she was a child, but the fights with Wen Hui became more frequent.As for myself, I feel like I have completely become a wife full of maternal aura watching the two children quarreling.Evil, it is definitely an illusion, I am forever 16 years old, how could I have the attributes of a wife.Although the current actual age is only 15 years old.

"I'm going to get the bowls and chopsticks." Seeing the sumptuous dishes on the table, Wen Hui took the initiative to go into the kitchen to get the bowls and chopsticks.Chu Miaomiao also went in and brought out the rice cooker filled with rice.

"Ah, Xiao Yuan's cooking is delicious." After setting up the table and chopsticks and sitting in the seat, Wen Hui immediately reached out to pick out the meaty ribs from the radish rib soup and put them in his mouth, absorbing the essence of the radish and soup The pork ribs are tender and succulent, with a strong flavor.Every time I eat Zhuang Xiaoyuan's food, it is a kind of enjoyment.

Although the dishes are delicious every day, but there is no longer a gourmet illusion, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's dishes will only shine when he is in the transformed state, making people enter the unique gourmet illusion.The dishes I cook are simply delicious.

"Well, it's first class." Chu Miaomiao nodded in agreement as he put the white rice covered in potato and beef stew into his mouth.Chu Miaomiao would only affirm Wen Hui's words when she was tasting Zhuang Xiaoyuan's cuisine.

Recently, Zhuang Xiaoyuan discovered that Chu Miaomiao probably doesn't just like curry, but also likes eating rice with rice.So in the past few days, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has also changed his ways to make various dishes that can be mixed with rice, such as shredded pork with fish flavor, sliced ​​meat with black fungus, sliced ​​fish with tomato sauce, these dishes specially increase the soup, today The best is the goulash with potatoes.

"Speaking of which, Madoka seems to have something to say before, what exactly is it?" Wen Hui asked as she put a piece of braised chicken in her mouth, feeling the smoothness of the chicken and the delicious sauce.

"Have you forgotten?" Seeing Wen Hui's completely dazed look, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt black lines all over her head.Before, I was trying to keep my spirits up, and didn't ask about the state of not sleeping.Now when I wake up, I forget all about it.Could it be that the previous state was actually sleepwalking?
"Hey, I haven't forgotten, didn't I remember what Madoka was going to say?"

Isn't this completely forgotten, well, forget it.Anyway, it's a small thing, just forget it.

"I do have something to say." Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to speak in Wen Hui's look as if I remembered correctly: "About the strength of the top ten elite classes in the academy. Xiao Miao should know best Yes, there is no need to say more, Xiaohui probably doesn't know at all."

"Top ten in the college, why do you say that, Madoka, as if you have already been in contact with it." Wen Hui said casually in a joking tone while stuffing rice into her mouth.

"Ah, I have indeed met. I had a little competition with the number one in the academy in the morning." There was a smirk intending to play a prank on his face, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan also purposely pretended to be nonchalant and said.

"Pfft, cough cough. What is it? It's real or fake. I tried it with the number one in the academy." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Wen Hui showed a very surprised expression as expected, but what she didn't expect was probably being Wen Hui, who was eating, just spit out the rice in his mouth, facing Chu Miaomiao's direction.

"Evil, dirty." Then, Chu Miaomiao, who had been sprayed all over her face, raised her head and stared viciously at him.

"Um, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Well, it's my fault. Facing Chu Miaomiao's eyes, Wen Hui looked away guiltily, pulled the tissue on the table and handed it to Chu Miaomiao.

"What a fuss." Casting a contemptuous look at Wen Hui, Chu Miaomiao took the tissue and began to wipe off the rice sticking to her face. Fortunately, it was just white rice, not greasy chicken.Otherwise, it will be more difficult to wipe, it will be all oil.

(End of this chapter)

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