Chapter 190 Prelude to the Chaotic Celebration

"Who dares to destroy the teleportation array?" Not far behind the performance stage is the teleportation gate in the center of the square.The violent explosion sound seemed to come from there.As if in response to the previous explosion, a high-pitched roar came from behind.At the same time, a strong wave of divine power erupted near the portal.

"What's going on? Could it be that the evil gods have mixed in?" The sudden explosion of chaos caused the audience around and the performers in the backstage to panic. Zhuang Xiaoyuan withdrew her surging divine power, stopped singing, and looked at it with a slight frown. to the back.After the strong fluctuation of divine power erupted, a familiar negative energy erupted there again.

"Impossible, this is the central city, and the inspections are the strictest. How could the evil god get in." Yue Qingwu looked in disbelief. For her, the evil god is an existence that only exists in images and rumors.

"Everything has accidents, and this wave of energy is so strong." Feeling that the negative energy erupting from behind the stage directly overwhelmed the previous wave of divine power, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face became serious.

Hearing the panicked shouts in his ears, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked towards the audience below the stage.Probably because they felt something was wrong, the tourists who came to visit all flocked towards the entrance of the training area.Crowding, scrambling, you pushing each other, sometimes people fall down and never get up again.If this continues, there will be a lot of human casualties before knowing the specifics.

"This is not a second, ah~~ Everyone stand still and don't move." The voice infused with divine power came from afar, and in an instant, the originally chaotic scene fell into absolute silence. They all stopped their anxious movements, and their eyes fell into a daze.

"What are you doing, you use divine power to control ordinary people. This is absolutely prohibited by school regulations." Yue Qingwu widened her eyes in shock, she never expected that Zhuang Xiaoyuan would suddenly control ordinary people off the stage.

"Everyone goes out one by one in order, giving way first when encountering women and the elderly." Ignoring the other side, he was completely confused, not sure whether to stop Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Yue Qingwu.Zhuang Xiaoyuan relied on the magical power of voice to give orders to the crowd under his control.

Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's instructions, the crowd under the stage began to surge, slowly but orderly rushing towards the outside.Seeing the crowd leaving neatly in line, Zhuang Xiaoyuan nodded in satisfaction. This is the best way. If the chaos continues, not to mention the evil gods who got in, I'm afraid many people will die under the trampling and chaos of their own people. middle.

"Ahh~" An inhuman roar came from the back of the stage, obviously not a human voice, nor like an ordinary beast.This voice full of negative emotions is definitely the roar of demons.

"Xiaomiao, Xiaohui." After confirming that all the tourists obeyed his order and started queuing to leave, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned to face the direction of the portal and called to his two friends: "How is the situation?"

Accompanied by the gentle breeze, a green Wen Hui descended from the sky and landed in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan: "The situation is not good, the portal was opened, and many demons rushed out from it."

"Xiaoyuan, what should we do?" With a bang, the stage gateposts that collapsed due to the impact of the aftermath of the battle were casually thrown aside.Chu Miaomiao, whose body was covered in light clothing and whose hair was dyed white by divine power, also walked over.

"Let's go there." Without hesitation, he chose the most direct solution, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui flew into the sky together, heading towards the portal.Chu Miaomiao stepped forward, and following her movements, a pair of boots resembling inline wheels appeared on her feet, accompanied by a faint flame, directly pushing her around the stage and rushing to the rear.

"You..." Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the other three rushed towards the scene of the incident without hesitation, a trace of hesitation flashed across Yue Qingwu's face, she stomped her feet, and chased after her.

Flying into the air, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw the scene on the other side of the portal.The originally flat and glossy ground was torn apart by the previous explosion, and the teleportation array laid under the floor was completely destroyed, revealing white lines that had lost their energy support.

However, the portal that was supposed to be closed and only revealed the door frame was actually open. Unlike the previous blue portal, this opened portal flashed a strange black light.

Demons are swarming out from inside.On the front of the demon, the first few teachers who rushed over and the nearby students were working hard to resist the attack of the demon.But because this portal is very large, the number of demons gushing out at one time is really too much, but the few students and teachers can't stop all the demons at all, many demons have already broken through their defense line and started to move towards this side rushed over.

"Xiaohui." The situation is not good, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned his head and called out to Wen Hui who was flying beside him.

"Understood." After getting along for such a long time, the dependence during the previous period was not in vain. Even after being separated for more than half a month, the tacit understanding between Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui remained undiminished.Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't say anything, but Wen Hui already knew what she meant.

"Haha, long time no see, you monsters." A strong hurricane surged up, with fierce wind pressure around him, Wen Hui flew out and hit straight on

Just broke through the defense line formed by teachers and students, and before they had time to run a few meters away from the group of demons: "The hurricane howls."

With Wen Hui's eruption, the surrounding demons were sucked into the emerald green hurricane before they had time to react.The soldier-level demon disintegrated instantly, and the general-level demon only survived for a few seconds.Only those chariot-level ones survived Wen Hui's hurricane, and rushed towards Wen Hui with cuts all over their bodies.

"Chirp, chirp." One, two, three, three consecutive lasers shot from behind, accurately hitting the core spar of the chariot-level demon.Kill them on the way to Wen Hui.Chu Miaomiao, who couldn't keep up with the flying speed, held a laser sniper cannon with both hands and stood several hundred meters away.

"Solo" Wen Hui broke out a hurricane, and Chu Miaomiao killed the fish that slipped through the net. When the two cooperated to eliminate the demons rushing out of the defense line, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was already close to the group of demons rushing out of the portal.When the ability was activated, golden sound pipes broke through the ground and scattered among the demons: "My slaves, block that door for me."

Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave an order.The demons who ran out of the black portal, whether they were soldiers, generals, or even chariots, turned around and rushed back obediently.At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was already downgraded from the upper god, had stronger control over the demons below the chariot level.

As the tide of demons rushed back towards the portal, the originally difficult and chaotic battlefield instantly became clean.There is quite a distance between humans and demons, and as the demons rush back to the portal, this gap is gradually expanding.

(End of this chapter)

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