Chapter 183 What is a donut?
With Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand shaking back and forth, the sugar solution dripping from the wooden spoon quickly formed a vivid rabbit on the marble slab.This is a rabbit eating a radish with its head down. The exquisite drawing makes this rabbit look as if it is really eating a radish, lifelike.

"Little sister, the rabbit appeared, here you are." After finishing the last touch, he casually put the wooden spoon back into the iron pot where the sugar liquid was boiled, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and picked up the wooden stick that fixed the sugar painting and handed it to Niu Niu.

"Thank you, sister." Niuniu was hugged by her mother, her eyes were fixed on the rabbit sugar painting in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, she didn't want to leave for a moment, she reached out to take the sugar painting from Zhuang Xiaoyuan, with a bright smile on her face.

"Little sister, do you want cotton candy? It's delicious, it's so soft, look." Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan sold the first dessert of the day.Wen Hui leaned over with a bunch of pink marshmallows in his right hand. While selling them, he lowered his head and took a bite, chewing the soft and melt-in-your-mouth marshmallows with an expression of enjoyment on his face.As expected of me, I actually made such delicious cotton candy.

"Cotton candy? Wow, it's really like cotton." Hearing Wen Hui's words, Niuniu's eyes were drawn from the sugar painting, just in time to see Wen Hui taking a bite out of the cotton candy.The soft marshmallow sank in after Wen Hui took a bite, it was really soft.The sweet smell that comes with the wind, and Wen Hui's expression of enjoyment, seem to be delicious.

"Mom, mom, marshmallow marshmallow." Looking down at the delicate candy painting that looks like a real rabbit in his hand, such a cute rabbit is reluctant to eat it.She looked up at the soft cotton candy in Wen Hui's hand.Niuniu couldn't help turning her head to look at her mother, with a pitiful expression on her face.

"Hehe, ok ok, give us Niu Niu a marshmallow. How much is it?" Seeing Niu Niu holding on to the candy painting, she looked at the expression of the marshmallow.Mom had a funny expression on her face, and took out the special coin she had received at the door before.

"Xiaohui, make the biggest one for this little sister." Wen Hui was pushed, telling her not to just focus on eating for herself, but to make another one.Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied to Niu Niu's mother: "Two yuan for sugar painting, one yuan for cotton candy, three yuan in total. Thank you for your patronage."

"Hey, is it so cheap?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's quotation, Niuniu's mother froze for a moment, took out a coin and handed it over.I was a little surprised at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's price, such an exquisite work only cost three yuan.You must know that everyone received five ten-yuan coins at the door.

"We're making small profits but making quick sales." Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled back at Niuniu's mother's surprise, took the ten-yuan coin, took out seven one-yuan coins and handed them over.Neither marshmallows nor sugar paintings cost much and are easy to make, so after thinking about it, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly set this ultra-low price.But the relative donuts will not be at this price. Of course, the limited desserts prepared in advance are the most expensive.

"Mom, cotton candy is delicious, soft and sweet, try it." After receiving the seven small coins that Zhuang Xiaoyuan found, Niuniu's mother was still slightly surprised by the price.Niuniu in her arms held a candy painting in her left hand, and held an oversized cotton candy to her mouth in her right hand.

"Hmm. It's sweet and delicious." I took a small bite of the marshmallow, and the faint sweetness melted in my mouth, and went straight to my heart, as if it was sweet to the bottom of my heart, but this kind of sweetness did not make people feel bored .One yuan is worth the money, are you sure you won't lose money?
"I said it all, I came here too early, and the wonderful show hasn't started yet. I should have something to eat before I come back." On the side of the road, a young couple was walking back, and the boyfriend He lowered his head and complained to his girlfriend beside him in a low voice.

He didn't eat breakfast and went to the Shenzhuang Academy to eat. He didn't expect his girlfriend to be so impatient to watch the show.He gets up for breakfast at six o'clock every day, and this is the first time he is hungry until almost eight o'clock.

"Okay, isn't it just a small meal, and you won't die of hunger. You see, there are also food stalls here, so eat here." Although it's my fault for being impatient, it's annoying to complain all the time, okay?The girlfriend waved her hand impatiently, and turned to see the booth at the corner.

"Here? Is this food edible?" Looking at his girlfriend's fingers, he happened to see Niuniu's left-hand candy painting and right-hand marshmallow being hugged by her mother.There was a suspicious expression on the boyfriend's face, let's not mention the cotton-like thing, after all, the little girl was eating with her head down, but the one on her left hand was obviously a handicraft, okay?

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, go and have a look first." With interest in her eyes, the girlfriend forced her boyfriend to walk towards the corner booth.

"Boss, what is this? Can you eat it?" Walking to the booth, the couple watched a picture of a fish jumping over a dragon's gate being completed in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands, and his girlfriend asked with excitement in his eyes.

"This is called a sugar painting. It is made with melted sugar liquid. Do you think it can be eaten?" Another customer came. A trace of proudly replied.

"Can you draw anything?" The girlfriend looked very interested, but the boyfriend next to her was a little absent-minded, looking at Chu Miaomiao erratically.The fried thing smells delicious, it looks thick and should be able to fill your stomach.

"What do you want?" There was no direct answer, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan's tone was full of confidence.

"Then, can you draw the two of us?" Pulling the boyfriend next to her, a cunning flashed in the girlfriend's eyes.

She looked up at the young couple carefully, and after three seconds, Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied affirmatively: "Wait." After speaking, she lowered her head and took the wooden spoon to start painting, without looking up at them again.

"What is this thing?" Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan concentrate on painting, don't disturb her.The boyfriend pulled his girlfriend's arm and walked to the right side of the booth.With a hint of hunger in his eyes, he looked at the ring in Chu Miaomiao's frying pan and asked.

"Donuts." Chu Miaomiao glanced at her boyfriend, and lowered her head to turn over a cooked donut.After yesterday afternoon's training, Chu Miaomiao was already very proficient at frying donuts.

"What is a donut?" The boyfriend asked the question as if breaking the casserole.

"Eat." Chu Miaomiao looked up at the lover man with an idiot's eyes, and while answering, took out the cooked donuts on both sides and put them aside, and began to coat the donuts.

"Is it delicious?" Although Chu Miaomiao looked a little embarrassed.But the couple still asked again.

"En." Nodding, and putting the finished donuts in the box, Chu Miaomiao raised her head and asked, "Do you want it?"

(End of this chapter)

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