Chapter 185

"Boss, I'm back." In a large booth in the middle of the main road.This place is also very lively, seats are spread out here, full of tourists who come to eat.There are still a lot of people queuing outside the seat.Shouting, a thin figure rushed through the queue and into the work area of ​​the booth.

"Xiao Si, why did you go? We are almost too busy here." Beside the grill, the black-skinned young man who controls the charcoal fire for barbecue - Shi Tan is busy while turning his head to Xu Chun, the youngest of the four brothers. shouted.

"Oh, second brother, don't be so busy talking about me, I brought you a comfort item." Xu Chun waved his hands indifferently and raised the two boxes in his hand while talking.There are four donuts of different flavors in one box, and a triangular piece of tiramisu in the other box.

"Xiao Si, I told you to find the reason why there are fewer people who came to eat with us this year. I didn't ask you to buy some comfort items." The kitchen knife in his hand flickered as if it had a spirituality.Thin slices of fish were sliced ​​out.As the boss, the burly man Hong Tu, while making sashimi, turned his head and began to teach the youngest brother a lesson.

"Oh, boss, I just found a reason to affect our business." Without paying attention to the boss's lesson, Xu Chun casually set up the reserved small table and put the things he bought on the table.

"Is this what you bought the reason that affected the business of the Four Heavenly Kings of the God Creation Celebration?" Amidst the surge of divine power, a pale yellow liquid gathered from the air and poured into the cup. After filling the cup, named Guo Guo, the fat man with a white face who ranked third among the brothers put the cup into the last gap in the neat arrangement, turned around and walked towards the small table set up.

"Third brother still understands me. Am I the kind of person who only cares about eating by himself?" While speaking, Xu Chun had already taken four small plates and divided donuts and tiramis of different flavors into similar volumes. Four servings were placed on four plates.

"Oh? Then I have to taste it." Heipi Charcoal handed the last batch of barbecue to the junior who had been hired to help as a waiter, and turned to the small table by himself.

"Hmph, I'm also here to see what kind of thing is stealing our business." The boss Hongtu also put down the kitchen knife and walked over.

As the four people put donuts of different flavors into their mouths.A trace of surprise, surprise, enjoyment, and aftertaste were shown on the face.

"Not bad, the taste is very special. It's normal to be welcomed, but it's not enough to steal our business." Without going to eat another piece, the boss Hongtu nodded and gave a good evaluation.But he is still very confident about his brother's craftsmanship. If it's only at this level, it's not enough.Charcoal and Guo Guo at the side both nodded in agreement.

"It's delicious, it's delicious." Without the serious evaluation of several brothers, Xu Chun ate all the donuts in one go.After wiping his mouth, he pointed to the tiramisu divided into four parts and said, "I heard from people who have eaten it that this is the best food there. Besides these two things, there is also something called cotton candy .In addition, there is a person who is so good that he is actually drawing with sugar solution, and the painting looks like the real thing."

"Is it the best, I really want to see it." Frowning, Hongtu didn't think it was dirty, and directly picked up the tiramisu and put it in his mouth.In an instant, the surrounding environment changed, and he, a muscular man, actually entered the fairy tale kingdom full of candies and snacks.That sweet taste reminded him of his childhood.It seemed that in an instant, he returned to his childhood, and his heart was full of novel childlike innocence.

"Phew, it's really amazing." Charcoal, who was eating together, came back to his senses from the gourmet fantasy, and let out a long breath. He was convinced in his heart, and he was convinced by this kind of cuisine that reminded people of the original childlike innocence.

"It's really amazing. I'm afraid the person who made this dish is not only a kitchen god, but also a kitchen god. It is comparable to Yue Qingwu's formidable enemy. However, the Creation Festival cannot be won by relying on one-sided talent. We can dominate the Creation Festival The Four Heavenly Kings." There was a flash of admiration in his eyes, but it was quickly hidden.A determined smile appeared on Hong Tu's face, and he looked at his three brothers.

"Hey, isn't it a matter of course. This year's Creation of Gods Celebration, the first place is definitely ours." The youngest Guo Guo showed a confident smile on his face. No matter how delicious the other party made, it was useless. The key is tomorrow.The other two brothers also had natural confidence on their faces.This year they will complete the three-in-a-row championship of the God of Creation Celebration.

Except for this group of brothers who claim to be the Four Heavenly Kings, many contestants from different places are eagerly waiting for the next day.Those waiting include performers on the stage, sellers at the stalls, and raiders who specialize in conquering ad hoc games, etc.

Of course, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others who were targeted by others were also looking forward to the arrival of the next day.

The first day was just appetizers.The real crux came on the second day.Many people who were originally good were knocked out the next day.Many people who were originally at the bottom completed the Jedi counterattack.Everything is on the second day of the Creation Festival.

"Ah, I'm exhausted. It's finally over." As the bell struck five o'clock, the tourists who were still visiting the academy gradually receded.This is the end of the first day of God Creation Celebration.Wen Hui just lay on the small table for rest and didn't want to get up.

"Okay, pack up, let's go back. There's no need to come over tomorrow." Patting Wen Hui on the shoulder, Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to pack up the remaining ingredients and used tools, and cleaned them when he went back at night.A lot of ingredients have been used up, so I will add some more when the time comes.In addition, some things prepared before can be used tomorrow.

The second day of the God Creation Celebration will not be as peaceful as the first day, and it will definitely be too busy to set up stalls.With so much gain on the first day, the queues filled the roads to and fro.Zhuang Xiaoyuan believed that they were definitely being targeted.But this is what she is happy to see, because those people want to get points from her, and it is also an opportunity for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to get points from those people.

After picking up the leftover trash from today, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others drove back to the dormitory.After a simple dinner, several people got busy in the kitchen again.Tomorrow, the three of them will not go to set up a stall again.

But this does not mean that they will give up the profits of the next day's booth.Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already contacted someone who can help.Evening is the time to prepare food for the next day.Of course, because of the change of people, the desserts sold have to be changed accordingly.

(End of this chapter)

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