Chapter 157 Qualifying Competition Officially Begins

"Obviously I've been in a good mood recently, why did this kind of thing pop up." Looking at the black card that had been fixed in the nebula lair, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt like crying.

After living for a while, Zhuang Xiaoyuan almost forgot about her dark side. Besides, she had already defeated her before. She also said that if she was killed, she would fall into a deep sleep for a while, but she didn't expect to recover so soon.He also snatched a rare blank card from his own hand, which was obviously cultivated by himself.I always feel bad.

But the matter has become a fact, even if you are in a bad mood now, it will not help. Zhuang Xiaoyuan can only comfort herself, even if the dark side is herself, she will not harm herself. She snatched her own card. There must be a use that I don’t know Yes, it might be life-saving at some point, isn't it?

So comforting herself, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the third extra black card in her body.So, the moment he saw the black card, Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to scold her.I always feel like I'm an African compared to my dark side.And she is the real Emperor of Europe, the guy who came to the King of Knights if he wanted to be the King of Knights, and now he is actually a strong and unsolvable card. Do you want to go too far, it must be a cheat.

"Hehe, I've given up the treatment. Africans should just go to sleep obediently." With the mental power withdrawn from his body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan grinned helplessly and crawled into his bed.In fact, the guy on the dark side is the real daughter of the world, and he definitely gave it to him for phone bills.Completely disheartened, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to seek comfort in dreams.

So in the dream, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw with his own eyes a familiar couple who charged their phone bills and received a baby as a present.

The next morning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who woke up early, sat up from the bed and stared blankly for a while.I feel like I had a long nightmare last night.Although I can't remember the specific content of the dream, but I just feel very annoying and very sad.

Shaking her head, patting her cheeks to wake herself up, leaving the depressed mood in the dream behind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned over and got out of bed and began to dress and wash.Although I got up half an hour earlier than usual today, but since I woke up, I don’t plan to go back to sleep. I’m about to start preparing breakfast. What’s good to eat this morning? The tools are complete. Would you like to try making pancakes? Fried dough sticks?Or get some fried buns?How about making glutinous rice cakes?
"Xiaohui, Xiaomiao, let's have breakfast." The time scale came to 07:30. Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was hesitant and didn't know what to make for breakfast, finally made all the breakfasts he wanted to make. It doesn't matter if you make more, anyway, Xiaomiao will be wiped out.Putting the last fried glutinous rice cakes on the table, Zhuang Xiaoyuan yelled in the direction of the bedroom of several people.Xiao Miao should be woken up, if Xiao Hui, well, Xiao Miao will go to call her.

"Good morning, Xiaoyuan." Not long after Zhuang Xiaoyuan shouted, Wen Hui appeared in the kitchen fully dressed.Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up out of the window reflexively.

"Xiaoyuan, what are you looking at?" He tilted his head in doubt, and followed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's line of sight. The sky outside was a thousand miles away, and there was nothing.

"I'm looking to see if the sun is coming out from the west. Good morning, Xiaoyuan." Chu Miaomiao's voice came from behind, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Chu Miaomiao, who was wearing blue pajamas, answered Wen Hui The question went into the kitchen.

"How is it possible, it's not like what the paralyzed meow said, right, Xiaoyuan." Although she was a bit snoozy, but she wouldn't have anything to do with the sun if she woke up early, Wen Hui turned her gaze to Zhuang Xiaoyuan for proof.

"Don't worry." Smiling and nodding to Wen Hui, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued, "Today the sun rises from the east."

"..." Wen Hui had nothing to say.

"Just kidding, let's have breakfast. But it's really rare. Why did Xiaohui wake up so early today? I thought I'd let Xiaomiao call you." Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked Wen Hui to come over for breakfast.

"Hmph, today is the day when qualifying starts. I've been looking forward to it since yesterday. I woke up several times in the middle, and the morning came too slowly." With an expression of excitement and anticipation on her face, Wen Hui sat in He opened his mouth and said at his own position.

"Are you a kid going on a spring outing?" After hearing Wen Hui's words, Chu Miaomiao complained without hesitation, completely forgetting that she was very excited and looking forward to the night before the first qualifying match, although she didn't Wen Hui is so serious that it affects her sleep.

"What, Xiaoyuan is also looking forward to it, okay? Look, today's breakfast is extraordinarily rich." Dissatisfied, she stuck out her tongue at Chu Miaomiao, and Wen Hui pointed at the table full of breakfasts and retorted.

"No, I just woke up early because I had a nightmare and couldn't sleep. If I have more time, I will do more." Taking a bite of the pan-fried bun, Zhuang Xiaoyuan denied with her oily lips.

"Don't be embarrassed, Xiaoyuan, isn't it normal to be unable to sleep with anticipation? After all, you will meet all kinds of interesting opponents." Regarding Zhuang Xiaoyuan's denial, Wen Hui directly regarded her as shy, and picked up a piece of watch The crispy and tender glutinous rice cake smiled.

In this way, the breakfast passed while several people complained and chatted with each other. Chu Miaomiao, who ate the most but finished it first, left the restaurant and went back to the room to change clothes. After eating, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui started to clean up. Put all the used dinner plates into the sink, and plan to wait until today's game is over and wash them after returning.

"Okay, let's go." After packing up, several people gathered at the door and began to walk towards the training area of ​​the academy. Today will probably be the busiest day of the month for the academy, and it is also the day with the most complete staff. Everyone is very concerned about the ranking of the academy. Even many talent gods and prop gods who have no fighting power gather here in the training area. They will not participate in the competition. They are here to watch the battle. A rare prosperity for the academy.

Therefore, when the three of Zhuang Xiaoyuan came to the square of the training area, it was already full of people. Most of the students and teachers of the whole school were gathered here, waiting for the start of the qualifying match. Some of them came to watch the battle, most of them They're all here to fight.The teacher is very concerned about the talented and capable students, and the students are also very concerned about the powerful seniors and juniors. In this world, there is a kind of respect for the strong that is slowly beginning to sprout.

The Godly Clothes Academy gathers most of the magic warriors of human beings, so the strong existence among the students may become the backbone of human beings to resist demons in the future, and it is normal for everyone to pay attention to them.

"Boom" is accompanied by the sound of bells that began to echo in the square.The monthly qualifying competition has finally officially started.

(End of this chapter)

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