Chapter 167 For the Thirteenth Role

Walking into this arena, Zhuang Xiaoyuan discovered that the referees in the ten largest arenas are not electronic machines, but teachers from the academy.You know, the weakest teachers in the Shenzhuang Academy are those at the lower God Blessing level. It seems that the academy attaches great importance to the elite students in the past few years. This qualifying match alone shows a lot of privileges .But this is also a matter of course. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. While enjoying the privileges, these elites in the future will also display their due abilities and shoulder their due responsibilities.

"Beep~ The game begins." After saluting each other and reporting their names, the referee who was waiting on the side blew his whistle.

"Please." Zuo Qiuwu stretched out his left hand and spread it in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Obviously not planning to take the initiative to attack.He directly gave up the initiative to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.I don't know if she is confident in her abilities, or because she is a defensive counterattack type.

"Be careful." Since the other party was so polite, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was not polite.Opening his mouth, the voice containing divine power directly turned into a sonic shock and blasted towards the opposite side.

"Sound waves? Divine power catalyzes the sound to cause the air to vibrate." Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack, Zuo Qiuwu didn't even move, and didn't even make defensive movements, directly exposing his body to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sound waves. middle.

"I declare in advance that all divine power attacks are ineffective against me." The sound wave bombarded Zuo Qiuwu directly, but it did not produce the slightest effect at all, and her clothes didn't even flutter, as if before approaching her It was as if Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sound waves were blocked by something else.Even in the next second, all the sound waves were reflected back to Zhuang Xiaoyuan along the original track.

As for the control of the sound, Meijiu is definitely one of the strongest. The reflected sound waves are dissipated by her before they get close to Zhuang Xiaoyuan in Meijiu's form.Without the impetus of the sound waves, the originally vibrating air quietly calmed down.

"I know even if you don't tell me. I have also learned about the ten strongest people in the premium class other than the ten gods. Divine power reflection. Your patron saint reminds me of someone." Stop the useless sonic attack , Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes were solemn.This kind of reflection ability, even the charming voice can be reflected directly, it really looks like Accelerator.However, I am afraid that the scope of adaptation is not as wide as that of Accelerator.

"Someone? Could it be someone with similar abilities to me?" Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan seriously, under the teaching of his grandfather, Zuo Qiuwu, who has practiced martial arts since childhood, respects every opponent, no matter whether they are strong or weak.So in the academy, Zuo Qiuwu's popularity is still very high, and he is very popular with the cultivators on the training ground.

"Ah, almost. It's also similar to the ability of reflection, but it's not just pure reflection." There was a smile on his face, facing Zuo Qiuwu's magical reflection, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already had a countermeasure.

Known as the top ten people under the gods, the order of ranking has not changed since entering school. Zhuang Xiaoyuan has made corresponding preparations for each of them.For example, the mirror god warrior with reflection ability in front of him.Zhuang Xiaoyuan predicted it, and planned accordingly the transformation character that should be used when facing her.

Indeed, this kind of reflex ability is very strong, it seems that there is no solution, and the divine power reflex, as long as the attack contains divine power, it can't hurt her.Of the two people above her, Chu Miaomiao directly broke the limit of her reflexes by violence, and the one ranked [-]th relied on her long-lasting endurance to forcibly exhaust her divine power.

And Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't have the absolute strength of Chu Miaomiao, nor did he have the ability to fight bravely in the [-]th pick.So in the face of Zuo Qiuwu's reflex ability, the only way Zhuang Xiaoyuan could use was not to attack with divine power, but to rely on pure physical strength to defeat her.

A new card appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands, and with the dazzling golden light, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's form changed again.Light blue and white, a short-sleeved dress like a maid's outfit, lavender waist-length hair similar to Miku Miku, and mechanical bunny ears like an old-fashioned flip phone on top of her head.The half-open eyes revealed a trace of leisure and laziness.Before the golden light dissipated, Zhuang Xiaoyuan jumped out of the golden light with a smile on his face.

All attacks using divine power will be reflected, no matter whether it is a long-range attack or a close-up attack, as long as you bring divine power, you will not be able to cause damage to Zuo Qiuwu.Even Huang Xiaoyan's boxing skills flow more or less with a bit of divine power.Not to mention several other characters, especially the eldest lady, can't be sure if Gungnir's attack is enough to break her reflexes, if not...

Therefore, among all the transforming characters, this is the only one who can target Zuo Qiuwu without revealing his divine power at all.

Although he did not appear as a combat character, but as an auxiliary transformation character, his genius in research was also one of the important reliance for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to form a research team.

However, her combat power is not weak, but terrifyingly strong. Relying on her own research talent, she has strengthened all the cells in her body to the limit, and her body has far surpassed that of ordinary humans.

Different from the divine power usage methods of several other transformed characters, her divine power is completely hidden in every cell of her body.You can't feel the slightest bit of divine power outside the cells.In this state, even if you want to reflect, you can't do it.After all, even the divine power itself cannot be touched.

"Since the divine power will be reflected, then I'll just use pure physical power to defeat you. How about it?" Jumping on the spot, feeling the completely different powerful body at this moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face seemed bored Like a lazy leisurely smile.

"If you can do it, then come." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Zuo Qiuwu's eyes lit up slightly, and he squatted down as if to receive the move.Zuo Qiuwu didn't just rely on the power of the patron saint to secure the position of Thirteen.The Five Elements Fist that she inherited from her grandfather is also one of the important combat powers.

"Oh, where are you looking? I am here." With a kick, a strong force burst out.In an instant, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked past Zuo Qiuwu and circled behind her.

The pupils shrank, and at the speed of the burst just now, she didn't catch Zhuang Xiaoyuan's figure at all.Although surprised by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's speed, Zuo Qiuwu's reaction was not slow. Without turning around, he pushed his right hand with his left hand and attacked behind him. Xiang Zhuang Xiaoyuan: "Thunder travels all worlds."

(End of this chapter)

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