Chapter 166 Please Call Me Queen

"Huh? Maggots, don't talk to me casually, the air will be polluted by you." The provocation on the other side awakened Zhuang Xiaoyuan from the aftertaste, and she frowned displeasedly. The man stopped looking at her, and instead started blowing kisses to the girls watching the match: "See you again, everyone."

"You bastard." Enraged by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ignoring behavior, following the order of the mechanical referee to start the game, the man directly completed his transformation and rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan. What about heavy armor?Instead it looked flimsy.

"Get out of here." The divine power in the mouth surged, turning into a strong sonic shock and gushing out.The sound was so vibrating that the naked eye could see it, and it turned into layers of ripples that were visible to the naked eye and spread towards the man.

"It's useless, your sound waves won't have any effect on me, let me go down." However, facing the impact of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sound waves, the man's face showed joy instead. Madoka's sonic impact.

The shaped sound waves impacted on the man, as if they had been affected by some kind of influence and spread to the surroundings and weakened, and some even bounced back to offset the subsequent impact.Sure enough, he was not aimless in saying that sound waves are invalid.This is well prepared.

"Heh, the ability to make cotton as a patron saint. You think of yourself as sound-absorbing cotton. It's a good idea, but I can only say one thing, it's really stupid." s attack.

I don't know if it's lucky, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who has entered the second round of the three one-on-one knockout matches, only encountered opponents who were lower than her or at the same level.Even if the person in front of him can absorb sound waves, it can be regarded as restraining the ability to lure Xiao Meijiu to a certain extent, but it is a pity, he is only a middle god who is at the same level as Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"What, you bastard, are you bluffing? I won't be fooled. Come down." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, the man's face flashed with vigilance, and then was covered by anger.

I don't know if it was because of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's downplaying attitude, or because of his timidity.The man who quickly approached Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the cotton on his body began to swell, and his whole body seemed to turn into a huge ball of cotton and hit Zhuang Xiaoyuan, intending to knock Zhuang Xiaoyuan off the ring.

"Stop it for me." His eyes widened slightly, and the divine power in his mouth began to surge again, but this time the sound that appeared was different from before. It did not turn into a strong sound wave shock, but a charming sound that seemed to flow into the heart.

With a sudden brake, the cotton ball barely stopped a few meters away from Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Her body trembled slightly, and her eyes flickered with struggle. It was obvious that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice was not as effective for men of the same level as her own, but it was still barely controllable.

"Stop struggling, you won't be able to resist my voice. Get down on the ground and call me Your Lady Queen." With a slightly confident expression on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan commanded imposingly with his hands on his hips.

The look of struggling flashed by, but amidst Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice full of divine power, the man's body lay obediently on the ground, looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and shouted: "My Lady Queen."

"Well, that's right. You can surrender now." Nodding in satisfaction, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around and walked out of the ring, at the same time the charming voice sounded again.Before Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked out of the ring, the man obediently raised his hand to admit defeat.

"The game is over, [-] wins." An electronic voice sounded, confirming Zhuang Xiaoyuan's victory.With a trace of calm on Xiaoyuan's face, she waved to the girls around the ring who excitedly shouted "My Lady Queen", and Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked off the ring.

"Ah, my lord queen." The body regained control, the eyes regained their own spirit, and watched Zhuang Xiaoyuan leave.The eyes of the man who was still lying on the ground showed a trace of enjoyment full of contradictions.Zhuang Xiaoyuan seems to have accidentally developed new attributes in people.Masochistic M attributes?
Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who walked off the ring, did not go to Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao this time.Because of his loss of control, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know how to deal with the two of them when something like that happened. I'm afraid they are similar.So for the time being, be an ostrich.

In itself, this three-match knockout match has no rest time at all. As long as everyone finishes fighting, they will automatically start matching their opponents.The so-called rest time is only the time won by those who ended the battle earlier.

So Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't wait too long, the third and final knockout match finally started.Experienced the previous two knockout rounds.At this time, the remaining participating students have been reduced from nearly a thousand to more than 200.On the contrary, the opponents encountered in the third game will obviously be stronger than the first two games, and those who stay are definitely the elites of the academy.

After the third group arena of the individual knockout round is over, only half of the people will be left, and this half of the people will participate in the third qualifying match. In terms of college rankings, only the top ten in the position grabbing competition will be eligible to challenge the premium class.

As the numbers on the big screen in the center of the square stopped randomly beating, the third battle was finally about to begin.Watching the duel number displayed on the big screen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally showed a smile full of fighting spirit.[-] VS Thirteen.

"Everyone, please enter their respective arenas. The final match of the one-on-one knockout match is about to begin." The voice was still echoing in the square, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already walked onto the third arena where this battle was held.

This ring is obviously larger than the previous ring, and the surrounding area is also more open, and there are more places to watch the battle. This is also a privilege brought by strength.The ten people who are ranked eleven to twenty have their own competition arena, and it is also to let the spectators see their strength more clearly.

After finding the third of the ten largest arenas, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stepped onto the arena step by step. The owner of this arena was already standing quietly in the arena.This is a sassy girl with short ear-length hair.Wearing white casual clothes that are easy to move, he looked seriously at Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was walking onto the ring.

"It's the first time we meet, I'm Zuo Qiuwu. Five Elements Boxing No. 19 generation inheritor. This time, please give me your advice." Zhuang Xiaoyuan just stood still in front of the girl. Hello, introduce yourself.

"I'm Zhuang Xiaoyuan, please give me your advice." Faced with the politeness of the opponent, Zhuang Xiaoyuan would not be rude, saluted slightly, and also reported his name.

 Everyone, Happy New Year's Day~~~~~ The author Jun is here to wish everyone a happy new year~~~Happy New Year~~~
(End of this chapter)

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