Chapter 175 Tactical Walking Attack Aircraft

"Look at this. This is the reloading shell of this Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection gun." With a mysterious smile on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan handed one of the unregistered documents to Sadahong.

"Reload?" He accepted the information Zhuang Xiaoyuan handed over in doubt. The power of this weapon is beyond doubt. Do we need to improve the ammunition?With such doubts in his heart, he opened the information in his hand: "This, this is? Can this be successful?"

When he opened it on the first day of the new year, Sadahong found nothing special, and the shape was similar to ordinary missiles.However, as the data was flipped back, and the specific data settings and ideas were roughly browsed, the expression on Sadahong's face became more and more excited.So what if it doesn't match the new mecha, even if this new weapon can't move, so what, with this matching ammunition, just putting it on the city wall to resist demons will play a huge role.

"The chance of success is very high, because I have tested it a little myself, and the supernatural power's effect on props exists. But the problem that is difficult to solve now is the same as the new mecha, and it is also about storage." In Sadahong's expectant gaze Zhong nodded, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan pointed to the missile in the data and replied.

"Shenli Hurricane Bomb really fits her name. This will definitely become a deadly hurricane for demons." Looking down at the information in his hand, Sadahong's eyes shone with fiery light, and the previous doubts had long been thrown out of the sky up.

But he himself didn't care about the previous doubts, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan still explained to him.It's not for any other reason, but simply to allow this powerful weapon to have its own mobility.Zhuang Xiaoyuan handed him another anonymous document.

"What else? What is this?" Another document was handed over, and Sadahong asked suspiciously as he took it.

"The mobile device of the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection gun." Under Sadahong's puzzled eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said the answer readily.

"Mobile device? This, is this? Another kind of mecha?" Opening this document, what came into view was a tall humanoid mecha, which was different from the previous new mecha, or completely opposite.This mech has no exposure at all, and the whole body is covered with thick armor.And unlike the petite and flexible new mecha, this mecha is very large, even twice the height of the old mecha currently in use.It is a completely different research direction from the new mecha.

"Well, another kind of mecha. I call him a tactical walking attack machine, or a tactical machine for short. Of course, if you want to call him a Gundam, I don't mind. By the way, the new light mecha before, I plan to call it She drives the mecha with divine power. It is referred to as IS mecha." Nodding, Zhuang Xiaoyuan introduced with a strange smile on his face.

But Sadahong didn't care about the meaning of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words at all, although it was strange why the tactical opportunity made him call Gundam, and he didn't know what IS meant.But these are just small details.His main concern is this heavy mecha, um, the significance of the tactical machine to the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection gun.

With this kind of mecha, you can run around with Shiranui, a heavy fire weapon that can wipe out a whole bunch of demons with one shot, and it also has a strong mobility. Just thinking about it makes me excited.

Compared with the flexibility and survivability of the IS mecha, perhaps this tactical machine is very vulnerable to demons, and its relatively clumsy physical ability cannot completely avoid the attacks of demons.It is even more impossible to cross the beast tide, but in terms of killing demons, it is absolutely hundreds of times ahead of the IS mecha.

What Sadahong thought was that the tactical aircraft carried the power and tactical effects of Shiranui.At this moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had foreseen the trend of the future war.

Regardless of the powerful warriors in divine costume.If only ordinary humans equipped these two mechas to fight.Three or four IS mechs are responsible for defense and short-range combat, and under their defense, the tactical machine is responsible for eliminating the demons' vital forces from a long distance.Cooperate near and far to maximize damage.

When it is unable to resist, the IS mecha can cover the retreat of the tactical machine.The more powerful the IS mecha is, the less pressure it has to face low-level demons, and the powerful lethality of the tactical machine can be used to target high-level demons.With this kind of cooperation, unless you encounter a really strong enemy or run out of ammunition, you will definitely be able to protect yourself.

Of course, all of the above are just fantasies for now, and the most important thing at present is to manufacture the mechas and weapons in these assumptions.There are many research problems that need to be solved, and after the research is completed, I am afraid that the production problem still needs to be solved. If the cost is too high or the production is difficult, I want to equip all humans with this kind of mecha... The goal is still very high. ambitious.

After this day, Zhuang Xiaoyuan fell into crazy research work.Room and board have always been in the laboratory, and there is also a special rest room here.After starting the formal research, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own ability was completely overwhelmed. Although he possessed a good knowledge content, the brain of a genius researcher is different from that of an ordinary person, and his way of thinking is also completely different.

If it's just a brief introduction of information or imparting knowledge, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can do it by himself.But when doing specific research, there is no inspiration in my mind at all, so when discussing the IS mecha project with other researchers, Zhuang Xiaoyuan will transform into Shino no Yuki.When studying Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection guns and tactical aircraft with Sadahong and several old-style mech manufacturing masters he recruited later, he will transform into the character who has never appeared in the three sets of cards-Huang Weiyi .

With the frequent use of transformed characters, the surrounding team members have become accustomed to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transformation after experiencing the initial panic and surprise.What you see today is this person, and what you see tomorrow is another person.Although they are all the same person.

Moreover, using the transformation ability for a long time also caused Zhuang Xiaoyuan to continue to consume divine power every day.So some researchers would continue to study all night at night, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan dragged his exhausted body to start cultivating divine power, and by the way he recovered from the exhaustion of his body.

With the consumption and replenishment of divine power, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power is also growing rapidly.Of course, she would leave the research room every few days.Instead of going back to the dormitory of the three of them, they went to the students' training room for divine power training.This is compensation for the suspension of qualifying.In the training room, the speed of divine power cultivation is three to five times faster than outside.

It was also from this day that Zhuang Xiaoyuan never saw Wen Hui again.But Chu Miaomiao occasionally came to help.She will also bring news of Wen Hui.After Zhuang Xiaoyuan moved to the laboratory, Wen Hui hadn't gone back for a long time, and she also devoted herself to frantic study.Most of the time is also on the side of the scientific research institute, but it's just on the other side of the pharmacy research room.

In this way, time quietly passed in the busyness of several people...

(End of this chapter)

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