Chapter 180 Preparations for the Creation Ceremony

The Chuangshen Celebration is divided into three days. Except for the activities that cannot interfere with each other on the first day, there will be fierce competition from the second day onwards.However, compared to the qualifying competition, the competition in the Creation Festival is relatively peaceful.This so-called competition does not rely on force.

"So that's it. It looks like the whole city will be lively starting the day after tomorrow." After listening to Chu Miaomiao's introduction, Wen Hui showed an expression of enlightenment, lowered her head and continued to eat. Compared with the activities that started the day after tomorrow, it was obviously still delicious. The temptation to Wen Hui is even greater.

"Event points are exchanged for prizes. It sounds interesting. Meow, do you remember what the prizes were in previous years?" She nodded her cheek with her index finger. Zhuang Xiaoyuan was very interested in the activities of the God Creation Celebration.However, compared to the event itself, I am more interested in the prizes that need to be redeemed with the points earned from the event.The Academy of Divine Costumes is a place dedicated to cultivating warriors in divine costumes. The so-called prizes should be very helpful in improving their strength.

"The one with the most quantity should be the original force spring water. There is no exchange limit every time, and the demand for points is not high. In addition to the original force spring water, there will also be attribute crystals and skill crystals. As far as I know, so far, among the prizes The most valuable thing that has ever appeared should be the heart of immortality." Seeing that Wen Hui started to eat secretly, Chu Miaomiao also picked up the chopsticks in front of him, and snatched the last meatball that Wen Hui was going to pick up.

"Original force spring water, actually has the heart of immortality? Is it the third one on the fetish list? It is said that if you eat it, you will get immortality. Who was it replaced that time?" Hearing Chu Miaomiao's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan inevitably revealed A little surprised.Unexpectedly, the top three fetishes in the martial arts list would appear in the exchange of rewards in the academy.

After a moment of silence, Chu Miaomiao looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and uttered a name in her puzzled eyes: "The one who got away was... Feng Xiaoxuan."

Hearing this name, Zhuang Xiaoyuan froze for a moment, and that sunny figure appeared in his mind.She had actually tasted the heart of immortality, and she already possessed the body of immortality, but in the end she still... It's hard to imagine how fierce the battle Feng Xiaoxuan participated in back then.Even the immortal body can't stop the final fall.

"Speaking of which, the God Creation Celebration will start after tomorrow, and I don't know if Uncle Feng will be back in time." After recovering, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes flashed with fighting spirit.

My "righteous sister" was the third fetish on the list of fetishes in the God Creation Celebration.The prizes exchanged for the points are all arranged according to the value. With the value of the heart of immortality, the points consumed are absolutely terrifying, but she still exchanged them.So, this time, it's my turn.To get closer to her.

"Don't worry, we will definitely be back. Chu Yan has already said that their task is completed." Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan did not have any strange emotions because of Feng Xiaoxuan, Chu Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to eat with her head down.

"Well, Xiaomiao, Xiaohui. Let's go shopping together tomorrow. I've decided to participate in the God Creation Celebration. Let's form a team. The goal is to be the first." He lowered his head and picked up a fried chicken nugget and put it in his mouth. Zhuang Xiaoyuan said vaguely while chewing.

"No problem." Looking up with a big smile, Wen Hui agreed without hesitation.

"Yeah." Chu Miaomiao didn't even raise her head, while Wen Hui looked up, she snatched the braised pork from her bowl and nodded in agreement.

"Ah, meow with a paralyzed face, you actually snatched my meat." Looking down, she found that the braised pork in her bowl was gone, and when she turned her head, she saw Chu Miaomiao was sending it to her mouth. Wen Hui yelled, and stretched out her chopsticks to grab it .All of a sudden, the 'war' between the two began again.

The next day, the three of them got up early, went to the event registration office to sign up after breakfast.Today is the last day of the registration deadline, and there are not many people who have registered.Those who decided to participate in the event completed the registration early and selected their favorite positions.

Therefore, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others came to sign up, there were not many seats available for them to choose.And most of them are either too remote or too noisy.

Sweeping her eyes carefully on the college's planar map, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally chose the straight passage next to the college's gate, and turned into a location near the corner of the training area square that had been converted into a stage.

It is not far from the square of the training area, and you can barely see the performance on the stage. It is also the only way to go to the stage from the academy, but because it is at a corner, people who come and go will probably stay here, so no one chooses this location.

After the location was confirmed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan already had a good idea of ​​her booth.Since it is a corner location, the flow of people will probably not choose to stay in this location for a long time, so the things sold at the stall must be bought quickly.But also novel and attractive.Thinking of novelty and attractiveness, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already made a decision.

Walking out of the registration point, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to make preparations.Let Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao split up to buy the necessary props and ingredients.And she herself went directly to the research institute.Although his scientific research team is already on vacation, there are still many hard-working children on duty in the scientific research institute, who happen to be Zhuang Xiaoyuan's strong men.

Randomly found a blank piece of paper, and drew all the structures and dimensions of the things he needed. Zhuang Xiaoyuan handed them over to the researchers on duty and asked them to help make them today.

After half a month of research work in the scientific research institute, basically all the researchers here know Zhuang Xiaoyuan.I also know something about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's research results, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's reputation here is not low.So these researchers didn't refuse at all, instead they happily took the blueprints and went to find someone to rush work for Zhuang Xiaoyuan

After arranging the production of the necessary props, Zhuang Xiaoyuan hurried back to the dormitory. At this time, Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui had already returned.They also brought back a lot of ingredients and simple props that Zhuang Xiaoyuan told them to buy.

With the ingredients, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to make the things that will be sold at the God Creation Celebration tomorrow.The first day of the three-day Chuangshen Celebration is dominated by booth sales, and this is also the time for life-supporting talent gods and prop gods to play their specialties.

After applying for registration, everyone got their respective positions. As for the stalls and the things they sell, they need to prepare by themselves.

At 07:30 tomorrow morning, the gate of Shenzhuang Academy will open on time.At that time, the people in the city will be able to enter the Shenzhuang Academy freely.And these people who came in to visit or play were the targets of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and other sign-up stall owners.

All visitors who come in will receive a certain number of special coins, which represent fixed points, and are also the only currency they consume in Shenzhuang Academy.On the first day of the Chuangshen Celebration, the registered students need to sell their own products, or rely on performances to collect ticket rewards to get these points.This is the only way to earn points on the first day.

(End of this chapter)

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