Chapter 181 Four Desserts Ready to Sell

After knowing the rules of the first day of the God Creation Celebration, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already determined the products she wants to sell. There is no doubt that there is only one choice, and that is food.

However, although it is determined that the product sold is food, it is still necessary to determine the type of food.After the registration was completed and the position that belonged to them was obtained, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally decided the type of food to sell based on that position.If you can't stay for a long time and need to be taken away, the best thing is snacks or snacks.

Between snacks and dim sum, Zhuang Xiaoyuan chose dim sum without hesitation.Because to be attractive, you need to have attractive features.Although the aroma of the snacks can also attract people to stay, most of the snacks look ordinary, and the only one who can cook the snacks is yourself, maybe you will be too busy.

As for dim sum, you can make it earlier and sell it on the same day.In addition, many dim sums are very beautiful in appearance, and there is no shortage of attractive fragrances. More importantly, some dim sums are made in a very simple way, which can be made safely by Wen Hui, a murderous chef.Of course, sweet snacks are delicious and very popular with girls, which is also the key point.

All morning, the three of them hid directly in the kitchen of the dormitory.Zhuang Xiaoyuan prepared a total of four desserts.A production method is relatively complicated, but it can be done early and sold directly at the stall.

For the second dessert, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly ignored Wen Hui who was clamoring to learn, and spent the whole morning teaching Chu Miaomiao.This is a very popular dim sum in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's previous life.The basic shape is a hollow ring.According to the icing on the outer layer, it is also divided into different flavors, such as chocolate, strawberry, cantaloupe and so on.

This kind of dessert called donut is relatively simple to make. Because it is fried food, it is difficult to control the oil temperature and the degree of doneness of the dessert.Compared to Wen Hui, Chu Miaomiao's cooking skills are relatively normal, so after a morning of practice, she has been able to successfully make this kind of dessert, although occasionally one will be burnt.

At noon, after eating the donuts made by Chu Miaomiao to fill their stomachs, the machine that made the researchers of the scientific research institute rush to work in the morning was delivered.Now Wen Hui, who had been clamoring for help, finally had a place to use.

This rushed machine is the third dessert that Zhuang Xiaoyuan specially prepared for Wen Hui.The production method is even simpler.As long as you start the machine and pour the powdered sugar into the middle of the machine, there will be countless sugar strands, which can be rolled into a large ball of cotton with the purchased sticks wrapped around the inside of the machine.The third dessert is the sweet food that many children and women like, cotton candy.

After teaching Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui the desserts they were responsible for, Zhuang Xiaoyuan went back to continue her preparations.Boil the sugar cubes, make the dough, and prepare the first dessert.In the middle, Wen Hui, who has learned how to make marshmallows, and Chu Miaomiao, who has mastered donuts, came to help prepare together.So the last day before the God Creation Celebration passed quietly in their preparations.At ten o'clock in the evening, facing a pile of prepared food, the three of them looked at each other and smiled, and went back to sleep.

One night passed, and the time soon came to the next day.Today is the first day of the Chuangshen Celebration, so the three of them got up early to start preparing for the booth.Load all the food prepared in the kitchen and put it in the minivan.Accompanied by the sound of breathing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan drove the pickup truck to his booth.There is still nearly an hour before the official start of the God Creation Celebration, which is enough for them to prepare.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others came to the booth, a small ceiling had already been set up, and there were two long glass booths on the left and right under the ceiling.On the front is a stove with a strange shape, and some cooking tools and food shelves that need to be used are placed in the center of the three sides.

Whether it is the counter or the ceiling here, the researchers of the scientific research institute helped to prepare it.It was because of their help that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was able to stay in the dormitory and prepare food with peace of mind.

"Xiaomiao, Xiaohui. There is still more than half an hour. We have to prepare as soon as possible." Parking the car in the open space reserved behind the booth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan jumped out of the car and walked to the rear compartment, calling Wen Hui who got out of the car together and Chu Miaomiao.

The batch of finished desserts that were made yesterday were put into the glass booth on the right, filling up the empty booth.After completing the filling work of the booth on the right, Wen Hui happily moved down her special machine and placed it in the space between the booth on the right and the front stove.Plug it in and start making marshmallows for the show.

And Chu Miaomiao was not idle, she had already started trying to make the first batch of donuts today.This batch of donuts will be made in various flavors and colors, and will be placed in the booth on the left for people to buy.Of course, all the donuts that are sold will be freshly made hot donuts by Chu Miaomiao.The first batches are placed in showcases entirely as exhibits.

While Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao were busy, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also took down the candies prepared yesterday and put them near the front stove.I checked the time, and it was less than a quarter of an hour before the official start at 07:30.

The stove on the front looks very strange, not an ordinary cooking stove.The flames of this hearth are hidden under the plane, and on the right side of the hearth is a huge iron pot, which is completely embedded in the hearth.On the left is a large marble slab, which is very flat.

The time is coming, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out Nakiri Erina's card to complete the transformation, the dessert prepared this time could not be completed by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own skills. The key shape decoration technology requirements are very high.

After the transformation is complete, turn on the fire and heat it up.The iron pan on the right began to emit heat.Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly took out the candy that was boiled yesterday and threw it in. With the heating of the small fire, the candy gradually melted and turned into a ball of bright yellow sugar liquid.

While the candy was heating up, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out a clean brush, dipped it in cooking oil and brushed it on the marble board.After the sugar cubes were completely melted into sugar liquid, it was time for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to show off his skills.

Picking up the wooden spoon on the side, Zhuang Xiaoyuan scooped up a spoonful from the melted sugar solution, took a wooden stick with his left hand and laid it flat, and began to draw on the marble slab.The dessert prepared by Zhuang Xiaoyuan himself is a candy that tests artistic ability and painting skills.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand holding the wooden spoon moved back and forth smoothly on the marble board, traces of sugar liquid flowing down formed a delicate picture on the marble board, which was a phoenix flying with wings.The phoenix made of bright yellow sugar liquid is as lifelike as if reborn from the ashes. This is the combination of art and cooking - sugar painting.

(End of this chapter)

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