Chapter 159 The red dots gathered together
"This is a map? The red dots... could they be people?! It really looks like a lot." Looking up, he noticed the changes above his head. In the transparent square area, there were densely packed small red dots, most of which were slowly moving. Moving slowly and watching for a few seconds, Zhuang Xiaoyuan found that these red dots probably belonged to the contestants this time.But it may not be a simple matter to find yourself among the large red dots.

"Kill." Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at the map above her head intently, about two or three meters away from her, in the snow-covered area, a white snowflake suddenly appeared, and a figure jumped out from under the snow. Holding a dim short knife in his hand, he directly stabbed at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Stop." The voice infused with divine power echoed in the snowy field, and following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, the figure who had been rushing towards her stopped in place, and the eyes that were originally full of murderous intent fell into a state of indifference.

As early as when he heard the announcement and the map began to change from the top of his head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan vigilantly borrowed Huang Xiaoyan's sky eye.The map above the head must be studied carefully. This is also the only guide for this melee, but this is also the time when I am most defenseless. If I am attacked by someone, I might just leave the field, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan first uses the sky eye before researching. Scanned around.

Unexpectedly, it was this vigilance that allowed Zhuang Xiaoyuan to avoid a crisis.There is actually a person hidden not far from him. If he continued to move forward before, he would have been suddenly attacked by him.After discovering that person, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't expose him, and just followed his plan and waited for him to do it.He also secretly switched the ability of Tianyan to the voice ability of Lu Xiaomeijiu.

However, I didn't expect that the sneak attack was actually a low-level god who was lower than myself and was demoted. Miku's voice ability directly controlled him: "Your competition is over here, just admit defeat."

The voice with divine power sounded again, and a wave flashed in the eyes of the sneak attacker, and finally he still couldn't break free from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's control and raised his hand to admit defeat.A faint halo began to emanate from him.The world has confirmed his surrender.

"Pa" Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, the controlled attacker froze for a moment, his eyes returned to their original color.But he didn't have the memory of being controlled. Although it was strange why he was standing here, facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was right in front of him, he still directly raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had been prepared for a long time, turned around to avoid the attacker's attack, and took a few steps back to open the distance between the two.Eyes were fixed on the assailant.I saw that the halo on his body gradually strengthened, and did not disappear because of the attack. A few seconds later, under the astonished eyes of the sneak attacker, he was teleported out, and the second one was eliminated.

"Huh, it seems that if you admit defeat, you will definitely fail. You can't use this trick to deceive people. But you can still attack after admitting defeat. You should pay attention to this." Shrugging, he gave up the original plan of false surrender , Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at the sky and began to walk forward.

As she moved forward, a certain red dot in the sky also began to move, but because there were too many red dots, I still couldn't figure out which one it was.Turn left to right, um, get rid of most of the red dots, turn back, turn right to forward, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to circle back and forth on the snow.After more than a dozen verifications, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally confirmed his own red dot.

"Well, I found it. Is it on the edge? Hey, there are a lot of red dots there, just right, go and have a look. If possible, it would be good to eliminate a group of people directly. I want to shorten the time of this melee as much as possible. My supernatural power is not Unlimited." After confirming his position on the map, Zhuang Xiaoyuan found a lot of red dots gathered in a nearby area.Her goal was determined to be the area where the red dots gathered.

After determining the target, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly took out a card from the nebula lair, and she planned to officially join the battle.There are really too many people participating in the qualifying competition. If they just avoid each other, it may take a long time. She doesn't plan to stay in this snowy field and starve all the time: "God's Armament, God's Transformation."

In the dazzling golden light, the little green loli stepped out of it. Since it was a cold area like the snowy field, she was undoubtedly the most suitable to join the battle.Raising her small palm, Zhuang Xiaoyuan slapped the ground vigorously: "Come out, Frozen Puppet."

The huge rabbit puppet got out of the snow, as if feeling the surrounding ice and snow environment, the red light of the frozen puppet's eyes was brighter than usual.Turning over and jumping on the frozen puppet, inserting both hands into the control valve, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly drives the frozen puppet to quickly rush towards the area where the red dots gather.This snowy area is about to become my hunting ground.

"How is it, Cai Qi, is everyone here?" Standing beside a snow-covered pine tree, a young man who looked older asked a young man who came over.In the open space in front of them, many people had already gathered.

"There's still a lot to go. We can only gather two-thirds of the people. The rest are too far away, and I'm afraid we won't be able to make it in a short time. What should we do, Brother Ruan?" Cai Qi walked to Ruan Tang, There was a trace of uneasiness on his face.

"Two-thirds, it's okay, it's enough. Even if we don't all gather, there are enough people here for us to stay until the end. If so many people gather together, no one would dare to attack." Ruan Tang comforted and clapped his hands. Patting Cai Qi on the shoulder, he replied confidently.

"Is it really okay? Even if there are so many people gathered, most of them are just lower gods who just entered school this year." The uneasiness on his face still did not ease. There was always a feeling of uneasiness in my heart.It feels like a big threat is approaching.

"Absolutely no problem. Those monsters from the premium class are not here, and the ten people outside the premium class did not participate in the first scuffle. There are only a few people who need to pay attention to the rest, just pay attention to avoid Just drive them away, even if I can't hide, there's still me, how can I say that I'm one step away from becoming a god-level one." Ruan Tang waved his hand indifferently, not paying attention to Cai Qi's uneasiness at all. He is rather timid in nature.

"Woo, it looks like there are a lot of people, but they didn't fight, what are they planning to do together? Could this be the legendary alliance? Did you make contact in advance?" A small snow hill far from the crowd gathering place Above, Zhuang Xiaoyuan in Yoshino state borrowed Huang Xiaoyan's sky eye ability to observe the situation there.

(End of this chapter)

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