Chapter 179 The Annual God Creation Celebration
"Ah, it's Xiaohui and Xiaomiao. What am I... vomit." After being dazed for a few seconds, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's blank brain finally started to function, and the previous memories flooded into his mind.When I came back by myself, I didn't see Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao, but I smelled a strange smell, so I found the kitchen, but couldn't wake them up, and then took a bite...

Recalling the previous memories, the taste of that mouthful of food seemed to reappear in his mouth, and for a moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan almost passed out again.But this time, although I didn't faint, I still felt nauseated: "What was that just now? Who made the murderous food."

"Ahem, I originally wanted to surprise you." With a fake cough, Wen Hui smiled awkwardly.It was obvious that the dark dish before was from her handwriting.

"No, your cooking skills were good before, but you could barely eat them. How could you suddenly be so good now?" His eyes widened in surprise. Zhuang Xiaoyuan was not surprised that Wen Hui wanted to surprise herself. , if it was her own words, she might have prepared for it. What surprised her was that Wen Hui's cooking skills had evolved into murderous cooking in just half a month.

"Didn't I learn potions during this time? I started refining potions a few days ago, and the teacher praised me for being talented in controlling the fire. The quality of potions is very good. So I plan to try my skills today. It also makes my face paralyzed. Meow, come try it." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan ask the reason, Wen Hui showed a proud and confident expression on her face, and she seemed to be studying pharmacy very well.

"So, do you treat cooking as medicine?" Thinking of the pot of black and red soup before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan understood what was going on.It's like putting the food as medicine one by one and stewing it for a while.However, what most people stewed can still be eaten, but what Wen Hui made is more poisonous than poison, and it can already kill people.

Recalling the previous fragments, the scene that seemed like a dream and seemed real.That black, long and straight girl must be Yan Moai, definitely Yan Moai, that door must be the gate of hell, and after entering, it must be hell.If you go in, you can't come out. Hey.No wonder there are red flowers on both sides of the strait, a whole piece of flowers on the other side.

"Gululu." A hungry voice came from the abdomen. Following the voice, Chu Miaomiao's reddish face came into view.

Shaking his head, shaking off the smell that was still in his memory, Zhuang Xiaoyuan patted the dust on his body and stood up from the ground: "Xiaohui, as the culprit, I will leave the grocery shopping task to you today. Come back quickly. Meow, let’s make some snacks to cushion our stomachs first, and then come and help me.”

After waving Wen Hui to go shopping for vegetables, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took the apron hanging on the wall and put it on, picked up the scattered pots and pans on the table, and planned to start preparing dinner tonight.It's better to leave the cooking to yourself. Wen Hui must be absolutely forbidden from entering the kitchen in the future.

From the refrigerator, I dug out the fresh milk and the leftover pudding powder Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to make simple lazy pudding.After all, it's almost time for dinner, and now I just eat a little bit to pad my stomach. The efficiency must be fast, and I can't do too cumbersome things.

After adjusting the ratio, pour it into the mold and put it into the cooling box.In a few minutes, the easy pudding is ready.Together with Chu Miaomiao, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to prepare for dinner after tasting a few portions beautifully.There is also a copy specially reserved for Wen Hui in the cooling box. If you do something bad, you will be punished, so only one copy is reserved.

There were still some ingredients left in the refrigerator, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly used the remaining ingredients to start making dinner. Not long after, Wen Hui returned with a full load.With Chu Miaomiao's help, today's dinner was very sumptuous and the table was full again.

"Well, as expected, Xiaoyuan's cooking is the best." The sky was already hazy, and the three of them sat down for dinner again after a long absence.I haven't eaten Zhuang Xiaoyuan's food for more than half a month.Picking up a meatball and putting it in her mouth, Wen Hui had a happy smile on her face.

"Enen." Chu Miaomiao also immersed herself in the sumptuous dinner, nodding in agreement with Wen Hui's words.

"Eat more if it tastes good." Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao praised their cooking skills not once or twice, but every time they heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan, they felt very happy.

"Xiaoyuan, do you have any plans for this celebration?" Chu Miaomiao, who was buried in the delicious food, suddenly thought of something, raised her head and swallowed the food in her mouth, and asked.

"Plan?" There was a puzzled expression on his face, and it seemed that Zhuang Xiaoyuan hadn't fully understood the so-called God Creation Celebration.

In Fengcheng, it was held every year, but it was just a holiday similar to Labor Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. There was nothing special about it. Could it be that the God Creation Celebration in Central City was different from Fengcheng?

"The God Creation Ceremony here is different from that in Fengcheng. If you want to say, the celebration in Central City is the real Creation Ceremony." Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan really didn't know, Chu Miaomiao put down the chopsticks in his hand and began to give the two Explain the process and history of the upcoming celebration in the next few days.

After Chu Miaomiao's explanation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui realized that the creation ceremony here was actually such a grand scene.

The Chuangshen Celebration was originally to commemorate the birth of the first human warrior in divine costume, because the appearance of this warrior allowed mankind to survive the initial crisis.

In the beginning, the Chuangshen Celebration was not a celebration-type program. At that time, it was simply a gathering of human beings who were gradually increasing in divine costumes to exchange experiences and improve each other.

Afterwards, one of the warriors in costumes gathered every year made a suggestion, that is, to create a school for cultivating warriors in costumes, so the Academy of costumes came into being, and the warrior in costumes who made the suggestion It is the mysterious head of the school now.

After the birth of the Shenzhuang Academy, the God Creation Celebration also underwent a huge change, from the original exchange meeting to a competition among the students, and then because of the appearance of the monthly qualifying competition, the Creation God Celebration finally became what it is today. Such a real celebration.

After two changes, the scale of the God Creation Celebration is now very large, not only the students and teachers of the Shenzhuang Academy itself participated, but also covered everyone in the central city.

The three-day Chuangshen Celebration has also become the best opportunity for ordinary people to get in touch with and understand the warriors in divine costumes.Because in these few days, the Shenzhuang Academy will be completely open, allowing the people of the whole city to come and go as they please.

In fact, as early as a week ago, preparations for the God Creation Celebration appeared in many places.And tomorrow will also be the last day of preparations for the Chuangshen Celebration. If you want to apply for a booth and participate in activities, you need to complete the registration before tomorrow's deadline.

Basically, none of the students in the school will miss the only event of the year.Because the proceeds obtained in the God Creation Celebration can be exchanged for prizes in the academy.

(End of this chapter)

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