Chapter 155 The Gap between God's Grace and God's Drop

"What's going on, how did you meet the first one, how did you fight with him, what a pity, I didn't go with you." Wen Hui showed curiosity and regret on his face. Regarding yesterday's all night, I feel a little regretful that I didn't go with them when I went to bed in the morning.

"It's because of Mr. Luo during the previous assessment. He taught the boxing class this morning. Huo Wenwu, who was originally the number one in the academy, came to look for him, but he dumped him to me after that. But it was an instant hit. Let me figure out how to be number one." Zhuang Xiaoyuan explained in detail the process of going to class by herself in the morning, how she was used as a shield by Luo Zhongtian afterwards, and how she competed with Huo Wenwu.

"It turns out that Teacher Luo was so shameless that he ran away in the end. So, how do you feel? The strength of the first place." After listening to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's explanation, Wen Hui despised Luo Zhongtian who ran away shamelessly. Open your mouth and ask more important about the strength of the first place.

"It's very strong, and I'm afraid I haven't used my full strength." Recalling the previous battle with Huo Wenwu, the opponent's carelessness, and the feeling of complete indifference after the final loss.I couldn't help but feel a little bit of unwillingness in my heart.

She kind of understood why Huo Wenwu wanted to go to Luo Zhongtian. Although she won in the end, her opponent didn't take it seriously at all. Moreover, under the conditions of winning and losing, she basically played all her cards to achieve this situation. But the other party still hides a lot.It's really annoying.

"Is the first one so strong? Didn't Xiaoyuan hurt him in the end?" Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan told the story in detail, she had never seen it with her own eyes, and Wen Hui still had no clear idea of ​​Huo Wenwu's strength. .

"Let's put it this way, do you know what is the biggest gap between God's grace level and God's downgrade?" Seeing that Wen Hui's face was still a bit dazed, unable to clearly recognize the strength of the academy's No. [-], Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked in a different direction .

"Divine grace level, the biggest difference should be the quality of divine power. God has been working hard to compress divine power since the demotion, and the Nebula will be advanced into divine grace when all the nebulae are condensed into a ball. The quality of that kind of divine power is far above that of degraded gods." Still Wen Hui, who is downgraded from the gods and is working hard towards the gods, still has some understanding of the characteristics of the gods.

"The quality of divine power is one aspect. Divine favor level has a feature that demotion does not have, you know." Nodding to affirm Wen Hui's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to ask.

"A feature, is it the strengthening of long-range attacks?" Speaking of features, long-range strikes came to mind.In terms of rank, humans and demons are still somewhat similar, and the god level corresponds to the fort level in demons.After entering the divine grace level, no matter what kind of patron saint it is, it will be strengthened with long-range strike capabilities.Even the patron saint who was originally a melee type will get a certain degree of long-range attack means accordingly.

"That's right, that's it. In today's competition, he had never used this kind of special ability of the divine grace level. The previous hundred-step punch is probably just an ordinary move skill. The enhancement of the divine grace level cannot be just like that That's all. I think that if he goes all out, my attack may not be able to get close to him at all. Now that I think about it, he has only been resisting my attack, and has basically never counterattacked. It's just that, it makes me suffer. Not a little hurt."

Slightly frowning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said while recalling the details of the previous battle, the more he thought about it, the more something went wrong. Thinking of Huo Wenwu's expression when he left, I am afraid that he is not only testing his bottom line, but also collecting his own abilities Bar.That guy is not as simple and straightforward as he looks on the surface.

"Face paralyzed meow, are those in the premium class really as strong as Xiaoyuan said?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's analysis, Wen Hui also felt a lot of pressure. I'm afraid it's not a good idea to get the top rankings in the subsequent qualifying rounds. It's that simple.

"Well, very strong, top three, even stronger." After finally wiping off the rice on her face, Chu Miaomiao nodded calmly, but her eyes sparkled with fire.In the last qualifying match, Chu Miaomiao played against one of the top ten, and it was also the top three.From the fact that she is now ranked eleventh, she will lose in the end.

"Very strong, even stronger. Hehe. I am looking forward to tomorrow's qualifying match." I heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Chu Miaomiao's almost identical comments.The fighting spirit in Wen Hui's eyes became stronger and stronger.Tomorrow, we must find a chance to try against the top ten.

"Tomorrow's qualifying match, you have to qualify for the top [-] before you have the opportunity to participate in the real qualifying match. After the official qualifying match, only the top ten will have the opportunity to challenge the members of the premium class." Seeing Wen Hui Having been aroused, Chu Miaomiao began to roughly explain the rules of the qualifying competition that will start tomorrow.

"I see. It seems that the qualifying competition can't be finished in one day." After listening to Chu Miaomiao's explanation of the rules, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui almost knew the so-called qualifying competition. In the qualifying competition, only the final winner is waiting for the challenge.So you have to win the qualifying first before you have the opportunity to challenge the people in the special class.

"Xiaohui, use up the force spring water that uncle gave you at night. You should be promoted enough to the top rank, and you will be more confident about tomorrow's qualifying match." After roughly understanding the situation of the qualifying match, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned to face Wen Hui said.

The strength of the special class is also known, so what about people outside the special class, there are many Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons in the academy.Moreover, different patron saints have various abilities. Maybe there is a special patron saint. After seeing the strength of the special class, Zhuang Xiaoyuan dare not be complacent. It is always good to be more prepared.

"Well, I have completely stabilized in the middle position. After using it, I will definitely be able to break through to the upper position. Madoka must use it too. The lower the level, the better the effect. Maybe you will catch up with me." Nodded , affirming Zhuang Xiaoyuan's suggestion, Wen Hui asked back.

"I will also use it. With my cultivation potential, I am afraid that the absorption efficiency is not as good as yours. It should be impossible to catch up with you, but it is more than enough to upgrade to the middle level. If you upgrade to a higher level, you will get new abilities. I will be more confident about qualifying." Putting down the bowl in his hand, he took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was already full while chatting.There are more and more girl cards in her body, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan still feels that she has many shortcomings.More and stronger characters are needed.So we can only look forward to the next girl born.

 Thanks to the rudder master [Shuangwei] for the reward, I was taken to KTV by my sister to see the world at night, only to find out that there is another rudder master in this book, so excited and excited.Thank you for your support, thank you.So add a new chapter immediately.Many thanks.

  In addition, I am also very grateful to everyone for their continuous rewards and subscriptions this week. As an old saying goes, your support has always been my motivation.Thanks.

  Finally, I wish you all a Merry Christmas~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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