Chapter 187 The Good Start of the Second Day
"No problem. Let's talk about how you plan to compare the knife skills." Seeing that Hongtu had already walked to the opposite cooking table, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also walked over, stood still at the opposite cooking table and took out Nakiri Erina's card, while Continue to ask the referee.

"Knife duel, their challenge application is to cut radishes. The winner is judged according to the thickness of the radish slices." Flipping through the information in his hand, the referee read out the rules of the competition above.

"Hey, then I'll start first. Let me show you real knife skills." As soon as the referee finished speaking, Hongtu had already started to do it. As he took the carrot, the kitchen knife on his right hand seemed to have a spirituality. Driving his right hand to move quickly, accompanied by the clear and neat sound of cutting boards, neat slices of radish were cut out.

"Wow, as expected of Master Hong who was the winner last year, his radish slices are so neat and the two slices are exactly the same." Seeing Hong Tu's performance, all the audience around showed a look of surprise.

"Every piece is the same. This is just the foundation. They are comparing the thickness of the radish. Look at Master Hong's radish slices. You can already see the other side through the radish. This is the real skill." There are also those who are knowledgeable, he introduced with a sense of superiority while being amazed by Hongtu's knife skills.

"How about it, as long as you can cut out the same one as mine, I'll be considered a loser." Hongtu was obviously very confident in his knife skills, after finishing, he picked up a piece of carrot and put it in front of his eyes.

Noticing the surprise in the eyes of Zhuang Xiaoyuan who had completed the transformation during his performance, he quickly restrained himself and said in a victorious tone.The fine beard on Hongtu's face can be clearly seen through the thin white flesh of the radish.Such radish slices can indeed be regarded as the pinnacle of knife skills.No wonder he is so confident.

The fact is also true, his patron saint is the chopper among prop gods.As long as you hold a kitchen knife in your hand, you can display extraordinary cooking knife skills.The master chef who graduated last year was no match for Hongtu if he was only competing in knife skills.So, after Zhuang Xiaoyuan accepted his knife skill challenge, he had already secured his victory.

"Excellent knife skills. But it's a pity." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who watched Hong Tu finish cutting the radish from the beginning to the end, showed no fear at all, but a pity expression on his face.

"It's a pity? What's the pity." I didn't find the expression I wanted on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face, and a sense of uneasiness came to my heart.Hong Tu frowned and glared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan angrily, thinking she was posturing.He didn't believe that there would be a stronger swordsman than him in this world.

"It's a pity that you didn't realize your full potential. Knife skills are not simply cutting things. With such excellent abilities, you actually let the knife lead you to complete the action instead of controlling the knife yourself." Take from the side After passing a white radish, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out the kitchen knife she carried with her. With the appearance of the kitchen knife, the atmosphere around Zhuang Xiaoyuan changed slightly, and a faint pressure enveloped the surroundings, as if a very sacred ceremony was going on at the moment.

"The knife is pulling, controlling the knife? What's the difference? As long as the best effect can be achieved, it doesn't matter if you control it or not." Feeling the aura emanating from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.The uneasiness in Hongtu's heart became more and more intense.

"The best effect is what you did just now? You are still far away." In an instant, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand disappeared, and the audience around couldn't find her right hand no matter how hard they searched, they only saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan's left hand Push the radish to move slowly to the right. As the radish moves, the size of the radish becomes smaller and smaller, but the cut radish is completely invisible on the right side.

"What's going on, the arm and the carrot disappeared?" A man in the audience rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but what he saw was the disappearance of the carrot.

"Could it be some kind of illusion ability that hides the radish? But is it necessary?" Another audience member who knew a little about the Shenzhuang Academy guessed, but overturned this meaningless speculation by himself.

"Okay." The radish in his hand had completely disappeared, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand returned to its original state and appeared in everyone's eyes. He gently retracted the kitchen knife into its sheath, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan picked up a dish on the right side.

"Okay? Where's your radish?" He looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan solemnly. Although he didn't know what kind of trick she was playing, the rapid movement of his right hand just now made it difficult for the eyes to catch up, as if the ability to disappear was enough for him. Be vigilant.

"Isn't it here?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the empty plate in his hand and placed it in front of the referee.

"This, this is, it's so thin, it's almost invisible." The referee's eyes showed shock, and he reached out and took out a slice of radish from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's plate. The slice of radish in his hand cannot be seen, only the occasional reflection of sunlight when the radish is turned, let the surrounding audience know that he is indeed holding something in his hand.

"What? So thin that you can't see it?" Hong Tu was startled when he heard this, and walked directly around the cooking table to the referee and looked down.After approaching, I vaguely saw the sliced ​​radish slices on the plate.The thinness is really hard to find if you don't pay attention to it.

"Phew, I lost." Hong Tu looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, his eyes couldn't hide the shock.To be able to cut radishes like this, just now Yelang's arrogant self really looked like a fool.Compared with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, he felt like a little ant who told an elephant that he could lift him up.

"Let's proceed to the next game." Originally, he planned to say something to Hongtu, let him hold the knife himself, instead of letting the knife control him, but after seeing Hongtu's expression at this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that he had realized it.So, no more nonsense, turn around and plan to start the second fire challenge.

Charcoal, whose skin is much darker than ordinary people, stepped out, and his patron saint is the elemental charcoal fire patron saint.So I have absolute confidence in the heat of the barbecue.Although he was surprised that the elder brother would lose to the little girl on the opposite side.But he still has the confidence to win. After all, Huohou is not a knife skill, and there are skills that can be learned and mastered.

The big brother's loss in this game failed the original goal of increasing points through challenges, and instead lost [-] points, so Shi Tan couldn't lose, he needed to recover the lost [-] points.But some things are not won with confidence.

After a fish-grilled competition limited to no other seasonings.Undoubtedly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's grilled fish won the victory.Zhuang Xiaoyuan earned the second five thousand points.

(End of this chapter)

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