Chapter 193 The Fortress Level Demon Arrives

After the shot was fired, Chu Miaomiao sat down on the ground directly, and nearly half of the remaining divine power in her body was drained in an instant. At this time, she only felt waves of weakness from inside her body. The body that was originally as light as a leaf The Shenguang cannon seemed to become heavier.

The passionate music came to the ears, and Chu Miaomiao's position was also within the range of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's music.As the colorful notes began to wind around Chu Miaomiao, the divine power in Chu Miaomiao's body began to recover at a very fast speed.According to the current recovery speed, it only takes 1 minute to recover half of the original divine power.

Immediately afterwards, a pure and strong divine energy floated from a distance and merged into Chu Miaomiao's body.This divine power not only supplemented Chu Miaomiao's consumption of divine power, but even increased the level of divine power.Almost, almost can break through to the mid-level divine grace level.

Part of the divine power in her body recovered, and Chu Miaomiao stood up again holding the divine light cannon.While continuing to slowly send divine power into the Shenguang Cannon to stabilize the modified state of the Shenguang Cannon, he looked at the ground-digging battlefield opposite.

There were only two of the original four earth-digging demons left.The one in front was directly crushed by Chu Miaomiao's divine light cannon, and the crystal nuclei in the body were not shattered in the white light beam, and turned into pure energy and flowed into Chu Miaomiao's body.

And the other one behind this burrower was also attacked by the divine light cannon that penetrated the previous demon, but because of the blocking of the previous demon, the effect of Chu Miaomiao's divine light cannon had been weakened a lot, so it was only attacked by the divine light cannon. Just a little trauma.

It should have been like this, but the demon's instinct made the core crystal nucleus in its body emerge due to its own injuries.The teacher who fought against it was also a veteran of fighting all the year round. He seized the momentary opportunity to smash the crystal nucleus of this earth-digging demon, and successfully eliminated the second one.

"Ahh~" The angry howl of the digging level sounded again, and just when the few people secretly breathed a sigh of relief because of the elimination of the two digging levels, a new digging level was about to crawl out from the portal.

"Stupid Hui, it's too slow." Frowning slightly, Chu Miaomiao adjusted the angle, pointed the divine light cannon in the direction of the portal, and waited for the moment when the digging-level demon crawled out to shoot it. smashed.

Buzz~ Just as Chu Miaomiao was waiting, planning to give a head-on blow to the digging-level demon that was about to come out, her feet trembled slightly, and the teleportation gate in the distance twisted.The power source of the portal was successfully cut off.

Chu Miaomiao lowered the Shenguang cannon in his hand. It seemed that Wen Hui had succeeded. Without the basic energy provided by the energy source, this portal could not continue to connect the space coordinates on both sides.Sure enough, as the portal twisted, it began to slowly shrink and disappear.

"Hey~" But Chu Miaomiao was too early to feel relieved. With a click, there was a sound of glass shattering near the half-shrunk black portal. Visible to the naked eye, there was an obvious crack around the portal. space crack.

Kacha boom, as if at the other end of the portal connection, something is crashing into the barrier of space.Each impact deepened the cracks around the portal.Quietly, in the depths of the space rift, a red eye slowly opened, looking towards this side through the space rift.

Facing the scarlet eye in the depths of the space crack, a strong sense of fear surged from the depths of his heart, which was not a feeling that could be controlled artificially.This is the fear that seems to come from the instinct of the body.

Boom, the space finally shattered, but the portal also disappeared almost at the same time.With the disappearance of the portal, the broken space has shifted to a certain extent.The space corridor that was supposed to be broken and cracked near the portal appeared in the warehouse area to the southeast of the central city, which is no longer the inner city of the central city, but a material transfer warehouse at the port outside the city.

"That's..." The feeling of fear occupied Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart in an instant, because she saw something that shouldn't exist in this world.The space corridor was just a broken passage that appeared temporarily, and it disappeared in just a few seconds, but it left something extraordinary in the southeast of the central city.

It was a huge black and red crab, and its huge body completely exceeded the height of the city wall of the central city.The outer city wall of the central city was smashed like tofu when the giant tongs on both sides were swiped.

There is a huge volcano on the back of the crab, and hot magma flows down from the mountain pass, and drops drop by drop on the ground, leaving large and small deep pits that are dissolved and corroded by magma, and the magma turns into magma after cooling. black volcanic rock.

Under the volcano, between the pair of pincers, a scarlet eye is looking at this side, faint energy fluctuations are emitted from the eye, and everyone who sees this eye can't help but feel deep fear from the bottom of their hearts .And this fearful emotion will become the food for the growth of demons.

"Fortress level..." Chu Miaomiao uttered each word from between clenched lips and teeth in a trembling voice.Fortress-level demons are the incarnation of disasters. Although they are just the same as evil gods at the level of destruction gods and human beings at the fusion level, the natural physical advantages of demons completely exceed the destructive power of that level.

If a God of Destruction wants to destroy a city, he still needs to consume a lot of energy, but if a fortress-level demon wants to destroy a city, as long as he walks over and traverses back and forth a few times, the city will be almost destroyed.

"Haha, old guys, it seems that you still can't keep me. The worst decision you made this time is to send most of the high-end combat power to the secret realm, and enjoy the power of the fortress-level black beast." With a series of triumphant ridicules, a black light shot out, flying towards the direction of the fortress-level demon.Two rays of light, one white and one yellow, followed closely behind.

With two bangs, the remaining two digging-level demons that came out of the portal were finally beheaded by the teachers who gathered together, but this could not change the crisis facing mankind. Compared with the fortress-level demons coming from the warehouse area Well, the burrower is just a small reptile that can be trampled to death.

"Xiao Miao. Follow me to get things." After recovering from the fearful gaze of the fortress-level demon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan landed beside Chu Miaomiao.Although the fear had dissipated from her heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice was still trembling.People who have never faced a fortress level may not be able to imagine the fear of swarming, as if to engulf themselves.

If you want to face the fortress level, you need to face your own fear first. If you can't overcome this fear, before you face the fortress level demons, you may have been defeated by your inner fear and have a mental breakdown.

(End of this chapter)

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