Chapter 192 Symphony and Divine Light Cannon

"Don't let Xiaoyuan get hurt, and be careful yourself. I'll be back soon." After taking the key handed over by Chu Miaomiao, following the echo of the last sentence, Wen Hui had already rushed across the stage in the green wind, Fly quickly towards the direction of the teaching building.

"Hey, you..." Yue Qingwu, who just ran over from the stage, happened to pass by Wen Hui who turned around and flew away.

"Ahh~" Just as Wen Hui left, there was a tyrannical roar from the portal, and the chariot-level and general-level demons blocking the portal were instantly knocked out, while the largest number of soldier-level demons flew away in a row. He didn't even have the qualifications, and was directly beaten into fly ash.A huge turtle head poked out from the portal, and the Digger finally appeared.

"Get out of the way, you bastards, don't get in the way." Accompanied by a curse, an invisible spiritual energy spread from the top of the digging-level demon's head, and the chariot-level and general-level demons who were knocked into the air just thought If he wanted to go back and continue to block the door, he was crushed into meat paste by this invisible spiritual energy.

"Digger-level demons and emperor-level evil gods, Mr. Wang, let's go." A male teacher guarding the students greeted another teacher beside him.Together, the two rushed towards the earth-digging demon that had just crawled out and the emperor-level evil god on the demon's back.The powerful divine power of God's Blessing level surged from them.

A strong mental attack came directly, and the two teachers clapped each other tacitly, one up and one down apart.One rushed directly to the top of the demon's head, and the sword-shaped divine weapon in his hand slashed at the emperor-level demon, while the other landed on the ground, facing the digging-level demon with the fist-shaped divine weapon in both hands.Boom, a powerful aftermath of energy erupted, causing the students here to retreat far away, and the demons approaching them were directly crushed by the aftermath of the battle emitted by both sides.

"Ahhh~" There was another tyrannical roar of the earth-digging demons. One, two, three, and three earth-digging demons crawled out of the portal.The college teachers who came one after another formed groups of two and cooperated with each other to fight these earth-digging demons.

"Senior sister, your dance seems to have a control ability similar to mine before. Can you control these demons?" All the teachers around began to fight against the digging level demons, but at the same stage, humans are generally slightly weaker than demons.Therefore, even though they cooperated in twos, the teachers barely held back the Digging Demon.And more chariot-level demons and general-level demons rushed out of the portal with the appearance of these digger-level demons.

"No problem, what are you going to do?" Yue Qingwu had noticed the other kind of demons mixed in the group of demons before, and these demons had been blocking the portal. When she heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, she thought of Zhuang Xiaoyuan before. That alluring voice.This is indeed a good way to deal with demons.

"Then, I'll leave these to you, senior sister." Without answering Yue Qingwu's question, and handing over all the demons that came over again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan approached the battlefield between the digging class and the teachers, and at the same time wanted to talk to herself. Chu Miaomiao, who went there together, said, "Little Miao, you stay here and prepare to focus on the Shenguang Cannon."

"Shenguang Cannon...Okay." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words to let him stay, Chu Miaomiao was going to refute, but when Zhuang Xiaoyuan said the term Focusing Shenguang Cannon.Chu Miaomiao hesitated for a moment, noticing the teachers who were already at a disadvantage, finally nodded in agreement.

Smiling at Chu Miaomiao who was looking at her worriedly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan tapped her feet, and she had already flown into the sky.Sensing the aftermath of the god-blessing-level battle that erupted over there, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't intend to continue approaching, and stopped after the battle area entered the coverage of his music.

"Symphony." The huge pipe organ rose from behind, and the keys made of a ray of light surrounded Zhuang Xiaoyuan.When she was ready, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to play a brand new track on her angel.

Although Pojun Singer looks like a pipe organ, the keyboard played by Zhuang Xiaoyuan is also similar to the keys of a piano.But the sound played is not just the sound of the organ, the unique sounds of violin, cello, trumpet, saxophone and countless instruments come from Pojun Diva, as if there is really a whole band playing a symphony on the stage.

Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's performance of the symphony, the teachers who were originally at a disadvantage suddenly broke out with stronger fighting power than before.Teachers who are good at speed are faster, teachers who are good at strength are stronger, and teachers who are born with human shields have stronger bodies.The divine power that was consumed in the face of the digging level demon also began to recover quickly.

This is Zhuang Xiaoyuan's symphony, a comprehensive movement that combines the effects of all previous repertoires.This is the latest movement that just appeared after being advanced to the upper god's downgrade. At this moment, under the threat of demons, the first performance was published in this world.

"Focus on loading the laser cannon." Chu Miaomiao, who stayed where she was, also started her own preparations after Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to play the symphony.An oversized portable laser cannon appeared in her hand.The total length of this laser cannon was almost twice her height, but holding it in her hand was as easy as holding a leaf.

"Replenish with divine power, transform your weapons." Zhuang Xiaoyuan watched the performance in the air with both eyes, but the divine power poured into the laser cannon in his hand without stopping.With the influx of Chu Miaomiao's divine power, the laser cannon began to change into another form.

It seems that the change is not obvious, the water chestnut is still the original water chestnut, but with the continuous infusion of divine power, the sense of technology of this laser cannon is stronger, and the overall momentum has changed.

It may be a bit strange to say that the weapon has momentum, but the laser cannon in Chu Miaomiao's hand really exudes a powerful momentum full of fierceness and courage.During the transformation of the laser cannon, the entire cannon body began to emit a faint fluorescence.And Chu Miaomiao's divine power was also rapidly draining, and her face began to turn pale.Breathing is also a bit heavy.

"The transformation is complete, and the superpower filling is [-]% complete. The target is determined, the crystal nucleus is detected, and the detection is completed. Calibrate, recalibrate, and target locked." Finally, the preparations were completed, and Chu Miaomiao adjusted his movements and aimed at one of the diggers. Super Demon: "Launch."

'Boom' A terrifying white beam shot out from the muzzle of the reconstructed Shenguang Cannon.The strong reaction force pushed Chu Miaomiao back.The legs standing firmly on the ground even left two deep marks on the rocky floor.

The white light beam shot out precisely hit the nearest earth-digging demon, and then directly penetrated through it. After obliterating half of the earth-digging demon's body, it bombarded the third one behind it again. On the body of two earth-digging demons.

(End of this chapter)

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