Chapter 173 The idea of ​​the mecha driven by divine power

"Okay, I'll collect all the materials first, and there will be plenty of time for you to study later. Now follow me to the conference room, and let me introduce the ultimate goal of this project." The sound of clapping gathered everyone's attention. Zhuang Xiaoyuan put away the last few unsigned materials and took the lead in walking towards the conference room.In the control center before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had memorized the floor plan of No. [-] laboratory.So even if you're a little road-crazy, and without the sun, you can't tell Zhuang Xiaoyuan from the south to the north, and you can easily find the location of the meeting room.

Most of the people here are old people from the scientific research institute, and they are very familiar with routine research meetings.So after entering the meeting room, everyone naturally found a place to sit down.They didn't continue to study the information that they just got that made them full of interest. They all looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan seriously, waiting for her to introduce the research project this time.

"Let's take a look at this. This is a simple model I made with software." After inserting the data storage disk into the computer, a huge light screen appeared on the wall behind. Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's operation, the light screen displayed clearly The model materials made by Xiaoyuan a few days ago.This is a set of small mechs that are very close to the shape of the human body.The height after equipment is even only two-thirds of the old-style mecha today.

"The design purpose of this new set of mechs is to greatly improve the survivability of humans when fighting against demons. For the time being, demons above the chariot level are not mentioned. Our primary goal is to make this new set of mechas capable of fighting at the level of soldiers and generals." The non-destructive crossing was completed in the demons." Several pictures were placed on the light screen. In the pictures, there was a dense wave of demonic beasts. The purpose of entering was a demonic beast, completely covering the earth, and the number even connected to the sky.

Seeing the demon in the photo, these researchers didn't react at all. Although most of them had never actually been on the battlefield, they had seen this kind of photo several times, and it was long past the time to make a fuss.But they were very surprised by the target Zhuang Xiaoyuan mentioned.

He actually wants to rely on the mecha to traverse the amount of demons in the photo, let alone traverse without loss.At present, it is very difficult for human beings to resist even the tide of beasts. Crossing the tide of beasts is completely a fantasy. I am afraid that only those geniuses in the Academy of Divine Clothing can confidently say that they can cross the tide of evil monsters.

"Everyone should think it's very difficult. You probably feel that it's basically impossible to traverse this beast tide without loss. But what I want to say is that if our mecha is really completed, it will be impossible to traverse without loss. It can definitely be done. First, let me introduce some characteristics of this new set of mechs, which are also research problems that we need to break through in the near future.”

The teaching stick in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand tapped the light screen, and the model in the picture was quickly zoomed in and became transparent, revealing her internal power structure: "The first difficulty is about power and energy sources. The power device will use a new type of power, The mobility and flexibility will be greatly improved, and the strength of the energy shield will also be correspondingly enhanced. As for the energy source of this set of mechs, I plan to use the energy-divine power that only the divinely equipped fighters favored by the patron saint will have."

"Divine power? The energy of a divine warrior?"

"Ordinary people can't have divine power, right? How do we use this?"

"Could it be that this set of mechas is for divine warriors?"

"The warrior in divine costume is strong enough, isn't this kind of mecha tasteless?"

All of a sudden, the researchers who had been quietly listening to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's introduction broke out into a commotion, expressing their extreme perplexity at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's plan to use the divine power of the magic warrior as the driving force of the mecha.So far, human beings have never combined technology and divine power.However, research in this area is not without.

"Feng Congwu, do you think it is possible for my idea to come true?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan called out the name of the only researcher who remained silent among the researchers who were discussing a lot.

In fact, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't intend to use divine power as the driving force at first.She simply wanted to reproduce the mecha made by Shinonosuke in this world, but she didn't expect that when she really started to investigate the feasibility of manufacturing this kind of mecha, she found serious problems.In this world, there is no such special material as the core of the IS mecha that Shinonoksusuka used to make.

You must know that the most important part of IS mechs is their core.External equipment and weapons are secondary, and nuclear is the source of IS's possession of all modern weapons.But this world cannot produce nuclei.This was also a small blow to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, but on the contrary, it aroused the research desire in Xiaozhishu's inner transformation state.

After detailed investigation and research, Zhuang Xiaoyuan came to a conclusion.This world has a better alternative to the nuclear power of the IS world, and that is the divine power of the divine warrior.If a piece of divine power can be stored and used in the core of the mecha, the performance of the mecha may surpass those of the third and fourth generation mechas in the world where Shinonosuke is located.

At this time, the person whose name was called by Zhuang Xiaoyuan was the only researcher in this research institute who studied the combination of divine power and technology.Feng Congwu is a senior researcher in the study of divine power machinery, the analysis of divine power principles, and the research of divine power regeneration.

Standing up slowly, Feng Congwu, who had been studying the materials in silence and bowed his head, clicked on the materials in his hand that were different from others, stared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan seriously and said, "It's very feasible. In this file of yours, You have completed the conversion and utilization of the mechanical power to the divine power. Although you have not conducted the final physical experiment, but according to the existing data, the probability of success is very high. If it is confirmed that it is available, I am afraid that you have surpassed me in this research. Yes, but there are still many remaining problems. Although the power unit of this mech can be driven by divine power, how to store it? How to run it to parts other than the power unit, how to recycle the energy for reuse, Obtain divine power replenishment. These are issues that must be resolved.”

"What, a power device driven by divine power." Hearing Feng Congwu's words, Wang Xiaofei on the other side showed a look of shock in his eyes. He lowered his head and began to carefully read the power device information in his hand. He didn't notice it before. There are many seemingly redundant parts, all of which are engraved with strange circuit-like engravings.Is this the key to making the machine be driven by divine power?

Not only Wang Xiaofei, but the rest of the researchers all had surprised expressions on their faces.They are all familiar with Feng Congwu, and they have been studying the unpopular combination of divine power and machinery.It is not recognized by the public, because it has not produced any results in the past few years.However, if we only talk about the understanding of divine power, everyone thinks that he is inferior to him.Because of his years of research, his understanding of the divine power of the warrior in divine costume surpassed everyone else's. Even someone as strong as the head of the academy might not be able to match him theoretically.

(End of this chapter)

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