Chapter 168 Combination of Body and Technique
Boom, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right fist collided with Zuo Qiuwu's elbow, making a heavy impact sound.Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a slight numbness in her arm, and the reaction made her take a step back.But Zuo Qiuwu was sent flying directly, twisted at the waist, turned over and landed three or four meters away.

"So fast, so strong." After landing, he took two steps back, feeling the soreness from his elbow, Zuo Qiuwu looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan solemnly.Although it was obvious from the attack just now that it was a pure wild way, without the slightest skill at all, it only relied on its own physical fitness.But it is this physical quality, which is terrifyingly strong, completely beyond the scope of ordinary people.

"That was the Five Elements Fist you mentioned just now, and it actually produced an attack similar to elemental damage. It seems that it is impossible to tell the winner just by relying on the body strengthened by cells." With his right hand, shaking off the numbness of the injury, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still had that kind of silly and defenseless leisurely smile on his face, but finally a trace of interesting emotion appeared in his eyes.After transforming into Shino Zhishu, Zhuang Xiaoyuan always felt that he wanted to find something interesting to do, fighting with people or something, it was kind of boring.

"Fashion travels in the world, water travels in the abyss, Fengshui flows. Everything is impermanent." Taking a deep breath, Zuo Qiuwu began to activate the divine power in her body. Although her patron saint has perfect reflection protection ability but no attack ability, but pure divine power It can also be used to attack. With the mobilization of divine power, Zuo Qiuwu began to use the Five Elements Fist that he had improved by fusing divine power.

Faint water waves covered his body, and an imperceptible breeze wrapped around his feet.Because she is still researching, so far Zuo Qiuwu can only use two kinds of fists at the same time.Faced with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's strong physical ability, she chose the water-like wind that increases defense and moves.

"Are you ready? Then let's continue." With a kick, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly rushed towards Zuo Qiuwu.Every cell in her body is exerting strength. In fact, maybe Shinoyuki is a truly perfect human being. After being strengthened, every cell of her is in a perfect state without any defects.Moreover, this kind of strengthening also increases the lifespan of the cells, and it also obtains the ability to live longer in disguise.

He punched Zuo Qiuwu's body and punched him empty.Inspired by his divine power, he avoided Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack along a wonderful trajectory, and Zuo Qiuwu's Fengxing fist struck out quickly, hitting Zhuang Xiaoyuan's waist and eyes.

The left hand drew a beautiful arc, just to block Zuo Qiuwu's attack, and the right fist struck out quickly, Zuo Qiuwu's abdomen.The heavy right fist seems to be hitting smooth water.The power was scattered, and the power that really acted on Zuo Qiuwu was greatly weakened, but it still pushed her back a step.

"What's the matter, the style has changed. This is boxing?" Zuo Qiuwu was slightly startled by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's counterattack. Originally, he wanted to use Fengxing Shuixingquan to take advantage of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's lack of skills and would only use his physical weakness indiscriminately. , relying on agile and fast serial attacks to avoid her counterattack and suppress her, unexpectedly fighting again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's punches and kicks began to carry the shadow of some kind of boxing.

"Aren't you surprised, I didn't tell you that I don't know boxing skills." With a slight flicker in his eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind came up with various attack skills and various ways to deal with different attacks.This is from Huang Xiaoyan's boxing supernatural power.

Xiao Zhishu didn't learn any fighting skills, only pure physical fitness, but Huang Xiaoyan possessed boxing supernatural powers that surpassed ordinary fighters.Relying on the fairy tale card's ability, borrowing Huang Xiaoyan's boxing supernatural powers and Shinozhishu's physical fitness, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's combat effectiveness has more than doubled.

The battle was still going on, but it was obvious that Zhuang Xiaoyuan gradually gained the upper hand.Although divine power can exert the power of boxing, the gap between Zuo Qiuwu's physical fitness and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's is too obvious, and the more important thing is the consumption of divine power.

Using two kinds of Xingquan at the same time, although it is inseparable from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's fight, but the consumption of divine power is very serious.After all, this kind of boxing that combines divine power has not been completed, and it is still only a semi-finished product. During the battle, a lot of divine power overflows and is wasted.

But Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Transformation Xiao Zhishu is completely opposite, because the divine power is integrated into the cells, and every fraction of divine power is consumed very finely, there is basically no possibility of waste, and the only one that consumes more divine power is the use of fairy tale cards Borrow the consumption of boxing magical powers.But compared to Zuo Qiuwu's consumption, it's really much less.

Boom, the attacks of the two sides collided again.With the reverse thrust of the attack, Zuo Qiuwu retreated far away.She no longer intends to continue this battle, she shook her sore arm, Zuo Qiuwu readily admitted defeat and said: "You won, this time I admit defeat. However, when my Shenli Wuxingquan is completed I hope you can fight me again sometime."

"Yes, I will definitely find a way to deal with your reflexes at that time." Nodding to accept Zuo Qiuwu's future challenges, the interest in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes gradually disappeared, and the leisurely and boring smile appeared again on his face, so boring , is there anything interesting?

By the way, it must be interesting to make a special machine for Xiaomiao and Xiaohui sometime.How should I design it, hmmmm.This should be studied carefully.With the end of the battle, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's thoughts began to diverge.

The third battle is over, which also means that today's qualifying match ends here. According to the rules of qualifying, tomorrow will be the grabbing match and challenge competition.

As the name suggests, the place-grabbing competition is a competition for ranking among the 120 four students who passed the knockout round.According to the past practice, it will be a racing game, and the ranking will be determined according to the speed of customs clearance and the level of the level after the end.

The challenge competition is a melee competition similar to the first one. Within a certain period of time, all eliminated students can participate and compete for the only ten challenge tokens.When the set time is over, the students who have obtained ten challenge tokens can challenge one of the 120 four students with a fixed rank after the position grabbing match. If they win, they will get the ranking of the challenge target.

And on the third day of the qualifying competition, the ten students ranked eleventh to twenty will challenge the top ten special classes.Everyone has a chance to challenge.Students in the premium class have ten chances to be challenged.If you succeed in the challenge, you will get the ranking of the challenge target.And the subsequent rankings all dropped one.For example, if you successfully challenge the ninth place, you will automatically become the ninth place, and the original ninth place will drop one place to become the tenth place, and the tenth place will withdraw from the special class and become the eleventh place.

Of course, members of the premium class who are squeezed out of the top ten will also automatically get a chance to challenge to regain their ranking.

(End of this chapter)

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