Chapter 184 It's Becoming Busy
"Give me one." Looking at the two donuts, one black and one red, which have been coated with sugar, in the carton, smelling the fragrance floating in the air, the couple man felt like his saliva was about to flow out up.

"Five yuan a piece, thank you for your patronage." Chu Miaomiao handed a freshly made chocolate-flavored donut and a strawberry-flavored donut to the lover man, and Chu Miaomiao spread out her palms to him with a blank expression.The look of paying quickly.Usually Chu Miaomiao is cold enough, but when facing strangers, I am afraid she is even more cold.But there are people who like this kind of thing.Take this couple for example.

"Here." He handed out a coin, and the couple took the donut and looked at his girlfriend with a strange expression: "In reality, there are really three lolitas, so cute, right?"

"Yeah, I really want to take it home. The other two are also good. The one in the middle looks very queenly, and the one on the other side may be natural." The couple's eyes sparkled in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan. Glance back and forth at the person.

"Come on, let's go to the other side to have a look, but let's try this first, Loli Sanwu made it herself." The couple took out a chocolate-flavored one from the box and handed it to his chocolate-loving girlfriend, and he also took out a strawberry-flavored one.One side walks to the other side of the booth.

"Wow, it's delicious. This sweet taste. It's like taking a chocolate bath. Silky texture, crispy shell, and soft inside." After taking a bite of the chocolate donut, the couple couldn't help but stop Walking away, intoxicated by the smell of donuts.This is a delicious snack that I have never had before.Of course, the boyfriend who stopped at the same time was eating strawberry-flavored donuts together.

Although Chu Miaomiao's craftsmanship has only reached a qualified level, and he can't make the dishes shine, nor can he create the illusion of gourmet food, but this novel dessert and the delicious taste of donuts still make the recipe lack serious, and it is rare to eat Indulge in delicious ordinary people.

"It's delicious. No, I'm going to buy some more." Putting the last piece into the mouth, as the teeth and tongue interweave, the sweet taste blooms again.The couple turned around and wanted to go back and buy some donuts.

"Oh, let's go later. It's already here." Pulling her boyfriend to the other side of the booth, looking at the cotton candy Wen Hui rolled out, the couple asked, "It's soft, like cotton ,what is this called?"

"This is cotton candy. It's soft and delicious." After taking a bite of the cotton candy she rolled out, Wen Hui replied energetically.

"Oh, what a pity, I don't seem to be naturally dumb." Seeing that Wen Hui was full of energy, and she was not as cute as expected, a little disappointment flashed in the eyes of the couple.

"Wow, this looks delicious. What is it?" But after she was lost, she saw the black and white pastries in the booth here, and her eyes shone with surprise.This black is definitely chocolate flavored.She really likes eating chocolate.

"Ale?" Seeing the couple pointing at something on the counter, Wen Hui was taken aback for a moment.I was so busy making marshmallows just now that I completely forgot that there is another kind of dessert here.

"This is mention... mention, what are you talking about. What is Xiaoyuan called mention?" With a trace of confusion on her face, Wen Hui turned her head and asked Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the middle.

"Tiramisu, it's tiramisu. I asked it several times yesterday. Stupid Hui." Zhuang Xiaoyuan was still concentrating on making sugar paintings, and it was Chu Miaomiao on the other side who answered her.

"Don't call me an idiot, you meow face. Who told Xiaoyuan to choose such an unrememberable name?" Wen Hui pouted, completely ignoring the couple in front of her, and turned her head to quarrel with Chu Miaomiao .

"It has nothing to do with the name, it's just that you are an idiot so you can't remember it. Idiot Hui." It was Chu Miaomiao's cold gaze that responded to her.

"It's a surprise, it really is natural." Seeing Wen Hui ignoring herself as a guest, she started arguing with Chu Miaomiao.The couple's attention also shifted from tiramisu to Wen Hui, with an excited expression on her face.

"Because I'm an idiot." The lover man
"Because I'm an idiot."
"It would be even better if it fell flat."

"Falling on the ground, I think the road idiot attribute will be cuter."

"Yeah, it's true. But the relationship between these three people seems a bit complicated." Touching his chin, the lover man looked at the three girls in the booth.His eyes seemed to see another flat world through reality.

"Hey hey hey, maybe the accident of the three-no loli would be an attack. The queen of the three-no-attack is accepted, and the natural attack is also very cute. Hehehehe." The lover girl is also completely caught in her lily fantasy.

"Hey, hello. Do you want to buy it?" Wen Hui, who raised his hand and waved in front of the couple's eyes, and "communicated" with Chu Miaomiao, looked at the couple in self-fantasy and greeted them strangely.

"Oh oh oh. Yes, I want. Give me this, and marshmallows too. Double." Awakened from the fantasy, the couple couldn't help but raised her hand to wipe the saliva from the corner of her mouth.Blushing in embarrassment, he pointed down at the tiramisu in the booth and replied.

"Double? Tiramisu and cotton candy, here you are, a total of 22 yuan, thank you for your patronage." Taking out two pre-packaged tiramisu from the shelf behind him, Wen Hui made two more Marshmallows are handed to the couple.

"Welcome to come next time." Taking the coins they handed over, Wen Hui politely bid farewell to this strange couple.

From Wen Hui's position, back to the center of the booth, at this time Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sugar painting has also been completed.The simple outlines of the couple have fully emerged in this sugar painting.And you can feel the strong sweetness from the sugar painting.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, thank you." After taking the sugar painting from Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the couple showed a happy expression on their faces.This sugar painting seems to be the testimony of the love between the couple.No wonder she was so happy.

After paying the money, the couple looked at each other's sugar paintings, discussed various desserts, turned around and walked towards the stage, they had already bought something to eat, and they didn't plan to go to the main road anymore.

Carefully put away the sugar painting, the two unpacked the tiramisu while eating the soft and sweet cotton candy.Couple girls can't wait to try this 'most expensive' dessert.

Entrance with the first bite of tiramisu.The couple was completely engulfed in a dreamy kingdom of chocolate and cream weaves.This is a fantasy world made of pastries and sweets.

After a long time, when they recovered from the kingdom of desserts, the double portion of tiramisu had been destroyed by both of them.Looking at each other, the couple turned around and walked towards the booth again.One serving is not enough.However, when they came for the second time, there was already a long queue for Zhuang Xiaoyuan's booth.

(End of this chapter)

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