Chapter 191 The Seven Deadly Sins of Gluttony
Swipe and pull, and with that, the demon retreats.Several students who had fought bravely before sat down on the ground.It's the first time they have come into contact with real demons.The actual combat class with demons is a course that only graduates who are about to graduate from the academy will take.The first time I encountered demons was when they attacked the academy, and I don't know whether to call them unlucky or lucky.

"Oh, it's rare to be able to control these low-level black beasts. There are some interesting things among human beings. I don't know how this kind of patron saint tastes like." With a patter, a black human figure whose whole body seemed to be scorched was thrown away. In the clearing between humans and demons.

Looking in the direction, a black-haired man in black, with bright red eyes shining, is holding a white rhinoceros phantom in his right hand, and is feeding it into his mouth one mouthful at a time.

"Here, this is Teacher Bai Hua. He is actually eating Teacher Bai Hua's white rhinoceros patron saint, you, you, you. You are the God of Destruction." A teacher who had previously resisted the demon swarm disappeared completely. , only panic and fear remained on his face.

"God of Destruction..." His pupils contracted, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart was also filled with shock.It is actually a god of destruction higher than the emperor-level evil god. It is no wonder that he can get into the magic costume academy. After advancing to the god of destruction, the evil god can no longer tell the difference from a human being. He is at the fusion level at the same stage, otherwise he would not be able to detect his real body.

"Hmph, are you the one who ordered these low-ranking black beasts just now? Let me have a taste of you." After eating the last leg of the white rhinoceros patron saint in one bite, the bright red eyes of the god of destruction turned to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, split open Mouth, showing pale and sharp teeth.

The sight of the God of Destruction made Zhuang Xiaoyuan tense her muscles. The huge difference in rank and the strong pressure emanating from the God of Destruction made her feel that it was very difficult for her to even move her fingers. Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui who came to her also showed nervous and decisive emotions.Facing the most powerful enemy in history, although they are just trying to block the traffic with their arms, they don't intend to give up here.

"Greedy God General Zhang Wei, if you are hungry, come and taste my taste, I am afraid this girl won't satisfy your appetite." Gone white light.A figure stood in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Uncle." The figure that appeared in front of him blocked the sight of God of Destruction Zhang Wei from looking over, and also blocked his pressure, so that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and felt the muscle soreness coming from his body at the moment of relaxation.It actually caused muscle soreness in the few people transformed by the gods. The pressure just now was really terrifying.

"You old guy who can only glow is not dead yet. Looking at you, the one I bit you last time seems to have almost recovered. But it's really healed. The scar has forgotten the pain, and you still dare to appear in front of me. Do you think one person can stop me?" The corner of his mouth curled into a hint of sarcasm, and he looked at Feng Guohua with contempt.

"Ahem, he really can't stop you, but add me." Accompanied by a slight cough, an old man with white hair came step by step from a distance while holding a cane.Obviously it seems to be moving very slowly.But within two steps, he had crossed hundreds of meters and appeared beside Feng Guohua.

"Earth God Shen Hao. I didn't expect that she didn't take you there. Could it be Huo Qinglong who went this time?" Seeing the old man who appeared here in just a few steps, God of Destruction Zhang Wei's expression changed slightly.There seems to be a little accident in this plan.

"That's right, I'm afraid they have already met. The head of the school and Huo Wushen work together, even the bloody hell will not be good for the wrathful god general. Don't you think it's time to go back and help him at this time. The three gods will only If there are two left, you will also have a headache."

With a kind smile on his face, he looked like an ordinary grandpa.However, as one of the two vice presidents of the college, Shen Hao has a good reputation even among the evil gods.Moreover, even though he was talking about persuading him to go back at this time, the mental power locked on Zhang Wei obviously did not want him to leave easily.

"Hmph, I think you should be the ones who should have a headache. This time the secret realm is no small matter. Lilith has also been recalled." Looking at Shen Hao and Feng Guohua opposite, Zhang Wei showed a sinister expression on his face, which had just changed. It was obviously faked on purpose.

"Sure enough, the old man really guessed it right." Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Feng Guohua didn't have the slightest worry on his face, but showed a relieved expression.

"Guess right...Feng Zhongguo, he can still move." This time, Zhang Wei's face really changed.I didn't expect that the serious injuries in the past few years were actually disguised. He really deserves to be the god of wisdom Feng Zhongguo.I'm afraid this time the plan will end in failure again. Even with the strength of Lilith, the Blood Prison, she might not be an opponent against two high-level fusion-levels and one peak-level fusion level.

"If you go back now, you might be able to collect their corpses. But first you have to go back. The power of the earth." With his eyes wide open, Shen Hao's originally thin and old body suddenly swelled up, and the muscles bulged and tore through his coat. In an instant, he transformed from an old man into a strong middle-aged man, kicked off his feet, and rushed directly to Zhang Wei.

"Aurora Shuttle." A white light flashed by, and Feng Guohua had already appeared beside Zhang Wei, his hands condensed the Aurora Blade and slashed at the vital points of his body with fiery energy.

Boom boom boom.With the surging divine power and surging negative energy.The three fight together.The kind of powerful power that seems to open up the world.It's not a battle that other people can easily intervene in.

"Xiaoyuan." Looking away from the battlefield of the three of them, Wen Hui looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan beside him with doubts in his eyes.There's already a fight over there, what shall we do next?
"Find a way to close the portal." Noticing Wen Hui's gaze, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the black portal.Although the controlled demons tried their best to block the entrance and exit, it was obvious that there were more demons on the other side.The demons were squeezed to this side again.

"The control device here has been destroyed. If you want to turn it off, you have to cut off the energy source directly." Chu Miaomiao, who had lowered her head to study the texture under the floor, stood up, and her calm face added a bit of seriousness.Open your mouth and say.

"Where can I cut off the energy source?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked straightforwardly.

"Over there, the dean's office on the top floor of the teaching building. There is a control mechanism on the dean's desk. If you turn it off there, you can directly stop all energy operations in the college." Pointing in the direction of the teaching building, Chu Miaomiao looked up Look at Wen Hui.

"Okay, I'll go. How to turn it off?" He and Chu Miaomiao looked at each other for three seconds.Wen Hui's eyes flickered and he nodded.

"Use this, as long as you are not an idiot, you can understand how to use it when you get there." He took out a necklace from his neck, a bunch of pink heart crystals, and a bunch of silver patterned keys.

(End of this chapter)

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