Chapter 188 The Approaching Shadow Under Laughter
"Hmph, human beings are really forgetful creatures. They have reached this point, yet they can still laugh so happily." Among the crowd, a black-haired man in black followed the flow of people into the Shenzhuang Academy.Looking at the lively and extraordinary celebration with smiling faces around.There was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

The god of order and the patron saint of perception at the door didn't see this man's weirdness at all.Among the countless laughing and frolicking crowds, this person seemed a bit different, but there were a lot of people visiting, and basically no one would care about an unusual person among the crowd.Moreover, a comprehensive inspection was arranged at the door.

Passing through the most closely guarded door, for this man in black, the interior of the Shenzhuang Academy can be described as free.After watching a few student knife competitions and tasting the grilled fish that others praised so much, he casually threw away the grilled fish with only one bite. The man in black walked towards the depths of the college.

He has his own purpose, he didn't come here to see these humans laughing happily.Smile, be happy, show joy.Wait a minute when you cry.A faint red light flickered in his eyes, barely suppressing the strong desire to destroy in his heart.The man in black approached his goal step by step.

"How about it, Xiao Miao, Xiao Hui, you all have gained a lot." At noon, the three people who had been separated got together again.Of course, their meeting place is their booth.After saying hello to the two girls who were helping, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others sat around the small table for rest.

"Isn't it natural, but I met a super interesting person who looked fat and ran fast, and I was almost won by him. He actually used carbonic acid jets to propel his body forward, which really shocked me. " Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, Wen Hui beamed and began to talk about the interesting things she encountered.

"So I told you to be careful. If you lose, I won't give you dinner, idiot Hui." A flat voice sounded, and Chu Miaomiao's slightly indifferent gaze swept over him.

"Oh~ I said as if I was very good. I earned [-] points in the morning, so what about you?" He gave Chu Miaomiao a dissatisfied look, and Wen Hui waved the challenge in his hand Machine, with a trace of provocation in his eyes, he opened his mouth and said.

"Hmph, not much, exactly one thousand points more than you." He raised the challenge machine in his hand, and the displayed winning points were exactly [-] points.

"Woo, you bastard."

"Didi." Just as Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao started their daily comparison, the three challengers sounded a notification at the same time.

"This is really..." Looking at the golden challenge book that appeared in the challenge machine, Zhuang Xiaoyuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Life and death stickers. It really is here." Chu Miaomiao looked down and saw the golden challenge book appearing in the challenge machine, and clicked it.

"Wow, the net worth is very rich. You actually bet 12 points to challenge us." Wen Hui, who opened the life and death post a step earlier, shouted with bright eyes.So far, including today's challenge bet and the morning's earnings, the three of Zhuang Xiaoyuan have earned about [-] points.Is there someone who is jealous and wants to gamble once?

"It's actually a stage performance. Huh? Yueqingwu, it's her." Seeing the challenger's name, Chu Miaomiao had a puzzled expression on her face. She didn't know why she wanted to post a life and death post to challenge her group.

"What? Does Xiao Miao know this person?" Hearing that Chu Miaomiao clearly knew this person, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned his head and asked.

"Well, this person is very famous. It is said that he was No.2 in the last Creation God Celebration, and he was almost able to catch up with the four barbecue brothers. The patron saint should be the God of Dance." Nodding, Chu Miaomiao introduced Take a look at this person.

"The second place last year, it sounds like he will be a formidable opponent. But Madoka won't lose to others in stage performances, although I can't handle it in that state." Wen Hui's face Showing a tangled expression.

"Yeah." Thinking of the last time, Chu Miaomiao blushed slightly.She also nodded in agreement with Wen Hui's point of view. For her, the excitement that time was still too great.

"Ahem, speaking of it, we haven't seen what the exchange prizes are this year. I don't know if there will be a fetish like the immortal heart." Coughing awkwardly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan operated the challenge machine to point Changed the topic while opening the exchange form.

"Well, the challenge time is two o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still a lot of time." Nodding, Chu Miaomiao also clicked on the exchange list.

"This, this. There is actually a godhead crystal? Why does this kind of thing still appear in the exchange?" The moment he opened the prize exchange form, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes widened in shock.

What a surprise.Unexpectedly, there is a god in the academy that has the number one collection of gods, which is said to be the crystallization of the godhead that can make magic warriors obtain the second type of patron saint, and can also make ordinary people become magic warriors.But it's true, the fetishes in the fetish list are all things that have appeared before, so it's not surprising to have the crystallization of godhead.It's just that it's so generously placed on the exchange list.

"I didn't expect that she would actually take this thing out. That stinky old witch." Seeing the crystallization of the godhead at the top of the exchange table, Chu Miaomiao curled her lips and directly complained about the old woman who would never grow up.

"In other words, this kind of thing is just for us to see." Seeing the crystal of the godhead on the top, Wen Hui looked at the series of 0 behind the price with black lines.

"Ha, what a joke. No matter how you think about it, it's impossible to get this kind of price." Hearing what the two said, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also noticed the price behind the crystal of the godhead.An integral of one and eight zeros.

You must know that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others earned only [-] points yesterday.This morning, the challenge points and booth revenue were only [-] points.Wanting to get [-] million is completely delusional.I am afraid that the coins issued to tourists are not worth [-] million.

"This kind of thing is completely for showing off. However, after looking at the price above, I found that the ones below are very cheap." Skipping the topmost crystal of the godhead, Wen Hui began to look down, the first The second is the fourth crystallization of divine power on the fetish list.It is only one word away from the crystal of the godhead, but the effect is much worse, and the price is even more different.As long as fifty thousand is enough.

"The crystallization of divine power is not bad. It only costs [-]. If we can win this life-and-death sticker challenge, we can exchange one for each of us. Not only can we increase the level of divine power, but we can also improve the ability of the divine weapon in all aspects." Seeing the crystallization of divine power in the second row, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes also brightened. This is a good thing. Its effect is stronger than that of the original force spring, and it also has an additional boosting ability.

"Then, is this our goal?" Nodding his head, Chu Miaomiao also felt that the crystallization of divine power was a good choice.

"Okay, let's beat Yue Qingwu first." Pushing away the seat and standing up, in order to exchange for the crystal of divine power, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt his fighting spirit was burning.

(End of this chapter)

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