Chapter 174 The growth of the more wars, the stronger

"As you said, although there is a preliminary power design, the storage and utilization of divine power and the replenishment of divine power are all difficulties that need to be solved later. This is also the purpose of my calling everyone to study together. If the mecha is operated by divine power, the performance of the mecha will be greatly improved in all aspects, and it is not impossible for ordinary people to have a combat power similar to that of a divine warrior."

Zhuang Xiaoyuan drew a huge pancake in front of the researchers, making their eyes glow with fiery light.

If this kind of mech is really researched, and mass-produced and put into battle, the combat effectiveness of human beings can definitely be greatly improved. At that time, they will have greater confidence to resist the invasion of demons.

And everyone here is the designer of this batch of mechs, and they will definitely become well-known celebrities, and their fame and fortune will exceed the results of any previous research.

"Okay, the issue of power is the goal of future research. Now I will continue to explain the characteristics I envisioned for this new set of mechs. In addition to replacing the power source with divine power, in order to maintain long-lasting combat capabilities, weapons must also be upgraded. Work hard, you all know that after the demon breaks the core, the pure divine power will flow out, which can be absorbed by the armored warrior. I plan to develop a function on the weapon that can absorb this divine power. Then, the power source replenishment of the mecha will not be a problem , Supporting war with war is the best embodiment."

After throwing out the surprise of divine power as a driving force, although the weapon's ability to absorb divine power is also amazing, these researchers are no longer surprised. It happens that the absorption ability can also be connected with the power device and used in conjunction.

"In addition, in my vision, the biggest feature of this set of mechs is not the transformation and utilization of divine energy. It's its growth." Click the light screen, the screen switches, and it shifts from the inside of the mecha, Move to his shell armor.

"Growth...I see. No wonder you use energy crystal powder. Is this new type of alloy just to maintain his growth?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Kang Yongnian's eyes lit up. A trace of doubts about the new alloy disappeared in an instant.

"That's right." Nodding to Kang Yongnian, Zhuang Xiaoyuan manipulated the light screen, and saw that the shell armor on it was quickly disassembled into pieces of disassembled steel pieces.

"The material of this set of mecha is not ordinary alloy, but an alloy that has been blended with crystal powder. Using divine power as the power and having the ability to absorb divine power, this mecha will definitely be full of overflow or waste. The energy of the mecha. And this kind of divine energy will be absorbed by the material of the mecha itself, that is, this new type of alloy, to improve its own performance. As the battle time of this mecha continues, the divine power will be strengthened every time. Material. In the end, maybe even the digging level or even the fortress level will not be able to break through the exoskeleton armor of this set of mechs."

Even so, to achieve that level of defense, I'm afraid this mecha will have to fight for at least several hundred years.The divine power and energy it needs to grow might be able to create several god-blessed or even fusion-level god-clothed warriors.However, the goal must of course be set farther away, so as to ignite the flame of fighting spirit in these people's hearts, right?

"In addition, we should try our best to maximize the power and performance design of this set of mechs. Because of the existence of this alloy, we don't need to take into account the endurance limit of the material. As long as certain functional restrictions are added, as the material The growth of the mech, step by step to unlock the restrictions, the performance of this mech can also be improved time after time."

This mecha is completely different from the old mecha currently in use. There are many other characteristics, abilities, and advantages about her.But the most important thing is these few points that Zhuang Xiaoyuan cites.The use of divine power is the most fundamental point of this mecha.

"Leader, let's start arranging the work. I can't wait to make this mech." Wang Xiaofei clenched her fists excitedly, with an eager expression on her face, even though she was already in her 30s and [-]s. She is young, but at this moment she seems to have returned to the joyful and excited girl when she made the first device.

"Well, it seems that you can't wait any longer. I won't say more about the rest, let's discuss it in the future research. Now, the main materials are all given to you, and you can find the subordinate production staff to start Let’s do the actual project research and disband. Ah, yes, if you want the electronic version, you can ask me to copy it.” Nodding, Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced at the excited researchers below with a smile, and nodded. The light screen behind him announced the end of this meeting.

"Team leader, give me a copy."

"I also want."

"The electronic version is more convenient."

Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's order to disband, many researchers gathered around, wanting to copy the electronic version of the materials, and of course they also wanted to copy the simplified model by the way.That is the research goal for a period of time in the future. The form of that model will definitely become the first machine, but it is very valuable for collection.

"Sister Ming, come and make a copy for them, I still have something to do." He beckoned to Lei Zeming who was sitting in the first row and asked her to do the copying work.Zhuang Xiaoyuan stepped off the podium and walked towards the person who was still sitting there.Lei Zeming completely became Zhuang Xiaoyuan's assistant and began to help these enthusiastic researchers copy the materials.

"How, you are probably very confused now." Walking to the middle-aged researcher who was still sitting there, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sat down directly and asked with a smile on his face.

"En." Nodding, the researcher's expression changed from excitement at the beginning to confusion now. At this time, he was completely out of tune with the enthusiastic and excited researchers around him. He sat where he was because he felt that Zhuang Xiaoyuan would come to find him alone. Because his information is completely inconsistent with this set of mechs.

"Specialization in heavy firearms, ammunition design, laser weapon research. Professor Sadahong, you who specialize in heavy firearms and laser weapons should be able to see the power of this set of design drawings." While talking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already Taking the information in his hand, he turned to the weapon sketch on the first page.This is a set of weapons that looks very large.

"Ah, in terms of the performance and power of the weapon, it is definitely the best at present, and the concept of the reconnection gun is very brilliant. Compared with the previous electromagnetic gun design, it is more advanced, not only the energy consumption is greatly reduced, but the power may also be different. It’s Japanese. However, I’m afraid this weapon can’t be equipped on a new type of mecha.” Nodding, he agreed with the power of this new type of weapon in the design drawing.But his doubts were not resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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