Chapter 189 The Competition of Singing and Dance

"Are you the chocolate milk combination? I like the desserts you made very much. They are delicious." Although they challenged Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others with life and death stickers, Yue Qingwu seems to be a relatively easy person to get along with.

With shawl-length hair and a soft expression, judging from her tone and demeanor, she is a gentle person.However, he would actually use all the points for a life-and-death post. Either he is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, or he is very confident in himself.Now it seems that he is a kind of character who is very gentle in appearance, but might be unexpectedly strong in his heart.

"Please don't call me Chocolate Milk, I'm Zhuang Xiaoyuan, just call me Xiaoyuan." Hearing Yue Qingwu call out the name of the group that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others randomly filled in when they signed up, I always felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay, Madoka. I'm sorry, but I'm graduating next year, so I want to get the first place in this last celebration. It doesn't matter if the three of you participate in the duel together, I will accept it, but on my stage , I won’t let the water go.” Speaking of this challenge, Yue Qingwu gave Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others a sorry look, and soon showed a serious expression of fighting to the death.She is very persistent about being the first this time.

"The last time, huh, but we also have our own goals, so I can only apologize, senior sister. I won't admit defeat either." Zhuang Xiaoyuan lowered his head slightly, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who raised his head, also had serious eyes flashing in his eyes.

If you want to exchange for three divine power crystals, you must win this time. If you lose, you won't even be able to exchange for two.Therefore, although I really want to support my senior sister's last wish, but this is the only thing I can't back down.

"Okay, let's decide the winner. Xiaoyuan, what are you going to perform? Sing, play, or dance like me?" Yue Qingwu also breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, she was also very entangled. It's better to say it out, although she wants to be the first, but she will feel guilty if the school girl gives in.If you get it by strength, at least you can deceive yourself and others with less burden.Although it is not fair to use one's own strengths to challenge what one is not good at.

Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at each other, and at the same time stretched out their hands to hold Zhuang Xiaoyuan's two hands. They gave themselves support, looked up at Yue Qingwu in front of them, and felt that from their hands, the two companions Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied: "Singing is the main thing, and performance is the second. How is the senior sister going to decide the winner?"

"Singing and playing, it's just right. It's my performance time later. Let's perform together. At that time, let the audience vote for their own points. We will determine the winner by the number of reward points we get. "Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer, Yue Qingwu explained the rules of this fate-determining game.

"No problem." Without thinking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan agreed.Perhaps Yueqing Dance Club, which has stable fans, has a certain advantage, and it is even more disadvantageous to play games at her home court.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan has stronger confidence in Yu Xiao Mei Jiu's singing.

"Welcome everyone to watch Li Shuangshuang's wonderful performance. Now it's time for the performance of our dance god Yue Qingwu." After a program ended, the stage host began to broadcast the program list.The moment Yue Qingwu's name was announced, there was a burst of applause from below.

"Xiaoyuan, is it okay? It seems that there are many people who support her." Hearing the continuous applause outside, Wen Hui asked solemnly.It's not that she has no confidence in Zhuang Xiaoyuan, she's just worried that Zhuang Xiaoyuan is nervous.

"No problem. Just wait for me to bring the third crystal of divine power." With a slight smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't have the slightest nervousness on her face. She calmly listened to the voices outside, and took out the card to lure Xiao Meijiu in her hand. .

"Next, we invite our dancing god, Yue Qingwu, and the challenged Zhuang Xiaoyuan." After the applause gathered, the host clearly told all the audience the rules and situation of this challenge, and finally handed over the stage to the two upcoming performers. performers.

"Ding, ding dong~" Before the person appeared, the crisp music came from the background first, and as the music sounded, the clear and thorough singing came out from the background first: "If you dye the monochromatic sky with color , the world began to turn. If I were with you, then I would still be smiling today..."

With the fluttering of her pink sleeves, Yueqing Wu danced to the stage amidst the melody and singing.The singing voice gradually approached, and with a strong sense of presence, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had transformed into Yu Xiaomei Jiu, walked slowly from the backstage.

The singing began to spread to the sky, spreading from the center of the stage to the surroundings.A beautiful and soft dance was staged on the sidelines. Following Yue Qingwu's movements, the eyes attracted by the singing could not help but turn away.

The lyrics are spit out sentence by sentence, and with the turning of the melody, the singing becomes more and more attractive.The audience couldn't help looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was singing again.The dance of Yueqing Wu on the side became more and more graceful, as if her boneless figure showed her own temperament, and attracted the audience's attention back.

With the singing and dancing of the two people standing on both sides of the stage, the audience twisted their heads back and forth, looking from one side to the other.Although the singing and dancing are so harmonious.However, the competition between the two is undercurrent and raging.In this competition, is the singing the accompaniment of the dance, or is the dance the accompaniment of the singing?

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's patron saint is not a chef god at all, but has such a clear and alluring voice.Even if he is a song god, he is not inferior.During the dance, Yueqing Wu felt like lifting a rock and shooting herself in the foot.But if it’s just this ordinary voice, the victory will still belong to me in the end.

Yue Qingwu's dance suddenly changed.The movements are still soft and beautiful, but from this moment on, there is actually a touch of caress, as if she has transformed into a beauty who is all over the country, and the strong charm emanates from her dance, making all the audience attracted to her. .A faint divine power radiates from her at the same time, attracting the attention of the audience.

Noticing the change in the audience, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes froze when he noticed Yueqing Wu's charming dance from the corner of his eyes.Now that you have come up with the means, then I will stop hiding my clumsiness.Divine power poured into the vocal cords, and with the agitation of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power, her singing began to exude seductive colors.The audience who had been attracted by the enchanting dance turned their attention again.

Surprisingly, there is also such a method, slightly widening her eyes, Yue Qingwu's divine power began to increase, and the dance became more and more charming.Following Yue Qingwu's movements, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's surging divine power also began to strengthen.All of a sudden, the divine powers of both sides began to reverberate on the stage.All of a sudden you surpass me, all of a sudden I surpass you, fighting each other and not giving in.

"Boom~" Suddenly, there was a violent roar, directly inserted into the stage, interrupting the battle between Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Yue Qingwu.Behind the stage, there was a burst of black smoke from the explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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