Chapter 182 Novel and interesting sugar painting

"Ding ~ Ding Ding" accompanied by the bell ringing at 07:30.The door of the Shenzhuang Academy slowly opened.The long-awaited crowd slowly rushed towards the door, although the crowd was densely packed.But the order is surprisingly neat.

It is not the first time for people living in the central city to experience the God Creation Festival. Even a few outsiders, under the care of their companions, followed in a long queue in order.

However, not everyone will abide by the rules of order, but those who do not obey and want to jump in line cannot escape the eyes of these 'disciplinary committee members' who stand at the door and hand out coins.

The leader of this group of disciplinary committee members is Shen Tao, a soldier in the divine costume of the God of Order, who is also well-known among the students.All the chaos in front of him disappeared without a trace.Although his training direction of the god of order is not combat-oriented, so his combat effectiveness is average, but he is good at maintaining order, managing discipline, and arranging personnel.

The people beside Shen Tao were not random young men, they were either magic warriors with excellent eyesight or perceptual magic warriors with keen sense of smell and hearing.They not only have to maintain the order of tourists entering the venue, but also check whether there are evil spirits among the tourists who come and go.Of course, this kind of work of theirs will also be settled with reward points after the celebration.

"Mom, can you go in yet?" A mother and daughter stood in the long queue outside the door.Looking at the doorway filled with people, the daughter raised her head to ask the mother beside her with a trace of yearning for the inside of the Shenzhuang Academy.

"You can go in soon. Look, is the door open?" Holding her daughter's little hand, the mother comforted her daughter with a gentle smile, while slowly moving forward with the crowd.

"Well, I don't know if the big brothers and big sisters have prepared delicious food for Niu Niu." She pouted her little mouth, and Niu Niu had a look of reminiscence on her face. Last year, her mother also brought her here. At that time, she ate It was so delicious, I still remember the taste.

"Hehe, does the little pig in our family only remember to eat? There are also beautiful sisters who dance and sing on stage." Hearing her daughter's innocent words, the mother touched her daughter's head, and the smile on her face became softer up.The future will definitely be better. The students in this academy are working hard to practice and study for the future of a child as old as his own daughter.

"Well, there is also a beautiful sister dancing on the stage, but she doesn't look at Niu Niu, and she didn't grab the flowers thrown at her." Thinking of the performance she saw last year, Niu Niu's face flashed with anticipation, but she quickly mumbled. Opened his mouth.She is still brooding about not grabbing the bouquet thrown by her pretty sister last year.

"Niuniu, it's our turn. Let's go in." During the conversation between the mother and daughter, it was soon their turn to enter.After receiving five special coins engraved with the number ten from Shen Tao, his mother led Niu Niu into the gate of Shenzhuang Academy.

"Niuniu, is there anything you want to eat?" Holding her daughter's little hand, the mother and daughter walked along the main road of Shenzhuang Academy, and both sides of the main road were already filled with various stalls.There are not only fried rice cakes and fried noodles, but also some trinkets made by the students themselves, beautiful clothes, and special medicines for treating diseases.

"No~ I'm going to see my beautiful sister first." Because the topic the mother brought up before reminded the daughter of the unwillingness of last year.So today she wants to take the first step to grab the flower ball.First come, first served, this is a girl's naive idea.

At this point in time, the performance should have just begun, not necessarily the performer from last year.Although the mother knew that Niu Niu might be disappointed, she followed Niu Niu's wishes, and the mother and daughter walked towards the training square where the stage was built.If you want to eat, you can buy it when you come back later.

Walking along the main road to the entrance of the training ground, turning around the corner, my mother saw the large stage in the center of the square in the training area.Sure enough, the performance here has already started, but the current performer is not the girl they saw last year.Holding her daughter's little hand, the mother approached the stage.

"Mom, mom. Wait a minute, look quickly. Look over there. That, I want." After walking a few steps, there was a little resistance when she was holding her daughter's hand.The daughter suddenly stopped moving.The daughter's crisp voice came from the ear, and the mother's eyes followed her daughter's fingers to the side.

The purpose of entering is actually a large booth built at the corner.I was so busy looking at the stage before, I didn't notice that there was still a booth at this corner.And the things sold in this stall are very special.

In the booth, three girls with their own characteristics were busy with their work.In their stalls, there are several kinds of products with strange shapes, which look very cute and exquisite.If it weren't for the faint sweetness that came with the wind to confirm that these things were food, people who walked by would probably think that they were some exquisite handicrafts.

Looking from this side, a young girl on the left side of the booth who seemed to be full of energy was stirring in a rumbling machine.After a while, he took out a large ball of cotton-like thing and stuck it on the side of the booth.At this time, four or five balls of cotton of different colors have been crossed there.

On the other hand, the petite and calm girl on the right is frying circle-like food in a frying pan, scooping up one after frying, coating it with sugar and putting it into small boxes.The strongest aroma comes from the right side.

The girl in the middle at the end is even more amazing.From a distance, it was still unclear what she was doing with her head down.I only saw her moving with a wooden spoon in her hand.But when she stopped moving and put down the wooden spoon, what she raised with her left hand turned out to be a huge dragon with a bright yellow composition.Look at the phoenixes, unicorns, tigers and the like stuck in the empty seats beside her.As she got closer, she could still smell a faint candy aroma. She was painting with candy.

After the mother and daughter approached, they could see more clearly.The girl in the middle is indeed painting with sugar, and she thinks the painting looks good when she sees it from a distance.Walking to the front, I feel the exquisiteness of this sugar painting.The phoenix spread its wings as if it was really about to take off, and the tiger also showed a hint of ferocity.Qilin also carried a touch of majesty.

"Big sister, you are amazing. Can you draw me a rabbit?" Looking at the big sister in front of her, she drew a 'big turtle' casually.Niu Niu asked with an expression of excitement mixed with anticipation.

"Okay. Look after Luo." Seeing the girl in front of her being lifted from the ground by her mother, and looking down at the marble slab she was painting on, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled slightly, picked up a wooden spoon and began to sketch.

(End of this chapter)

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