Chapter 158 The Snow Field of Melee

"Everyone, queue up to enter the portal in order, and you will be randomly teleported into the small world later. Everyone has experienced it, so I don't need to say more. Let's go in." Beside the huge portal in the center of the square in the training area, a The teacher's voice spread throughout the square, it should be the effect of some kind of magical costume or combat skill.

As the teacher's voice fell, the central portal of the square was activated, and a light blue halo appeared, and the crowd in the square began to move forward.One after another, the students participating in the battle entered the portal one after another, and the crowd gradually shrank.When the three of Zhuang Xiaoyuan were finally lined up, the crowd in the square had decreased by nearly half.

"Xiaoyuan, idiot Hui, pay attention to safety." In front of the portal, Chu Miaomiao nodded to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui and walked to the other side of the portal. She was ranked eleventh and didn't need to participate in the first scuffle.

Although there is basically no danger in the qualifying competition, the small world of the competition is a world transformed by the head of the space god himself. As long as he suffers a certain degree of damage or admits defeat, he will be automatically teleported out.But Chu Miaomiao still said a word of concern.

"En. Xiaohui, let's go in." Nodding to Chu Miaomiao, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui looked at each other and smiled, and took the lead into the area of ​​the portal.The moment Zhuang Xiaoyuan entered the portal, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the scenery changed. The original training area square was replaced by another scenery.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up, what he saw was a boundless snow field, with tiny snowflakes falling in the sky. Is this qualifying match a snow battle?

I heard from Chu Miaomiao before that the first scuffle battle took place in a different place each time. Sometimes it was a desert, sometimes it was a forest, and of course there were scenes like swamps and snow.There is no doubt that this time it is snow.

Looking at the boundless snowfield around him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan tightened his clothes. Fortunately, it was winter outside, and the clothes he wore were considered warm, not short-sleeved to enter here in summer.

Although the current clothes in the cold snow field are not enough to keep out the cold, but the conditions are the same for everyone except the ice attribute patron saint.At most, when it is really unbearable, use Yoshino's ability.Right now, the main thing is to preserve the divine power, let's understand the specific situation first.

Having made up her mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked around and couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north at all, so she could only find a random direction and walk first.Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to leave in the chosen direction, there was a vague space distortion not far from her, and a figure appeared.

This is the person behind teleporting in, winning the grand prize. It is said that the chance of teleporting to the same place since the start of the qualifying competition is very small, but this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan happened to meet him, so he entered first, and this person came later. entered.

Seeing the moment when the space was distorted, Zhuang Xiaoyuan immediately started to rush to that position. When the figure appeared on this snow field, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was already less than half a meter away from this person.

"You..." As soon as the figure came out of the teleportation, when he opened his eyes, he saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan approaching his face quickly, and his whole body was terrified.It's too late to reflect.Zhuang Xiaoyuan was already close to him, reaching out and slashing at his neck.

Pat, the figure fell to the ground: "It hurts."

"Hey, I didn't faint. Do it again." Zhuang Xiaoyuan hit him on the neck with a knife, and the figure fell directly into the snow, but there was no sign of fainting at all, and instead he screamed in pain.

"Wait, wait a minute. I admit defeat, I admit defeat." Touching his aching neck, he looked up to see Zhuang Xiaoyuan's knife in his hand as if he wanted to continue chopping. The figure waved his hand in a panic and shouted to admit defeat.As soon as the voice fell, a faint light enveloped the figure, and it seemed that after shouting to admit defeat, he would be directly judged as a failure.

"It's really unlucky, every time it appears where there are people. The god of luck, what kind of patron saint, it will only bring bad luck to yourself, why don't you give bad luck to your opponent." After yelling to admit defeat, the figure mourned and complained with.It seems that he was tossed a lot by his patron saint.God of bad luck, there really is such a weird patron saint.

"You are really pitiful." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes couldn't help showing a trace of pity when he saw the figure whose body was glowing and started to transmit. From his words, it was obvious that this happened not once or twice.What an unlucky fellow.

"Don't look at me with pity. If you look at me like this, I will hurt my self-esteem. I'm not pitiful." Amidst my pitiful wailing, the space began to distort.

"Goodbye, unlucky one." Shaking his hand at the figure, Zhuang Xiaoyuan watched him disappear.Well, I know another piece of information. After admitting defeat, it is not sent out instantly, but will stay for a few seconds. I don’t know if it will be counted as admitting defeat if it attacks another person again during the stay of a few seconds. , um, if there is a chance, people can give it a try.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to walk in the direction just now.There are plains covered with snow on all sides, and you can only walk casually. There are no maps or life detectors.I don't know how this melee will play out.No one can be found, how can we reduce the number of people here to only 900 people.Without knowing the specific situation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to move forward in the direction she had chosen before.

Wandering in a white snowy field, Zhuang Xiaoyuan in black clothes is particularly eye-catching, but he has been walking for half an hour, but he still hasn't met anyone, and he hasn't been attacked. Being teleported in a particularly remote area by yourself?
Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan was still doubting how to proceed in such a big map where no one could find anyone, a clear voice came from the sky, who could not tell whether it was a man or a woman. Announcement.

"The transfer of all personnel is completed, the countdown is over for 10 minutes, and the first round of qualifying officially begins."

So now is the beginning?The unlucky guy before that... was really an unlucky guy, it was over before it officially started, that guy must have passed out crying in the toilet.

The sound of the announcement had just ended. Above Xue Yuan’s head, the originally dark sky gave off a faint halo. A square map floated in the sky. This is a virtual transparent map. Even the nearby ups and downs are not marked, as if it is a transparent white paper, but on this map, the red dots are very eye-catching.

(End of this chapter)

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